Well, that's right, the possibility.

It doesn't mean that as long as you have a kaleidoscope, you can open it.

Moreover, opening Susanoo itself consumes a lot of pupil power.

Before reaching the Eternal Kaleidoscope, even if you open the Susanoo once desperately, you will probably lose your eyesight in the follow-up. .

Chapter 334

"Is that so..."

"Then I'm still a long way from unlocking Susano, and even fully understanding Susano."

After listening to Yun Che's opening explanation for Susanoo.

Uchiha Sarana immediately shrugged~ her mouth shrugged, very unwilling.

"Well, food has to be eaten bite by bite, and the road has to be taken step by step. Even the powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan can't let you reach the sky in one step."

Yun Che patted Uchiha Sarana's head - and comforted him with a smile.

"Then...the power of the ghoul?"

Uchiha Sarana raised her little head expectantly.

"Zorarna, the power of the ghoul is not suitable for you. In other worlds, there are better ones waiting for you to obtain."

Yun Che shook his head and smiled.

Now that I have decided to embark on the path of warfare.

Then the power of ghouls is not so important to Uchiha Sarana.

After all, they are different in nature, and if they are forced to accumulate, it will only increase the trouble.

"All right......"

Although he was a bit unwilling, but knowing that Yun Che was doing it for his own good, Uchiha Sarana, he nodded obediently.

At the same time, my heart is more and more looking forward to it.

What is better in other worlds, waiting for oneself to obtain, what exactly is it...

"By the way, Master Yun Che, the previous earthquake..."

At this time, it seemed that he suddenly thought of something, and Fangcun Gongshan asked tentatively.

"Well, I caused it."

Knowing what Fangcun Gongshan meant, Yun Che nodded without any hesitation.

"I think so. After all, if it's artificial, I'm afraid only Lord Yun Che can do it."

Yoshimura Kozen showed such a smile as expected.

The previous earthquake came very suddenly. Although the source was far away, even the antique coffee shop was affected to a certain extent.

At that time, Fangcun Gongshan's first thought was man-made, caused by Yun Che.

After all, if it is a natural earthquake, then according to common sense, the relevant departments will be the first to detect the frame rate and then issue an alarm in advance.

"However, Master Yun Che, your act of causing an earthquake will probably attract the attention of the CCG."

"Even the Hexiu family behind the CCG is likely to send the V organization to investigate."

Yoshimura Kozen frowned and reminded.

The Hexiu clan was too powerful, and Yun Che caused an earthquake in broad daylight.

Even if there are no witnesses, they can easily obtain relevant information through various channels.

"Well, what are you afraid of, it's just a bunch of miscellaneous fish."

"I'll leave it at that, whoever comes will die, without exception."

Yun Che shrugged and said nonchalantly.

"Tsk, do you have the courage, or are you stupid? How dare you look down on the Hexiu family and the V organization..."

Fangcun Aite complained a little speechlessly.

"Why, do you think that with my strength, it is necessary to fear them?"

When Yun Che heard this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, you are indeed very strong, so strong that you can easily crush them to death, but no matter how strong you are, you are still the only one. What about them?"

Fangmura Aite said helplessly, and then looked at Uchiha Sarana and Uzumaki Sunflower with pointed eyes.

What she meant was obvious, if you are strong, you are strong, but the people around you are not strong.

Although the Hexiu family and their V organization are not as powerful as Yun Che, but they are extremely powerful.

It's not enough to fight hard on the surface, but it's OK to play tricks secretly?

It's easy to catch two little girls and threaten them.

You must know that in a real life-and-death battle, there is no so-called uprightness or insidiousness. The winner is the one who can stand at the end and live to the end.

"Hehe, if Zuo Liangna and Sunflower lost a hair..."

After listening to Fangcun Aite's analysis, Yun Che was silent for a while, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth:

"Then there is no need for this world to exist."

There was a bloodthirsty red light shining in his eyes, the invisible aura, the sharp edge, pierced the shivers and pain from the inside out.

"Hey, hey, it's too much, you want to drag the whole world along with you?"

Looking at Yun Che who showed his murderous aura, Fangcun Aite couldn't help but tremble.

"Is it too much? Not too much."

"In my eyes, even if there are tens of billions of creatures in this world, they are not as good as Zuo Liangna and Sunflower."

Yun Che narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Perhaps these words are cruel to the aborigines of the ghoul world, such as Fangcun Aite, but he doesn't care.

Yun Che is a very protective person.

If you dare to touch a hair of the people around me, I dare to kill your whole family and destroy your world.

It's just about destroying the world, it's no big deal, if Yun Che has the courage to save the world, he will have the courage to dare to destroy the world, even compared to saving the world, destroying the world is easier.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

"Teacher Yun Che..."

"Brother Yun Che..."

Hearing Yun Che's declaration, Uchiha Sarana and Uzumaki Sunflower were immediately overwhelmed with emotion.

Although the two of them are still young, they don't have a detailed and specific concept in their minds about destroying the world.

But even if you don't understand it, just thinking about it casually, it feels amazing, okay?

"Well, although it sounds unpleasant, it's surprisingly masculine. I don't hate it."

Fangcun Aite smiled lazily and stretched comfortably.

It was as if she, a native of the ghoul world, didn't care at all about Yun Che's declaration of annihilation.

"Master Yun Che, please rest assured, even if I risk my life, I will definitely not let these two children suffer any harm!"


Fangcun Aite doesn't care, but her father Fangcun Gongshan does.

After getting along with each other these days, he still has some understanding of Yun Che.

This is a master who is not afraid of troubles, and he likes to make troubles a little bit. Trouble aside, the key point is that he really has the ability to destroy and save the world.

So, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case?

If the world was really ruined, there would be no place to cry.

"Well, you don't need to be so worried."

"Even if it really changes from saving the world to destroying the world at that time, I will save you first and then destroy the world."

Yun Che waved his hands and said with a smile.

He doesn't care about the billions of creatures living in this world, because these have nothing to do with him.

But he will definitely not vent his anger on Fangcun Gongshan and others.

Mieshi, those who deserve to die, and those who don't deserve to die may also die, but as long as Yun Che doesn't want him to die, no matter whether he deserves to die or not, he will definitely not die.

The heavens and the worlds are like this.

Morality does not exist at all, and whoever has the biggest fist is the truth.

"That...why does the atmosphere feel weird?"

At this time, Kirishima Touka and Kindai Rise, who had been hiding in the room since they came to the antique coffee shop, came out.

Sensing the strange atmosphere, Kamdai Rishi asked suspiciously.


And Kirishima Touka, for some reason, looked at Fangcun Aite who was lazily lying on the table with a hostile expression.

That look, that expression, it seems...

Like want to eat people?Four.

Chapter 335

"We were discussing such a heavy topic just now, the atmosphere is not strange."

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