"How is it possible? Dad opened his eyes when he was seven years old!"

Uchiha Sarana pouted with disbelief.

The difference between opening eyes at the age of seven and opening eyes at the age of 11 is not ordinary.

"Then do you know what happened to your father to open his eyes?"

Yun Che grinned.

"What's the matter?" Yu (promised) Chihasarana was a little curious.

"When he was seven years old, he witnessed his favorite brother kill his parents and slaughtered the entire Uchiha clan."


Uchiha Sarana was stunned when she heard this.

Sharingan, whether it is eye opening or evolution, is linked to intense emotions, she knows this.

She also knew that the Uchiha clan was wiped out that year, and it was still wiped out by her own uncle.

However, she never imagined that her father, who witnessed her uncle killing her parents and massacring the whole family, only opened Shan Gouyu?

This kind of blood feud is so outrageous that he only orders Gouyu?

Well, now, Uchiha Sasuke is somewhat convinced, Yun Che said that Uchiha Sasuke's talent is poor.

"In addition, regardless of the eye-opening time, but the speed of evolution, your father is definitely the slowest!".

Chapter 303

Uchiha Sasuke, opened his eyes at the age of seven with a single hook, at the age of 12 he had double hooks, and at the age of 13 he evolved into a triple twist.

At the age of 16, he opened the kaleidoscope, and at the age of 17, he merged with the eternal kaleidoscope.

In the end, with the power of the Immortal of the Six Paths, the Eye of Reincarnation of Liugouyu was opened.

It took a total of ten years to evolve from seven to seventeen years old.

Perhaps his achievement is the highest, after all, he has awakened the Liugouyu reincarnation eye, but the speed is definitely the slowest!

"Your uncle Uchiha Itachi opened his eyes at the age of eight, and opened the kaleidoscope at the age of 11 and a half."

"Your uncle's friend Uchiha Shisui, it is unclear at what age he opened his eyes, and at what age he evolved into a kaleidoscope. After all, there is no detailed record, but it is definitely earlier than Itachi!"

"And the most infatuated man of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Obito."

"Although he didn't open his eyes until he was about 12 years old, he directly evolved into a kaleidoscope in the same year. This speed is unmatched!"

In one breath, Yun Che revealed the evolution speed of many people's Sharingan.

Take the kaleidoscope as the cap.

Uchiha Sasuke nine years, Uchiha Itachi three and a half years, Uchiha Shisui may only be about two or three years.

Obito Uchiha is the fastest. When he opened his eyes, he opened the kaleidoscope.

As for Uchiha Madara...

In fact, he has nothing to say. After all, the time he lives in is different, and the time to open his eyes and the speed of evolution are naturally different.

You know, the pressure in the Warring States Period was much more terrifying than in the Peaceful Period.

"It turns out that Dad is such a good-for-nothing..."

After listening to Yun Che's overview, Uchiha Sarana pouted in a daze, with a look of surprise on her face.

Although my father is one of the twins who are currently standing at the pinnacle of the ninja world.

But the evolution process of sharing sharing eyes, compared with those mentioned by Yun Che, the gap is not too big.

"Teacher Yun Che..."

Uchiha Sasuke stared at Yun Che with a resentful expression.

You said that it is not good for you to discuss, but you insist on discussing the evolution speed of your Sharingan.

This is a good time, I am afraid that my invincible image in the eyes of my daughter will be completely destroyed.

"Well, don't worry about it, it's not a big deal to let Zuo Liangna know about her father's past."

Ignoring Sasuke Uchiha's resentment, Yun Che waved his hand and said with a nonchalant smile.

"Brother Yun Che, tell me, will I be like Dad in the future?"

Uchiha Sarana asked with some concern.

Well, after Yun Che made a series of comparisons, her father, who was omnipotent in her eyes, has been completely useless at this moment.

Uchiha Sarana is now afraid that her future Sharingan evolution speed will be as slow as Uchiha Sasuke.

