Clearly here... Clearly there...

But why, the reversal of the situation will be so fast?

One second was a huge advantage, and the next second it was a miracle comeback!

If this kind of unfair game is still lost, then Zhituo Cang's self-esteem will be smashed to the ground!

The kind that can't be glued together even if you use it!

"Well, next, it's your turn."

Turning his head to look at Rencun Liuliuzi and Banya Ogas, the corners of Yun Che's mouth rose slightly.

There is no sympathy, let alone procrastination.

Two very decisive XX shots made them lie down in an instant.


After finishing Ruyuko Nimura and Banya Ogas, Yun Che looked at Shitori Sona and Shinra Chunhime.

Return what the two of them said just now.


Hearing Yun Che's slightly mocking words, the corners of Jiche Canna and Zhenluo Chunji's mouths twitched slightly, wanting to refute.

But I don't know how to refute.

After all, the facts are right in front of them, and they are not people who cannot afford to lose. .

Chapter 354

The castle and knights, as well as the soldiers, who are the main fighting force, have fallen.

What about the remaining bishops, queens and kings?

They can't afford any waves at all.

Everyone knew that this unfair game was over, the outcome was decided, and in the end, the unfair side was defeated miserably.

"I lost......"

Taking a deep breath, Shitori Sona admitted his fiasco.

She is not someone who can't afford to lose, and even, she is a very rational person.

To be reasonable, if her side wins, she will not be happy, because it is not fair to win this game.

But if you lose, you will be even more unhappy.

Because you can't even win an unfair game, so why play a calf?

At this moment, Shitori Sona's self-esteem and self-confidence were severely hit...

"Then, honestly, let's reveal the "Wings of Light of the White Dragon Emperor". "

Although it was said that the winner was the king and the loser, Yun Che did not force him to take Cang Na or anything.

Just holding the original purpose, I want to use the ability of the power gem to copy the god-killing tool "White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings".

"Is that all?"

"You can ask for other conditions, and I will try my best to meet them!"

Zhiche Cangna frowned upon hearing this.

In her opinion, the next patriarch of her majestic Sidi family played against others. If she wins, she must gain glory, and if she loses, she must also be able to afford to lose, just revealing the condition of "White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings".

Is it a little too contemptuous of her?

Moreover, if it is not for the consideration of his own sister, Demon Lord Leviathan, Serafur Sidi's sister-in-law attributes.

It is no exaggeration to say that taking half of Cang Na's life has already been lost to Yun Che.

"Sorry, you seem to think too highly of yourself, I don't need any conditions from you."

"As long as I am willing to do it myself, there is nothing I can't get."

Yun Che pouted, and said with some disdain.

Is the Sidi family awesome?

Is the Demon Lord Leviathan very picky?

If Yun Che is willing, let alone the underworld, well, if he punches down, the entire demon high school world will be hammered to pieces!

It's just that he was too lazy to do it.


Hearing Yun Che's words full of disdain, Jiqi Cangna felt a little uncomfortable.

But the winner and the loser, the winner is the king.

If you win, everything you say is right, if you lose, everything you say is an excuse.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's reveal the god-killing tool "White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings". "

After waving his hands, Yun Che said impatiently.


With a cold snort of dissatisfaction, Zhiqicang's thoughts moved.

Suddenly, a pair of azure blue photon transparent light wings emerged from her back.

It is the Divine Mie Tool "Wings of Light of the White Dragon Emperor"!

Like "Sekiryuutei's cage hand", the soul of Albion, the White Dragon Emperor, is also lodged in the light wing.

It has its own consciousness and can speak.

But just like the Red Dragon Emperor Draig, when facing Yun Che, it confessed it very sincerely, and didn't even make a sound.

"The power of Ertianlong, you have it!"

The corners of the mouth were raised slightly, the power gem was activated, and a purple light flashed in the eyes.


In the next second, the same "White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings" appeared on Yun Che's back as Jitori Sona, and at the same time, "Red Dragon Emperor's Cage Hand" also condensed on his hand.

"Doubling and halving can both restrain and complement each other!"

Feeling the "White Dragon Emperor's Wings of Light" on the back and the "Sekiryuutei's Cage Hand" in his hand.

Yun Che could clearly feel the huge improvement they brought him in all aspects.

Maybe it's because he only copied the pure god-killing tool, but not the soul in the god-killing tool.

Therefore, the two two-day Dragon God Extinguisher Yun Che had on hand.

Unlike Er Tianlong's main body, which is an old enemy, the two forces do not conflict.

"It actually...really copied..."

Zhiqi Cang murmured dully.

When she heard Rias Gremory say that Yun Che could directly copy the God Extinguisher, she didn't really believe it. After all, this kind of thing is really too shocking.

But now, after seeing it with my own eyes, I have to believe it...

It's just shocking to death, okay!

"This guy is really perverted..."

"The power of the White Dragon Emperor and the Red Dragon Emperor are all gathered in one person..."

Rias Gremory couldn't help but sigh.

It is unheard of for two different artifacts to gather on one person.

Not to mention the top-notch Ertian Dragon God Extermination Tool.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yun Che's one-handed operation directly shattered the worldview of Rias Gremory, Shitori Sona and others for many years.

"Ahem... Mr. Yun Che, who are you?"

Rias Gremory asked curiously.

A powerful strength, but not from magic.

It even has the unique ability to copy other people's artifacts and even god-killing tools.

To be honest, Rias Gremory was very curious about Yun Che's identity.

"I'm just a passing traveler."

Withdrawing "White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings" and "Red Dragon Emperor's Cage Hand", Yun Che said flatly.

He no longer calls himself a god like he used to.

Because, after the hodgepodge fusion, this world is not without gods, and it would be too silly to continue to call yourself a god.


Rias Gremory was a little disappointed when she heard this.

Because Yun Che's answer was basically the same as no answer.

In fact, deep down in her heart, she had an unrealistic thought, that was to reincarnate Yun Che as a demon and take him in as a follower.

If there is such a powerful demon family member, why not take off in place, happy?

Unfortunately, ideas are ideas after all, not realistic at all.

Rias Gremory didn't think that a powerful being like Yun Che would be willing to submit to others and become someone else's dependents, even if she treated the dependents as family members.

"Well, today's harvest is quite good."

"Thank you two for sponsoring God Mieju, we will see you again when we have a chance."

Grinning, Yun Che waved his hand, and the space gem activated.

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