The previous drama of life, death and parting was completely unnecessary?

"Ahem...then what is your purpose?"

In order to ease the embarrassment, Lias Gremory coughed twice and asked.

Although she was happy that she didn't have to die, she still couldn't figure it out.

Asking about Er Tianlong's contemporary host, it is clear that he wants to seize the power of the God Extinguisher that Er Tianlong resides in. How can he capture it without killing the contemporary host?

This is not self-contradictory.

"Show your "Sekiryuutei's caged hand". "

Yun Che didn't answer Rias Gremory, but said like an order.


Although he didn't know Yun Che's plan, but he had to bow his head under the eaves.

With a flash of crimson light, Rias Gremory honestly exposed the "Sekiryuutei's caged hand".


Looking at the green gemstone in the center of the crimson gauntlet in Lias Gremory's hand, Yun Che could sense that there was a relatively strong vitality in it.

Obviously, that is the soul of Sekiryuutei Ddraig.

Normally, it is conscious and able to speak freely.

But now, in the face of Yun Che's imposing oppression, it was timid and chose to keep silent.

"thanks for treatment!"

The corners of the mouth raised slightly, and the ability of the power gem was activated.

In Yun Che's eyes, a purple light flashed past.

In the next second, a crimson gauntlet that was exactly the same as "Sekiryuutei's caged hand" appeared on his hand.

This miraculous scene made Rias Gremory and the others look dumbfounded.

Take a look at this "Sekiryuutei's cage hand" for a while.

He glanced at the "Sekiryuutei's cage hand" for a while.

The shape is exactly the same, the breath is exactly the same, and even the details are perfect.

Can't see any difference at all! .

Chapter 351

" did you do it?"

Looking at the "Sekiryuutei's caged hand" in Yun Che's hand, Rias Gremory looked bewildered.

Obviously "Sekiryuutei's cage hand" is still in his hand.

What happened to Yun Che's "Chiryuutei's caged hand"?

Could it be...

God Extinguisher also has twin brothers?

"God Extinguisher is worthy of the name, but it can only be placed in the world of the Devil's High School. In other worlds, it is still too young to want to destroy God."

Ignoring Rias Gremory, Yun Che looked at the crimson gauntlet in his hand.

I have to say that the function of the god-killing tool in the world of demon high school is really powerful.

Except for the Boost doubling that Yun Che was most looking forward to.

Penetrating, Balong, Sekiryuutei's Trident, True Red Sekiryuutei, Yicheng's Sekiryuutei, these are all good.

As for the transfer, Yicheng's Flame, Forbidden Hands, and Special Function Explosive Clothes are not of much use, mainly because Yun Che doesn't like it.

Let's not talk about the previous ones.

Yun Che doesn't need the special function of bursting clothes, okay? 14

Undressing is one-sided, so get more, as long as Yun Che is willing, it is completely possible for people to take off their clothes on their own initiative!

"Hey! Don't ignore us!"

Seeing Yun Che sizing up "Sekiryuutei's caged hand" to himself, Rias Gremory yelled dissatisfied.

"What, do you have an opinion?"

Hearing this, Yun Che turned his head, squinted his eyes and asked.



Rias Gremory felt aggrieved, more aggrieved than ever!

But no matter how aggrieved, what can he do? The lives of himself and others are still in Yun Che's hands. Although he didn't say he would kill someone, it doesn't mean he won't kill someone!

So, no matter how much Rias Gremory is angry, no matter how aggrieved.

I could only smash my teeth and swallow it in my stomach.

"Well, I'm in a good mood now, so I'll let you recover your freedom."

With a wave of his hand, Yun Che snapped the "Chiryuutei's caged hand" that disappeared.

The hundredfold gravity that oppressed Rias Gremory and others was lifted.

"Thank you so much..."

Supporting each other and standing up from the ground tremblingly, Rias Gremory rolled her eyes helplessly.

In a good mood, let's stand up.

If you are in a bad mood, won't you be suppressed for a lifetime?

"Ah, ah, what a wicked man."

Akeno Himejima wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile.

It is completely invisible that it was crushed by a hundred times the gravity just now, and it looked like it was seriously injured.

"Well, each other each other."

Yun Che shrugged.

For Himejima Juno, he still has a good impression, at least more than Rias Gremory.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic, who is the current White Dragon Emperor, take me to find him."

The power of the Red Dragon Emperor has been acquired, and next, it will be the turn of the White Dragon Emperor.

"Although I don't know exactly what's going on, but you should be like just now, similar to copying the God of Extermination Tool, without harming the host?"

Rias Gremory asked tentatively.

"Oh? From what you said, is it true that the current White Dragon Emperor is your friend?"

Yun Che couldn't help squinting his eyes when he heard that.

Her remarks made it clear that she did not want to hurt the current White Dragon Emperor.

In other words, Rias Gremory not only knows who the current White Dragon Emperor is, but also knows each other, even as a friend.

"Yes, the contemporary White Dragon Emperor is my good friend."

Rias Gremory didn't deny it either, and nodded directly.

"A good friend..."

Touching his chin thoughtfully, Yun Che probably guessed who the current White Dragon Emperor is.

Rias Gremory can be called a good friend, except for the members of the Mystic Research Department present.

For now, there is only one person.

Canna Sidi is the younger sister of Leviathan, the demon king of the underworld, and the next head of the Sidi family of the demon family.

Or in other words, to take Cangna.

"Oh, the situation is really getting more and more interesting."

"The Rulong Emperor and Hip Dragon Emperor disappeared, replaced by the heads of the two main demon families."

Objectively speaking, it is rather troublesome to get in touch with Jitori Sona, or even copy the "White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings" from her.

After all, her demon king sister is an extreme sister-in-law.

However, objectivity is objectivity after all.

Yun Che's subjective consciousness is the key.

And obviously, he is not afraid of the Demon Lord Leviathan, Serafur Sidi.

"Let's go, lead the way, and find your good friend."

Stop thinking about what's there and what's not, Yun Che turned his head and said to Rias Gremory.

"Don't hurt her..."

After silently praying, Rias Gremory honestly summoned the magic circle and teleported everyone to the villa where Shitori Sona lived in the human world.

"Cangna, it's me, open the door."

Ring the doorbell of the villa.

Rias Gremory led the way into the villa.

"Rias, come to see me on the big weekend, what's the matter?"

In the villa, everyone was sitting on the luxurious sofa, and Zhituo Canna asked.

At the same time, he secretly looked at Yun Che.

She knew all the demonic servants under Rias Gremory, but she had never seen Yun Che alone.

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