Kaiyan is already old, if the evolution rate is still slow, then play with a hammer, I'm afraid it will be directly pulled down by GG!


To be honest, Yun Che really didn't know how to answer Uchiha Sarana's doubts.

After all, before he crossed over, the blogger's biography hadn't finished broadcasting, who knows what will happen in the end.

Moreover, although Uchiha Sasuke's Sharingan evolved slowly, he finally awakened the Six Gouyu Samsara, becoming one of the pinnacles of the current ninja world.


He is the reincarnation of Indra!

As for the reincarnation dispute between Indra and Asura, it was considered over in Zuo Ming's generation.

Although Uchiha Sarana is the child of Uchiha Sasuke, she has inherited a trace of Indra's Chakra in her body.

But that was just a trace after all.

Whether the daughter of Uchiha Sarana can reach the height of Uchiha Sasuke as a father is really uncertain!

"Brother Yun Che, tell me, will I not be able to become a powerful ninja like Dad and Uncle Naruto in the future..."

Seeing Yun Che hesitated so much that he couldn't speak, Uchiha Sarana immediately wept.

Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes, and he felt so wronged.

"No, you will definitely become a powerful ninja in the future, even stronger than your father and your uncle Naruto!"

Hearing Uchiha Sarana's soft and cute brother Yun Che, and his pitiful appearance crying.

Yun Che's girlish heart was about to melt, and he immediately comforted him.

"But, I didn't open my eyes until I was 11 years old. If the evolution rate is still very slow, I'm afraid it will take a middle-aged person to open the Kaleidoscope Sharingan..."

Tears flowed down, and Uchiha Sarana felt aggrieved.

Her character is already very good and strong, if her strength is weak, she cannot improve.

That would make her more uncomfortable than killing her directly.


Yun Che was a little silent.

He originally wanted to say that Obito Uchiha didn't open his eyes until he was about 12 years old, but he opened the kaleidoscope in the same year.

But if you think about it, forget it.

After all, Obito opened his eyes and double hooked jade, and he only opened the kaleidoscope after experiencing the only tragic tragedy in the world that was destroyed.

This kind of misery is hard for ordinary people to comprehend.

Therefore, if you want to use the example of Uchiha Obito to comfort Uchiha Sarana, you are simply thinking about farting.


Uchiha Sasuke on the side didn't know what to say.

Sharingan's blood inheritance boundary is very powerful, but also very extreme.

Want to open your eyes and evolve? OK, just kill your dearest person right in front of your face.

But this method is really too cruel. At the very least, Uchiha Sasuke is absolutely unwilling to follow the old path of his dearest brother, Uchiha Itachi.

In this way, help my daughter evolve Sharingan!

"Sarana, become my disciple."

After thinking for a long time, Yun Che said seriously.

"Eh?" Uchiha Sarana couldn't help being stunned when she heard this:

"But, I am Dad's daughter, and Dad is already Brother Yun Che's disciple."

In Uchiha Sarana's view, the child of the teacher's disciple worships the teacher of his father's teacher as a teacher. This relationship is related to seniority, and the whole thing is messed up...

However, in Yun Che's view, it was not so difficult to accept.

After all, in the original play, Minato Namikaze is Jiraiya's disciple.

And his child Uzumaki Naruto will also become Jiraiya's disciple in the future.

Therefore, the relationship between seniority is a little messy, but in fact, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Zuo Liangna, hurry up and bow to Teacher Yun Che!"

Uchiha Sarana was still hesitating, but Uchiha Sasuke understood Yun Che's meaning and said immediately. .

Chapter 304

"Disciple Uchiha Sarana, pay my respects to Teacher Yun Che!"

Although she didn't understand why, Uchiha Sarana was obedient and jumped out of Yun Che's arms, bowing and prostrating.


Yun Che nodded, and then helped Tanna up.

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