Yun Che grinned, revealing a cold smile.Four.

Chapter 359

The next morning.

Don't worry about Yun Che going out alone, and worry that he will make some kind of moth like God Dai Lishi and Fangcun Aite to go with him.

The three of them strolled along the bustling street.

Countless pedestrians passing by cast their gazes one after another.

In addition to the combination of handsome men and beautiful women, it is more because of the "fame" of Yun Che and Fangcun Aite.

Fangcun Aite is a popular novelist, and there are not a few people who know her.

And Yun Che's "fame" is a bit special.

In the eyes of the public last night, the aboveboard use of supernatural power has already spread wildly on the Internet, and now almost no one does not know him.

As for God on behalf of the world, it is a bit "poor".

Although he is a big ghoul, he is very famous among ghouls.

But in the cognition of ordinary people, apart from good looks, there is nothing special.

"I really want to dig out their eyeballs and eat them!"

Ninety-five Zero God Dai Lishi muttered with an unhappy expression.

Although I know that this kind of gaze does not have a good meaning.

But both Yun Che and Fangcun Aite looked at it, but they didn't look at him.

This made her feel inexplicably excluded, which made her very uncomfortable.

"Calm down, what is there to care about with a group of ants."

Yun Che patted Shendai Lishi on the head and said with a smile.

If she really took action to dig out the eyeballs of these passers-by, then, like herself, she might become very "famous".

Although I and others don't care.

"If you ask me, even if Li Shi really gouges out these people's eyeballs, it's not a big deal."

"Anyway...we've been targeted."

Fangcun Aite smiled slightly.

He raised his head and looked at the top floor of a tall building not far away.

As a one-eyed owl of an SSS-level ghoul, she could clearly sense that someone was watching her and the others in that place.

And it's not even there.

In the alley at the corner of the street...

In the reflected windows of the building behind...

In a black car parked on the side of the road...

Everywhere, there are people watching...

Some of them are ordinary people, some are people of national power, and some are people with supernatural power.

"If you want to see it, let them watch it. It won't affect us anyway... That's what I wanted to say."

"But now it seems that some people are determined to seek death."

Squinting his eyes, Yun Che actually sensed the existence of these voyeurs a long time ago.

But seeing that they were just peeping and didn't do anything else, he ignored them.

But now, there is a surge of energy that is gaining momentum.

Obviously, among the peepers, there is a person with extraordinary power who wants to do something!

"Do you want to come out by yourself, or do you want me to catch you out?"

Turning his head to look at the alley at the corner of the street, Yun Che said flatly.

"Hehe, as expected of a person who dares to use power openly and aboveboard in the eyes of the public, he can actually detect my existence."

Following Yun Che's words, it fell.

A cold female voice sounded, and a black-haired woman in a luxurious black kimono came out of the alley.

I saw that she deliberately stood in the shadow to avoid the sun's rays, and her eyes were shining with a coquettish pink light.

"Oh? Are you... the crumb boss?"

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, Yun Che couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

The world of Ghost Slayer has also been integrated...

However, it is normal.

After all, this world originally belonged to ghouls, so it's not surprising that some ghosts are inserted now.

"Yun Che, this not normal!"

Fangcun Aite squinted his eyes.

She keenly smelled a strong smell of blood from Gui Wu Tsuji's body.

The opponent is not a ghoul, but it seems to have the same habits as the ghoul.

That is......

Eat people!

"Don't worry, this guy can't make any waves."

"Also, to correct you, this is her female form, and her body is a man."

With a slight smile, Yun Che turned his head to look at Guiwu Tsuji:

"Then, you don't hesitate to come and go in broad daylight, what's the use of looking for me?"

The ghosts in Ghost Slayer are afraid of the sun.

This is true even if Oni Wu Tsuji is the absolute ruler of ghosts.

Now, in order to find him, she actually took the risk of being wiped out by the sun and appeared in broad daylight. This really surprised Yun Che a little.

"Let's join forces."

Guiwu Tsuji smiled slightly.

"Huh?" Yun Che couldn't help being stunned when he heard that.

What the hell?

This guy took the risk of being exposed to the sun just to join forces with him?

Moreover, why would she want to join forces with herself?

Yun Che couldn't figure it out for a while, and couldn't figure out why Guiwu Tsuji Wumi would do such a mysterious operation.....

"Since you dared to use supernatural power in the eyes of the public last night, surely you, like me, disdain these ordinary people very much?"

"In that case, why don't we join forces and create a world that we can rule together?"

"Even, if you want, I can make you become like me, a creature that is infinitely close to perfection!"

Ghost Mai Tsuji smiled excitedly.

She wanted to win Yun Che over, and even transform Yun Che into a ghost.

Because she felt that Yun Che's values ​​were the same as her own.

Of course, the win over is only temporary.

The cruel and ruthless Ghost Mai Tsuji is now wooing, with combat power, when the day really comes to rule the world, he kicks him away decisively and dominates himself.


"I have to admit that you are right. I really disdain these ordinary people."

He touched his chin pretending to be thinking, and the corners of Yun Che's mouth rose slightly:

"But why do you think that I will rule the world with you?"

"Or, why do you think that I need to be with you in order to rule the world?"

It's really not that Yun Che looked down on Guiwu Tsuji.

If you put it in the original worldview of Demon Slayer, in that era, apart from being afraid of the sun, she was indeed as strong as a god.

But here is a world of mixed comics!

And still in modern times!

Even without talking about hot weapons or something.

Just those demons in the Demon High School, probably any magic will crush her to death, right?

To be reasonable, Oni Wu Tsuji's strength is really not enough in this mish-mash world.

She is the big Boos in the world of Ghost Slayer.

Here, it is estimated that it is a deadly trick.


Hearing Yun Che's mocking question, Gui Wu Tsuji's expression immediately darkened.

Originally, even if she hid in the shadows and avoided the sun's rays, she was already very irritable just by smelling the warmth of the sun.


If it weren't for such a small area in the shadow, the rest of the place would be illuminated by the sun, making it impossible to move around.

Ghost Dance Tsuji Wucan was planning to kill someone directly. .

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