I saw that in Yun Che's originally empty hand, at some point, there was an extra piece of blood dripping out of thin air, which was still trembling slightly...


Then look at the man closest to Yun Che.

At this moment, he was staring wide-eyed, opening his mouth wide, looking down at his heart in horror.

That's a hole...

The size of a fist, the hole that can directly see through it!

"Uh... ah..."

The man shook his body weakly, as if he wanted to say something, but what he uttered was a hoarse scream.

In the end, he lost his heart, his body sank, he fell straight backwards, fell to the ground with a thud, and lost his vitality.

"Ah... ah!!!"

Seeing this scene, the other people walking with him finally came to their senses.

Looking at Yun Che with eyes like looking at a devil, he couldn't help but let out a scream.

"Tsk, I thought it would be another color, but it turned out to be bright red..."

Looking at the heart in his hand, Yun Che clicked his tongue.

Then give it a firm grip.


The heart exploded in the palm of his hand, and a large amount of blood splashed out, splashing on Hiratsuka Jing's face and those men's bodies.


"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

They yelled in horror, turned around, and ran wildly.

A child born in a wealthy family, where has he seen such a bloody scene?

At this moment, in their eyes, Yun Che was undoubtedly synonymous with demons, and he was scared out of his guts.

"Run and run, what's the name of the twittering, it's really... so noisy`~!"

After shaking off the remaining blood in his hand, Yun Che's feet exploded, and he instantly walked in front of one of the men.

He grabbed his head and lifted it high.

"Have you ever experienced the feeling of backflow of blood?"

The corners of the mouth were raised, and a cruel smile appeared.

When the Reality Gem was activated, Yun Che directly modified the physiological rules of this man, making the blood flow in his whole body flow backward instead of flowing backward.


After being stunned for a while, the man's body twitched violently, his expression extremely painful.

He could clearly feel the burning sensation in his body, that sense of distress, that...



A few seconds later, there was a sound of liquid spraying.

The blood in the man caught by Yun Che's body rushed out from every pore of his body, dyeing him into a bright blood man.

A few gaps of effort.

The blood dried up, and his body shriveled.

Naturally, that is, it lost its vitality and became a corpse.

"Well, this is the first time I've used this method to kill people, and it feels...surprisingly good!"

Throwing the shriveled corpse aside casually, Yun Che murmured with interest.

It's not that he hasn't killed people before, but those people were either scraped to death by the aftermath of the battle.

Or, he used some super powers to give him a second.

Almost all bloodless.

This is really the first time for Yun Che to experience the act of massacring others by doing it himself, and its brutal methods.

"Hurry up... Hurry up and activate!"

"What the hell! Why did you lose the chain at a critical moment!"

The remaining two people had already run into the car, and they turned the key vigorously, trying to start the car.

But unfortunately, the engine is like scrapped, no matter how you turn it on, it won't ignite.

"It seems that God wants you to die..."

Yun Che said with a faint smile.

It can be learned from heaven and earth, he did not touch the car at all, it was purely the luck of the two men themselves, they couldn't start the engine, and couldn't ignite the ignition.


how to say?

Perhaps, this is the choice of Steins;Gate.

"Sa, it's time for the game to end."

Raising his hand, the purple energy spread out and quickly condensed into a huge palm, holding the two men together with the car in the palm.

Yun Che slowly, bit by bit, gradually increased his strength.

It's torture, chronic torture.

Those two men, in endless despair and fear, will be gradually crushed into meatloaf by enormous force.

After a few breaths, the car exploded.

The huge palm formed by the condensed energy is completely closed.

A group of playboys died completely in Yun Che's hands, not a single one remained.


After finishing solving them, Yun Che turned his head and looked at Shizuka Hiratsuka in surprise.

In front of her, how many people have been killed by such cruel and tyrannical means, why didn't she react at all?

Even if it wasn't like an ordinary little girl, she was so frightened that she screamed.

But at least give a little scared expression, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

Or was she already frightened out of her wits and lost her mind?

".~Then what... What are you looking at me for, don't you think you killed me too?"

Seeing Yun Che staring at her, Hiratsuka Shizuka suddenly felt hairy, and asked in a timid tone.

"Aren't you afraid?"

Yun Che narrowed his eyes and asked curiously.

"I'm afraid, how can I not be afraid."

Shizuka Hiratsuka replied as a matter of course.

"Afraid? Afraid that you still have this fucking reaction?"

Yun Che was almost choked to death by Shizuka Hiratsuka's natural tone.

Are you afraid that you said it verbally?

Since you are afraid, then give a reaction that looks like you are really afraid!

"Uh...Actually, you're not the first person I've seen with superpowers, so maybe you're used to it."

Shizuka Hiratsuka rubbed his head and smiled dryly.

Hearing her words, Yun Che suddenly realized and nodded.

This is a hodgepodge world of comics, people from the high school of demons have appeared, and there are other people with extraordinary abilities, which is not surprising (Nuoma Zhao).

Since Hiratsuka Shizuka has already seen it.

In addition, she herself belongs to the calm type of person.

Therefore, the real emotion is very scary, but the reaction is a little flat, which is understandable.

"By the way, they are all the heirs of big families. Are you not afraid that those families will trouble you if you kill them like this?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka asked with some concern.

In her opinion, after all, Yun Che had his own reasons for making the move.

After all, the target of those men is me, if I didn't get into a car accident in this place.

Those men will not stay in this place.

And if they don't stop here, Yun Che won't do anything.


Well, going around, Hiratsuka still felt that this matter had an inseparable relationship with herself.

"Huh? Trouble me?"

"You are a teacher, aren't you so hard-headed?"

When Yun Che heard this, he couldn't help laughing. .

Chapter 357


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