With his eyesight, it is natural to see that God Dai Lishi seems to be hiding something.

But whatever.

Anyway, no matter what she hides, it doesn't matter.

Yun Che is very confident. In this world, no one can make waves in front of him, unless he is willing to let him make waves in order to treat him like a clown.


For the next period of time, the two sat silently on the sofa.

Yun Che didn't speak, neither did Shendai Lishi.

The huge hall of the villa was once again filled with a strange atmosphere of silence...

What Yun Che said was mainly thinking about the redemption policy of the ghoul world.

And for Uzumaki Sunflower and Uchiha Sarana, the future training arrangements.

As for Shendai Lishi, it was purely because his brain power was too strong, and he was afraid that Yun Che would kill him, so he never dared to speak.

"That... what you said before, is it true?"

Finally, Kamdai Rishi, who really couldn't bear this atmosphere, asked.

It not only brings out the topic and relieves embarrassment, but also comes from the real doubt deep in her heart.


Upon hearing this, Yun Che stopped thinking, and asked in a daze.

"You said before that you are a god, is it true?" God Dai Lishi explained.

To be honest, she doesn't really believe in the existence of gods and ghosts.

As a mother, she was born in the Hexiu family, and has experienced many pains and tribulations since she was a child.

Therefore, God on behalf of the world is very realistic.

She doesn't believe in the so-called value, let alone the so-called faith.

The only thing she can trust is the power in her own hands, because power does not lie to others, but is a weapon to protect herself.

"of course it's true."

"Although I don't have any priesthood or position, my strength is so strong that I can indeed be called a god."

Yun Che nodded and smiled.

The power he holds has reached the level of the Almighty Universe as early as in the Marvel Universe.

There is even more than that, but nothing less.

Therefore, not only is it okay to call oneself a god, even in the vast universe of heavens and worlds, Yun Che can squeeze into the top few in terms of strength.

Furthermore, his power is fusional.

Therefore, every time a new world arrives, a new power system is integrated.

Yun Che can continue to grow stronger without a limit.

That is to say, sooner or later one will squeeze into the top few in the heavens and worlds, even if it is the top one, it is only a matter of time!

"Then what do gods look like? Are they like you, whose appearance is almost exactly the same as that of humans?"

Although he still didn't believe it, Shendai Lishi didn't continue to investigate further.

Instead, she developed her curiosity like a normal little girl.

"Well, although some gods do look like humans, not all of them."

"It's like the five creation-level gods I killed before. They all look very strange."

Yun Che scratched his head, remembering the five creation gods of the universe that he killed when he was in the Marvel world.

Well, it's really weird.

Except that Death and Galactus looked relatively normal.

Eternity and infinity, as well as the annihilation of the three guys, are nothing like human beings at all.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

"Have you ever killed a god? And are you still five creation-level gods?"

Shendai Lishi was stunned when he heard the words, and couldn't help covering his mouth and exclaiming.

Believe it or not, but this kind of thing, even if you listen to it as a story, is shocking, okay?

"Is it strange? I am also a god. It is normal for a god to kill a god, just like a human being kills a human being."

Yun Che shrugged indifferently.

"Is this the legend that when you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you?"

"The dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon; the godslayer will eventually become a god."

God Dai Lishi laughed.


Yun Che raised his eyebrows, inexplicably feeling a little emotional.

Since when did he transform from a weak human being into a god?

......... 0

From the Marvel world, slaughtered the five creation gods of the universe?

No, maybe, since he just crossed into the super god world and obtained six infinite treasures...

From that moment on, he was no longer human.

Life, money, rights, everything that human beings care about has nothing to do with him.

"Hey, aren't all gods divided into factions like religion?"

"Are they gendered? Do they have a job? What do they do?"

Shendai Lishi seemed to have opened up the conversation box, and asked Yun Che with a burst of question marks like a tiger.

"The gods also have their own powers. They usually..."

In this regard, Yun Che also tirelessly explained the "gods" he knew to Shendai Lishi patiently.

For example, the chaotic and unknown Cthulhu gods, the disordered Greek gods, the Nordic gods with beginnings and ends, the strange Indian gods, and the mysterious and powerful Eastern gods...

a few hours later.

When Yun Che said that his mouth was dry and he was about to drink a glass of water to moisten the mulberry.

Turning around, he realized that at some point, God Dai Lishi, who was beside him, had already fallen asleep on his shoulder.

"Heh, I'm a little obsessed with it..."

After touching the head of Shendai Lishi who was sleeping soundly, the corners of Yun Che's mouth turned up, feeling an inexplicable warmth in his heart.

How long has it been?

How long has it been since I spoke freely like today?


It's been a long time... [-].

Chapter 320

Picking up the sleeping Shendai Lishi, Yun Che led her to an empty room on the second floor.

"Your past must have been painful..."

Sitting by the bed, stroking Shendai Lishi's sleeping face gently, Yun Che couldn't help feeling a little pity in his heart.

This girl looks very mature, but she is only 18 years old now, only two years older than Touka Kirishima.

However, she is not only disgusted by humans, but also excluded and feared by most ghouls.

Just because of the behavior of predating two or three times a week, it is easy to attract the attention of CCG white pigeons.

But is it because she preys so frequently because she has a big appetite and is hungry?

Maybe, but definitely not all!

God Dai Lishi's current way of life is purely her revenge and vent for her painful childhood!

You know, she was born into the Hexiu family and was treated as a mother to give birth to the next generation of Hexiu. She has been subjected to many cruel and inhuman experiments since she was a child.

Childhood like [-] was undoubtedly extremely dark.

And the thing that can affect a person the most is childhood experience.

Therefore, objectively speaking, it doesn't matter whether the gods are cruel or ruthless.

It was all caused by the childhood shadow caused by the Hexiu clan.

"Although it's not a good thing, the old duoerfu guy at least did a good thing."

Yun Che narrowed his eyes.

As a woman of the Hexiu family.

The reason why Shendai Lishi was able to move freely outside as he is now is all thanks to the smiling tiger of Jiu Duoerfu.

If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have the heart to suffer God Dai Lishi's inhumane torture, so he would let him go without permission.

Then, the twisted darkness in the heart of God Dai Lishi will undoubtedly be a thousand or eight hundred times stronger than it is now, and eventually become a real monster that is neither human nor ghoul!

Of course, that being said.

But Yun Che would definitely kill Jiu Duo Erfu.

After all, for this kind of guy who is smiling on the surface but has an MMP in his heart, death is better than life.

"Well, for the sake of your poor life before, just follow me well in the future, and eat well and drink spicy food."

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