"Teacher Yun Che, ghouls...are there any good people?"

Walking on the bustling night streets of Tokyo, Uchiha Sarana asked thoughtfully.

"Of course, the clerks in the antique coffee shop are considered good people among the ghouls."

"What's wrong, Zarana, that's not like the question you'd ask."

After returning to the sentence, Yun Che smiled with great interest.

"It's nothing, it's just...the impression of ghouls has suddenly changed."

Uchiha Sarana shook her head and smiled.

At the beginning, when she heard Yun Che say that ghouls feed on human beings, she subconsciously, or stereotyped, thought that ghouls were bad people and evil.

But in the antique coffee shop, after spending such a short few hours with Kirishima Touka and others.

She decisively overturned the previous idea.

Especially Kozen Yoshimura impressed Uchiha Sarana deeply.

He is obviously the world's most powerful SSS-level giant ghoul, but he has a kind personality and is unwilling to harm humans14.

Even in the face of the enemy of the ghouls, the white dove of CCG, he will not kill, so he is called the owl who does not kill...

At this moment, Uchiha Sarana suddenly understood why Yun Che said that the world of ghouls is distorted and needs to be redeemed.

Fangcun Gongshan is obviously just a kind little old man.

Kirishima Touka is obviously only a 16-year-old high school student.

But they have to bear the cruel fate of ghouls' injustice.

If this is not distortion, then what is distortion?

"Brother Yun Che, sister Dong Xiang, they are so pitiful, can you help them?"

The whirlpool sunflower was also tugging at the hem of Yun Che's clothes at this time, and softly begged.

"Don't worry, we will save them, let's... save them together!"

After touching the head of the whirlpool sunflower, Yun Che said with a smile.

Although he suddenly wanted to experience being the savior again on a whim, but he never forgot that the main purpose of going out this time...


Experience Uchiha Sarana and Uzumaki Sunflower!

Especially regarding the training target of the whirlpool sunflower, Yun Che actually already had a rough idea.

But the specifics, whether it can be implemented or not, still need to be discussed, and we will discuss it in another day.


Under the night, the three of Yun Che walked and laughed, walking all the way home.

However, when they passed by a remote dark alley, they suddenly heard a strange rustling sound from the depths:


How would you describe this sound?

It's as if...

An extremely hungry beast, eating the bones of animals?

"Brother Yun Che..."

The whirlpool sunflower pinched the corner of Yun Che's clothes in fear, and shrank behind him.

When the violent tendency is not revealed, she is just like an ordinary little girl, too timid to talk about it.

"Teacher Yun Che, hearing this voice, I think it's very likely that some ghouls are eating!"

Uchiha Sarana made a bold guess.

In modern society, how could there be beasts breaking into the city.

But this strange rustling sound, no matter how it sounds, is like a wild beast eating the bones of animals.

Therefore, if you reverse your thinking, it is not difficult to guess:

Beast = ghoul, animal = human.

In other words, the source of the sound in the alley is the ghouls that are eating humans!

"I think so too, but for the details, let's go in and have a look."

Yun Che shrugged with a smile, and then walked into the dark alley with Uchiha Sarana and Uzumaki Sunflower.

At the end of the deep place, the goal is a corpse lying on the ground with blood foam flying all over the place, twitching constantly.

And the ghouls lying on the corpse, shaking their heads and biting the pieces of flesh.

"Tsk, why does it look so familiar?"

Looking at the back of the ghoul who was eating, Yun Che couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Thin figure, white dress before blood staining.

And the long purple hair that can barely distinguish the color through the narrow moonlight...

Familiar, my wife is familiar!

But all of a sudden, Yun Che couldn't remember why this figure from the back looked so familiar, which made him feel so fucking uncomfortable.

"Oh? Is food delivered to your door again?"

At this time, he seemed to have noticed the movement behind him.

The ghoul who was eating turned around, and the corner of the mouth stained with scarlet blood rose slightly.

"Age of God...Lishi?"

Seeing the front face, Yun Che was stunned for a moment, but then became excited.

Good guy, it's no wonder that the back looks familiar, the one who dares to love TM is God Dai Lishi!

Before, I was thinking of going to the antique coffee shop tomorrow to see if I could stop her, but now, I ran into her directly to eat.

What a coincidence!

"Hiding in the corner..."


Yun Che was excited, but Uchiha Sarana and Uzumaki Sunflower were terrified.

It's normal to think about it, after all, this is the first time for the two of them to witness ghouls eating at such a close distance.

The bloodiness of the scene is self-evident.

"You know me? Dove... no, no suitcase."

Hearing that the other party said his name directly, Shendai Lishi frowned and looked towards Yun Che's hands.

However, the suitcase, that is, the weapon Kuink made from Kazuko of the ghoul, was not found.

The identity of the CCG white pigeon is actually easy to identify.

Clothes and appearance aside, but the suitcase containing Quinker is standard and must-have. Through this, the identity can be easily identified.

"Well, it doesn't matter, no matter who you are, anyway, it's food in front of me!"

The corners of the blood-stained mouth rose slightly.

Shendai Lishi waved the four tail-like sharp scales behind him, and walked towards Yun Che step by step.

"You want to... eat me?"

Seeing this, Yun Che raised his eyebrows, first glanced at Shendai Lishi, and then at the female body behind her that had been devoured beyond recognition...

Well, it is indeed a big scorpion.

Just after eating, I plan to hunt again.

With her efficiency comparable to that of a high-yielding sow, it's no wonder that she is disgusted and feared by so many ghouls of the same kind.

"Isn't that obvious?"

"Although it smells a bit strange, it must be delicious looking at your thin skin and tender meat!"

The corners of his mouth were raised, revealing a cruel smile, Kamdai Rishi's feet exploded, and he jumped up high.

He opened his bloody mouth filled with the smell of blood, and bit Yun Che. .

Chapter 317

Faced with the same skill of the Bhikshu Beast issued by God on behalf of Lishi - Dashing and Pecking, Yun Che neither defended nor dodged.

Instead, he stood where he was, clenched his fists without moving.

When the distance between Shendai Lishi and himself reached a precise point, he directly punched...



Accompanied by the clear and crisp sound of bone cracking, Yun Che's fist precisely hit Shendai Lishi's face.

Although it was just an ordinary punch without using any ability, the strength contained in it should not be underestimated.

No, Shendai Lishi was directly hit by this punch, and was sent flying backwards with a backhand.

Coupled with the clear and crisp sound of the bone crack just now, it is reckoned that the bridge of her nose should be cracked.


"You bloody bastard!"

Feeling the blood gushing from the bridge of his nose, Godai Lishi's expression was almost crazy.

She never expected that the guy in front of her would not panic at all in the face of her attack. She didn't even run away, and punched herself backhanded with a blank face.

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