With a strong personality, she focused on the opponent's strength.

"The strength of the ghouls is not bad, just like the ninjas in the ninja world, there are different levels."

"The weakest D-level, C-level, B-level, A-level, S-level, SS-level, and the strongest SSS-level..."

Yun Che roughly introduced the basic information of ghouls to Uchiha Sarana and Uzumaki Sunflower.

For example, their fighting method is to burst out He Zi from the body, and He Zi is divided into Yu He, Lin He, Jia He, Wei He and so on.

"Teacher Yun Che, how is the combat power of an SSS-level ghoul compared to a ninja?"

After digesting the relevant information about ghouls for a while, Uchiha Sarana asked curiously...

"SSS-level ghouls, in terms of combat power alone, they should be about the same as Kage-level powerhouses in the ninja world."

"However, in terms of destructive power, it is definitely not as strong as the shadow class."

SSS-level ghouls, like Takatsuki Izumi, can destroy an area or even half a city if their destructive power is exhausted.

As for the "dragon" Kaneki Ken in the ending, the scope of destruction is the entire city, but that's all.

However, the Kage-level powerhouses in the Naruto world can achieve this effect with just one S-level ninjutsu.

Therefore, in terms of pure fighting, it is about the same level.

But in terms of destructive power, the ninja's ninjutsu will be stronger.

After all, the fighting methods in the two worlds are different. Ninjas are fancy ninjutsu, while ghouls are the most primitive bloody fighting!

"Since this is the case, is there any meaning in this world to experience?"

Uchiha Sarana frowned, a little incomprehensible.

What's the point of coming to a world weaker than the ninja world?

You know, Kage-level is not the strongest level in the ninja world, above this, there are Chaoying and Liudao!

"Of course, Zorana, Sunflower, I hope you can understand that I am not trying to train you to be ninjas like your father."

"In the true sense, it is the top powerhouse who integrates the heavens!"

With the talents of Uchiha Sarana and Uzumaki Sunflower, the limitations of being a ninja are too poor.

And it's a waste.

Therefore, Yun Che wanted to train them to be stronger than ninjas.

Just like the vortex sunflower, the positioning has been determined, it is the tyrannical female mad warrior.

Uchiha Sarana's words, I haven't planned yet, but with Sharingan, I should take the route of Faye.

"Not a ninja, but a strong man..."

When Uchiha Sarana and Uzumaki Sunflower heard this, they scratched their heads thoughtfully.

Born in the world of ninjas, they don't actually understand Yun Che's words very well, but this does not prevent them from agreeing.

After all, Yun Che is the teacher, and they are just disciples.

In the experience, the disciple should talk less and do more, as long as he obediently listens to the teacher, it will be fine. .

Chapter 311

After using his ability, he got some money and bought a villa as a place of residence.

Yun Che brought Uchiha Sarana and Uzumaki Sunflower to the antique coffee shop located in District 20.

Why are you here?

Of course it's because this is the stronghold of the protagonist group!

It's new here, how can I not say hello to the protagonist group?

"Let's go, let's go in and have a seat, here... But it's all ghouls."

With the corners of his mouth slightly raised, Yun Che smiled with great interest.

Then he took Uchiha Sarana and Uzumaki Sunflower, opened the door, and entered the antique coffee shop.

After finding a seat and just sitting down, a girl waiter with short blue-purple hair and bangs covering her right eye came over with the menu in her arms.

It is the destiny heroine of this world, Kirishima Touka!

"Hello, what would you like to order?"

Spreading the menu on the table, Touka Kirishima asked with a smile.

"Three cups of coffee, and then some dessert."

Yun Che didn't even look at the menu, and said directly.

What can I order in a coffee shop?

Isn't it just for drinking, at most some desserts are added, so the menu and so on are completely redundant.

Besides, did you really think Yun Che came here for coffee?

He came here for the ghouls, right? 14

"OK, just a second."

The corner of her mouth twitched slightly, Kirishima Touka showed the waiter's trademark smile, put away the menu, and left.

From Yun Che's way of ordering food just now, and his keen sixth sense as a girl.

She subconsciously felt that the person in front of her was definitely a troublesome guest.

But where is the trouble, but I can't tell...

"Brother Yun Che, are the people here really all ghouls?"

Looking around, he found that there were all guests drinking coffee and talking and laughing, and the whirlpool sunflower asked curiously.

"Well, ghouls can't eat human food, but they can drink coffee."

Yun Che nodded.

In the antique coffee shop, the clerks and even the customers are basically all ghouls. Only a very small number of human beings who don't know the truth will mistakenly enter here for consumption.

For example Kaneki Ken and his good friend Nagai Hideyoshi.

However, I haven't seen them now, so I guess they are still in class.

After all, college students are students too.

"Teacher Yun Che, is our goal this time to kill all the ghouls here?"

Uchiha Sarana asked expectantly with her big watery eyes shining.

"No, we just came to have a cup of coffee and say hello."

"Also, Zuo Liangna, you are a girl, don't say anything about killing in the future, it's too rude, just be more tactful, just destroy or knock down."

Yun Che shook his head, and corrected with a slight twitch of the corner of his mouth.

Should it be said that he is the child of the most miserable king, Uchiha Satozu?

How old is this, and he talks about killing and killing, and there is an inexplicable sense of pretending to be bloody...

"Guests, here is your coffee and dessert, please use it slowly."

After chatting for a while, Kirishima Touka brought up three cups of coffee and two plates of desserts, and said with a smile.

Then, he was ready to turn around and leave.

"Sister, wait a minute!"

However, at this time, the whirlpool sunflower suddenly called out to her.

"Huh? Little sister, what's the matter?"

Kirishima Touka heard the words, turned around and asked with a smile.

As a ghoul, she hated the white pigeons of CCG to the bone, and even had a natural hostility towards humans.

But when facing children, Kirishima Touka is still very gentle.

After all, children are very simple and don't have so many bad intentions. If they are not specially instilled with the concept of ghouls eating people, they will not even hate ghouls.

"Sister, are you a ghoul?"

Whirlpool Sunflower asked innocently and puzzled.

As soon as her words came out, Kirishima Touka's face, which was originally filled with a gentle smile, froze immediately.

And, because the Uzumaki Sunflower didn't deliberately lower her voice, it wasn't just Kirishima Touka.

All the clerks and customers in the antique coffee shop could hear it clearly!

In an instant, all the ghouls subconsciously showed their scarlet eyes, and turned to look at Yun Che's table.

As a ghoul, the first thought when facing humans is:

Identity exposed? OK, no problem, just eat it!

"How did you know?"

Kirishima Touka was dazed for a while, then asked with a gloomy face.

The identity of the ghoul was exposed, which was no small matter.

If it is not handled well, the entire antique coffee shop, and even the entire Anding District, will be devastated by the CCG pigeon!

"Brother Yun Che said so!"

The whirlpool sunflower said as a matter of course.

Hearing this, Kirishima Touka immediately turned her murderous eyes to Yun Che.

At this moment, she finally knew why she subconsciously felt that this was a troublesome guest before.

Now it seems that it is really troublesome, in every sense.

As for why he turned his eyes directly to Yun Che?

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