Cheng Jin-Woo sat on the ground panting.


Wang Jianshe's sword was beside him, and he reached out and took the sword in his hand.

"In this case, even if I die, I will take one with me."

When Cheng Xiaoyu turned his head, Song Zhiguo had successfully escaped with the unconscious Xiaoxi.

'Only I will die here...'

He never did it out of some noble determination.

Just trying to minimize losses.

Even if he can get out of here alive today, he can only be a cripple for the rest of his life.

It is impossible for him to continue to be a hunter, and whether he can live like a normal person is also a question.He only has a high school degree, and he has no other skills. It can be said that the road ahead is dark.

'Mom's hospital bill... and my sister's tuition. '

In this case, it is better to let his family get more compensation from the association.

'If you die in a group battle held by the association, will the Hunter Association pay 3 million yuan or 4 million yuan?'

This is a rare and huge sum of money for an E-level hunter.




These stone statues finally reached the altar.

The first stone statue to arrive boarded the altar, Cheng XiaoWoo stared at the stone statue and raised the long sword in his hand.

"bring it on."

However, the attack came from behind.


The spear pierced his chest from behind.


Cheng Jin-Woo spat out a mouthful of blood instantly.

Unimaginable pain quickly spread throughout the body.

"Any higher and your heart would be pierced."

Xiaoxi's nagging, which he heard a few hours ago, flashed through his mind one by one like a revolving lantern.

"Ah, cough cough cough!!"

The stone statue raised the spear, and Cheng Jin-Woo's body was lifted in the air together with the spear.Before he could struggle, he was thrown heavily onto the altar.



There was the sound of bones breaking in his ears.

His body curled up in excruciating pain.

"Uh uh uh…."

He trembled uncontrollably, and the stone statue slowly surrounded him.

Cheng Jin-Woo looked up at them, trembling all over his body.

'I...I don't want to die like this. '

When death really came at this moment, tears blurred his vision.

He recalled the faces of his family.He will think of those people who are worried about him, Xiaoxi, Uncle Zhiguo...

'I don't want to die...'

He did not want to hastily end his short, only 24-year-old life.

A stone statue holding a sword walked over mercilessly, and then raised the sword high.

Even though he was terrified to death in his heart, he stared at the stone statue without looking away.

Finally, the stone statue swung down the sword.


'If, if you give me another chance!'

Cheng Jin-Woo's eyes widened.

at this time.

Chi Chi Chi One!

As if pressing the pause button, the frighteningly fast sword suddenly stopped in mid-air.

No, it didn't stop at all.

Just a lot slower.

Move 1 mm in [-] minute?

Although very slow, the sword is still moving.

"What the hell happened here?"

Cheng Jin-Woo was very flustered.


Ding Ling!

A mechanical female voice that he had never heard before sounded in his mind.

'Secret Mission: You already have the completion conditions for the mission - Courage of the Weak.'

Secret mission? Have the conditions to complete?

Cheng Jin-Woo really couldn't understand this sudden situation.

No, where does this sound come from?

But that voice ignored Cheng Jin-Woo's question and continued.

'You have qualified as a player.Do you accept?'

'Acquired? Accepted?'

'What do you mean? What is the situation...?'

"Looks like you're going to give me something..."

Life has not been very well-off since he was a child, so he has never refused any free things so far.

But these are all while he is still alive, what use are these free things to him after he is dead?


Cheng Jin-Woo was still hesitating, the voice sounded again, as if urging him to make a decision quickly.

'The time given to you is running out. '

'If you refuse, your heart will stop beating after 0.02 seconds. '

-'Do you accept?'

'Ah... If you accept it, I don't have to die...'

He didn't know if he was hallucinating, but he knew he was dying.

Because apart from that damn sword, there are countless weapons flying in his direction.

After these attacks, can he still have a whole body?

Since it was already like this, he might as well accept it.

'...Since it is given to me, accept it. '

He made a decision in his heart, but before he could say it, the woman's voice answered him immediately.

[Congratulations on becoming a player. 】

blink one

The dazzling light instantly enveloped Cheng Jin-Woo.

At the same time, Seong Jin-Woo also lost consciousness.


Cheng Jin-Woo opened his eyes.

White ceiling, pungent disinfectant, and hard bed boards.

Cheng Jin-Woo soon knew where he was.

'Hospital? '

Since he met the B-level healer Xiaoxi, he has been hospitalized a lot less, but for Cheng Jin-Woo, the hospital is still the place he is most familiar with, just like he is familiar with the local convenience store.

He went to the hospital so many times that it was rumored that a seat was specially reserved for him in the Hunter Hospital.

Cheng Jin-Woo sat up, put his hands on his chest, and felt the vibration transmitted to his palms.His heart was still beating normally.

"I... survived?"

As if it was more than that.

Unlike before, he felt very light in his body.

Whenever he woke up from the hospital bed, he would feel dizzy and exhausted.

But this time is different.

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