
Well, to be precise, it shouldn't be a human being.

But the devil.

A group of demons! .

Chapter 361

"It should be here... right?"

Standing in front of a school, Yun Che had a bewildered expression.

He clearly sensed the aura of Rias Gremory and Chitori Sona in this school.


This is not Juwang Academy either!

What is a private comprehensive high school?

The name is too random ah hey!

"Could it be that for convenience, after the world and the world are fused into a mixed bag, the school is also fused together?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows, this was the only explanation he could think of so far.

If so.

Besides the devil, who knows what characters from anime schools are in it!

"Yun Che, when you said you want to have fun and let off steam, do you mean this?"

Shendai Lishi was stunned.

Coming to school for fun?

I'm afraid it's not Shi Lezhi!

"He may want us to experience the leisurely, beautiful and carefree student life without being forced by life..."

Fangcun Aite said with a bad smile.

It's true that you don't have to be forced by life.

But leisurely and beautiful, carefree...

Well, it is ironic on the surface, but it is actually the truth.

You know, whether it is Shendai Lishi or Fangcun Aite, they are all born ghouls.

And the status of ghouls means that they have nothing to do with the life of the school and students.

To put it bluntly, they have never read a book, never been to school, and never experienced the life of a student.

Think from this angle.

Kirishima Touka is already considered a relatively happy ghoul, after all, he can still go to school.

"Ahem, the school is not the point, the point is the people in the school, you will know when you come in with me."

After coughing twice in embarrassment, Yun Che led Shendai Lishi and Fangcun Aite into the school through the gate.

During the period, the security guard at the school gate wanted to stop people.

But Yun Che gave him a stare, and a basic Sharingan illusion was overwhelmed.

"Which class is he from? He looks so handsome!"

"That girl with purple hair and glasses is so pretty`~!"

"Really? I think the girl with dark green hair is pretty, petite and cute, but her hairstyle is a bit messy."

"You idiots! Didn't you see that they are not wearing school uniforms? Maybe they are the new teachers!"

Because it is recess time at this time.

So the playground, the window of the teaching building, and the students playing around after class are everywhere.

The conspicuous lineup of the three of Yun Che naturally caught their attention.

"This is the school, it looks quite lively!"

Looking around curiously, Fangcun Aite smiled with great interest.

"A standard school doesn't count teachers. There are tens of thousands of students alone. Can it be lively?"

Shrugging his shoulders and explaining, Yun Che led the two of them to the student union, following the breath of Zhiqi Cangna.

As for why I asked Zhituo Sona.

Instead of going to the Occult Research Department, find Rias Gremory...

Probably because Yun Che has a better sense of Shitori Sona than Rias Gremory.

"Yo, we meet again!"

Pushing open the door of the student union, Yun Che walked in.

"It's you! Why are you here?"

Sitting in the position of the president of the student union, Zhiche Cangna, who was playing chess with himself, raised his head when he heard the sound, and saw Yun Che with a look of astonishment on his face.

For this single person, he completely defeated his dependents.

And by unknown means, from his own hands, he copied the man with the "White Dragon King's Light Wings".

Shitori Sona was particularly impressed!

"Well, I have nothing to do, so I came here to have fun."

Yun Che smiled.

He unceremoniously took Shendai Lishi and Fangcun Aite to sit on the sofa.


Zhiqi Cangna's mouth twitched slightly.

Sure enough, she still couldn't see through this man...

"First of all, this is a school, not a place for you to have fun. Secondly, can you be a little bit of a priority? It's fine if you come in and don't knock on the door. I didn't say anything, so you sat down on your own."

For Yun Che, Zhituo Canna felt very helpless.

Let's talk, it's not easy to talk about him.

Let's fight, but I can't beat him.

It was really restrained to death.

"Well, don't see Waisa like that, where are your dependents?"

Yun Che turned his head to look, and there was only Ji Chicang in the huge student union classroom.

"They all have their own things to do, and it's impossible to stay by my side all the time."

Zhitch Cangna sighed, she could see that the man in front of her was impervious to water.

If you want to dismiss him, you can only do as he says.

"Yun Che, you haven't introduced us yet, who is this?"

Fangcun Aite looked at Zhituo Sona, and curiously asked Yun Che beside him.

"Oh, her, her name is Zhituo Sona, she is a demon, her strength is not bad, Li Shi, you are not happy, here, you can find her to vent."

Yun Che laughed.


Hearing the words, God Dai Lishi looked at Shitori Sona with some surprise.

This girl with a quiet appearance turned out to be a devil?

Are you sure you're not kidding?

Moreover, is it serious that you have good strength?

Can he really resist the venting of his S-SS rank ghouls?

".~Ahem...Yun Che, what are you talking about!"

Goddai Lishi was surprised, but the person involved, Zhi Cangna, was so shocked that he choked on the air.

"Dare you come to my place, the so-called fun, is to treat me as a venting object?"


To be reasonable, if it is not that the strength is not enough.

Zhiche Cangna really wanted to hammer Yun Che's head off.

The kind that is so rotten that it can be put in the soil to water flowers and fertilize!

"Well, don't reject me so quickly, department/group: 9.8/0'2,? 0"5:8'5,6Jesa, don't worry, it's not me asking you to vent, but her. "

Yun Che patted Shendai Lishi on the head and said with a smile:

"Her strength is fairly average, so you don't have to worry about being crushed by me like last time."


It was because of the crushing beating by myself last time, which cast a psychological (Nuo Li's) shadow on her.

Now, the target has been changed from himself to the ordinary god Dai Lishi.



Zhiche Cangna heard the words, and looked thoughtfully at Shendai Lishi.

As long as she is not fighting against Yun Che, then she has no reason to refuse, Department/Group: 9.8/0'2,? 0"5:8'5,6 Absolutely, after all, he was hammered by Yun Che last time, and this time he has the opportunity to get back the place from the people around him.

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