The white ghosts wiped their necks at Cheng Jin-Woo as if they had accepted the challenge.


Cheng Jin-Woo smiled, but his eyes were cold.

'...I must have killed you with my own hands. '

Cheng Jin-Woo did not respond to the mere provocations of the monsters, but looked at them with indifferent eyes.

Soon, the white ghosts disappeared under the tree.

"It doesn't seem like we are very welcome here."

At this moment, Wang Zhe finally opened his mouth.

As the only A-level hunter and captain here, when he started to speak, everyone focused on him in unison.

"I don't know if you have noticed, but we are now in the red portal."

Wang Zhe talked about it as a matter of course, and no one complained about it.

"That is to say, unless we all die here, or wait for the dungeon to get out of control and open the portal, no one can get in before then."

Everyone made a low voice.



After the idea of ​​waiting for rescue was dispelled, everyone was hit hard.

Wang Zhe continued.

"If I continue to stay here, I will either be frozen to death or killed by those guys. Even if no one joins the crusade, I will kill all the monsters here by myself, and then go out. Who wants to join me?"

Wang Zhe's firm eyes and broad shoulders look unusually reliable.

After a while, the hunters who looked at each other expressed their desire to go with Wang Zhe.

"Let's act together."

"Take me one."

"Go back alive."

"I'll help too!"

But Wang Zhe pushed away the chest of the man who wanted to help.


Although he has controlled his strength, he is still an A-level hunter after all.

The hunter who was pushed away took a step back, the pain in his chest made him frown.

"except you."


"And you, you, you, you too."

In addition to men, Wang Zhe pointed out a few more people, including Cheng Xiaoyu and Han Songyi.

At that moment, Cheng Jin-Woo frowned.

There are five people in total, all of them are below C level.

"Although it's not good to do so, I can't take you away."

"What did you say?"

"You don't know anything about red portals, do you?"

The man shook his head.

"A day in the red portal is an hour outside. In the worst case, it will take at least several months to wait for the dungeon to get out of control or to get the ultimate boss. In such a situation, I definitely can't carry burdens."

"You say we are a burden?"

The hunters named by Wang Zhe immediately became dissatisfied, but when Wang Zhe glared at them, everyone shut up.

Wang Zhe continued talking as if showing mercy.

"Don't be too sad, as long as you can survive until we get rid of the ultimate boss, you can leave here safely."

"But even so..."

The named hunters looked at the other hunters beside Wang Zhe with begging eyes, but everyone was avoiding their gaze. At this moment...


In Wang Zhe's team, a B-rank female hunter raised her hand.


When Wang Zhe looked at her, she pointed in Cheng Jin-Woo's direction.

"Can I go over to them?"

"…up to you."

So the woman walked up to Cheng Jin-Woo's side without looking back.

Wang Zhe looked at the woman and Cheng Jin-Woo repeatedly, then sneered and said loudly.

"Then there is still one place left here, and you can come over with another person."

"I, I'll go!"

The male hunter who answered him had been pushed down by Wang Zhe before, so he ran over to prevent Wang Zhe from changing his mind.

This is normal, Cheng Jin-Woo also felt that his choice was not wrong.

'The strange thing is this woman is right. '

Zhenyu looked curiously at the woman standing next to him.

The woman who made eye contact with Seong Jin-Woo spoke in a voice that no one else could hear.

"That guy Wang Zhe didn't even notice the Frost Arrow flying over."

Not all stats are high even for advanced hunters.Although he is A-level, it is normal for him to have low agility attributes.Seong Jin-Woo, who knew the concept of statistics, thought it was no big deal.

"so what?"

The woman smiled.

"You, aren't you E-rank?"

Chapter 60 Wang Zhenzhen Domino Effect

In front of the red portal.

Bai Luhao's expression was very gloomy.

Although An Haomin briefly introduced Seong Jin-Woo to him, it did not alleviate his anxiety at all.

"That's just your speculation, isn't it?"

"That's true."

An Haomin readily admitted, because he really had no way to prove Cheng Xiaoyu.

'If the chairman can meet Seong Jin-Woo Hunter in person, he will understand. '

There must be something about Seong Jin-Woo that is different from others.

An Haomin himself was very frustrated because he couldn't describe this.

Bai Luhao's gaze turned to the teleportation port.

"The only person who can believe it is Wang Zhe..."

Then someone made a sound.

"Wang Zhe will be fine."

Another person intervened in the conversation between Bai Luhao, An Haomin and He Qizhe.

All three heads turned to him at the same time.

Zhu Shengchang, chief of the first management section.

He looked at the three people and said confidently.

"In order to be able to respond to any emergencies at any time, we have given Wang Zhe hunters a very profound education."

Previously, the Second Management Section was responsible for newcomers, while the First Management Section was responsible for the training of A-level or higher personnel.

Talents who enter the elite team are different from others from the very beginning.

After Zhu Shengchang finished speaking confidently, Bai Luhao's expression relaxed slightly.

"How is Hunter Wang Zhe's grades?"

"Hunter Wang Zhe's training results are excellent, and his combat power is not inferior to that of the members of the White Tiger Guild's elite attack team."


Bai Luhao finally smiled.

Wang Zhe is an A-level hunter.

It is an important talent that cannot be ignored even among advanced hunters.

As long as he, as the captain of the attacking team, can lead the B-level hunters to attack the dungeon properly!

Although it will cause a lot of damage to C-level hunters, from the perspective of the White Tiger Association, the survival of senior hunters is more important than anything else.

"Fortunately, Wang Zhe's hunter ability is enough..."

The flame of hope that had long been extinguished was ignited again at this moment.

Zhu Shengchang, who reassured the chairman, looked at An Haomin sideways.

"I heard what you said just now. It seems to be a hunter who has been awakened for the second time? It seems to be talking about this..."

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