Tsunade smacked his tongue and sighed.

"There is no other way, it seems that we can only call Naruto and Sasuke."

Shaking his head helplessly, Yun Che's eyes were fixed, his aura was released, and his powerful aura erupted.

this moment......

The ninja world shakes!

Countless middle-aged and elderly powerhouses who have participated in the Fourth World War, sensed this familiar yet unfamiliar atmosphere, and shook their heads and smiled wryly:

"That man is back again..."

Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, who are raising their children at home and loving with their wives, also sensed this breath.

The two of them froze, put down what they were doing in an instant, and rushed towards the source of the breath.

It's not just them...

Those love debts that Yun Che owed in the world of Naruto but did not take away also came one after another.

A man with an air of grandeur.

The ninja world shook, and the clouds moved in many directions!

"Old...teacher?!" x2

After a while, Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki arrived first, as the only two six-level powerhouses in the ninja world.

Looking at the familiar figure they had met in dreams countless times before them, the two married men instantly burst into tears.

"Yo, Naruto, Sasuke, you've grown up."

Like before, he stepped forward and patted their heads, Yun Che said with a gratified smile.

It's just that this picture, no matter how you look at it, is so strange.

A teenager who looked like he was in his early 20s patted the heads of two middle-aged men like a child...

It's really weird...


Feeling the familiar warmth on their heads, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto couldn't bear it anymore.

He squatted down directly, hugged Yun Che's thigh, and cried bitterly.

It's pitiful to see it, two of the top ninja fighters are hugging other people's thighs and crying. If others see this, the world view will be shattered.

At least for now, the world view of Uchiha Sarana on the side has been shattered.

She never dreamed that her invincible father and invincible uncle Naruto would have such a childlike attitude.

What's more, they didn't expect that the man who claimed to be Teacher Mingzuo, but he didn't trust him, was actually their teacher!

"Okay, okay, they are all big men with children, crying and crying, what do they look like?"

Yun Che shook his head and laughed.

The main reason is that the two of them were okay like this when they were young, but now that they have grown up, they still hug their thighs and cry bitterly.

This amount is strange...

"Why, Erzhuzi, Xiao Mingzi, only saw your teacher Yun Che, but didn't see your teacher Hexi?"

He Xi on the side raised his eyebrows, and smiled with interest.

"Teacher Hexi!"

When Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto heard the words, they immediately wiped away their tears, came to Hexi, bowed deeply, and shouted respectfully.

"Well, I didn't expect that the two little devils from back then have grown up so much, and they even have children."

Nodding his head, Hexi sighed in relief.

As she said that, she subconsciously touched her stomach, and then looked at Yun Che with resentment.

This guy, running around outside all day, even his disciples have children, but he has nothing.


Seeing Hexi looking at him with resentment on his face, as if he had guessed what she was thinking, Yun Che scratched his head in embarrassment.

At the same time, I thought to myself, should I also prepare to have a child?

"Child? Yes, yes, child!"

"Teacher Yun Che, Teacher Hexi, wait a minute, I'll go and bring my child to you to see!"

Uzumaki Naruto smiled excitedly, then let go of his feet in an instant and ran towards the house.

I am going to bring my two dolls to show the two most important people in my life. .

Chapter 301

"Teacher Yun Che, Teacher Hexi, this is my child."

Naruto Uzumaki needs to go home to bring the baby, but Sasuke Uchiha doesn't.

Because his child, Uchiha Sarana, was at the scene, and he just brought him over to recognize each other and it was over.

"Little girl, believe me now, we are the teachers of your father and your uncle Naruto, right?"

Looking at Uchiha Sarana who was hiding behind his father, Yun Che raised his eyebrows and teased with interest.


Shrinking her neck, Uchiha Sarana said softly.

The little girl was terrified now, she was worried that Yun Che would tell Sasuke Uchiha about his rude behavior before.

If this is the case, my father might have to drive a full-body Susanoo, and slap him down, so that he can't tell the difference between east, west, north, and west.

Although this sounds exaggerated, it is definitely not like what a biological father would do to his biological daughter.

But Uchiha Sarana believes that her father, Uchiha Sasuke, will probably do this!

After all, since she can remember, she has heard Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto countless times, talking about Yun Che and Hexi.

What kind of mentor is like a parent, a reinvented person, a turning point in fate, etc. 14...

It seems that in the eyes of both of them, this is the most important person in their lives, not one of them!

"Well, for the sake of being so cute, I'll forgive you."

Touching Uchiha Sarana's head, Yun Che said with a smile.

"Forgive? Forgive what?"

"Teacher Yun Che, did Zuo Liangna do something to make you angry before we came?"

Sasuke Uchiha frowned and asked.

"No, we just saw you as a child from her."

Yun Che shook his head and smiled.

"..." Uchiha Sasuke was a little silent when he heard this.

He didn't realize it at the beginning, but when he grew up, he looked back and suddenly discovered that he was himself when he was a child.

It seems really unpleasant.

It doesn't matter if the strength is poor, the key is not self-knowledge.

It's a miracle that I can live up to now and become one of the pinnacles of the ninja world. It seems that my life is hard. It's really a miracle...

"Teacher, do you want to say that Zuo Liangna is the same as I was when I was a child, unlovable?"

Recalling all the past in childhood, Uchiha Sasuke asked with a wry smile.

"It's not like that."

Yun Che shrugged:

"Although Zuo Liangna's character is very similar to yours when you were a child, it's not completely the same. At least she is sensible, and you are needy. There is still a difference in essence."

Not pleasing is also not pleasing.

But there is still a gap between the two.

Uchiha Sarana is not likable because she is too young, but too sensible. Sometimes, it is really not cute to get.

Uchiha Sasuke, on the other hand, is purely in need of a beating.

It's okay to owe a beating, but I also like to pretend to be aggressive, which makes me even more indebted.

Therefore, there is an essential difference in the unpleasantness between their father and daughter.

"Huh~ That's good..."

Although Yun Che's words felt a bit heart-wrenching, Uchiha Sasuke couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

In short, it's good not to hate Zuo Liangna.

If my own teacher, Yun Che, hates his own daughter, Uchiha Sasuke, who is both a father and a disciple, really doesn't know what to do.

"Teacher Yun Che, Teacher Hexi, I'm back!"

At this time, Naruto was holding a boy in his left hand and a girl in his right hand.

There were two women following behind, and they came back with their families.

"Teacher Yun Che, Teacher Hexi, these are my two children, the elder son Uzumaki Boruto, and the younger daughter Uzumaki Sunflower."

"Also, this is my daughter-in-law, Yumiko Uzumaki, and Sasuke's daughter-in-law, Uchiha Mizuki."

Uzumaki Naruto introduced them one by one with an excited face.

The front was fine, pretty normal, but the last one...

"So... Sasuke's wife, why are you with me?"

Yun Che asked with a strange expression.

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