'But it's better than the first time. '

Indeed, I am less nervous now than I was when I first saw Castlevania.

No, or rather.

'Maybe it's because I've grown up. '

Cheng Jin-Woo put the key of Castlevania back into the item warehouse, and took out the dark gray key.

[Item: Key to the city gate]

Access Difficulty: A

Type: key

The key that can open the gates of Castlevania.Obtained by killing the guard dog.

This is the city gate key obtained after killing the guard dog Cerberus.

I was severely punished by Cerberus before, and I didn't dare to go in, but now it's finally usable.


Next came the weapons.

Holding the key of the city gate in his left hand and Baruka's dagger in his right hand, he walked cautiously towards the city gate.

He did not see Cerberus.

'Won't Warcraft reset in Castlevania?'

Although it cannot be determined, it is very likely to be the same as Cerberus.


It may be constructed differently than other dungeons that reset Warcraft.

Cheng Jin-Woo tensed his nerves sharply.

Plop, plop, plop!

He increased the points of feeling to over [-], and the beating sound of his heart was as loud as thunder.

' But not afraid. '

Unlike before, now I have an overwhelmingly strong self-confidence.

Being nervous and shaking with fear are two different things.


When he stood in front of the city gate, the message jumped out.

【Do you use the key of the city gate to enter?】


They've all come here, or do you want me to go back?

Seeing the nonsensical speech, Cheng Jin-Woo sneered and chose YES.


Then, the huge door that I didn't even touch with my hand moved.



Cheng Jin-Woo was a little flustered.

Even if he tensed his nerves, he couldn't feel the breath of the monster from inside the city gate.

'No monsters?'

Cheng Jin-Woo was obviously worried about the opposite situation.

He was worried that the monsters would rush out all of a sudden, so he had considered whether to go to the punishment area to beat the desert centipede as a special training.


But what's the matter?

Efforts become overshadowed.

It was very deserted inside.

'Ha...that's true. '

Cheng Xiaoyu returned Baruka's dagger to the item warehouse empty-handedly, and entered the Castlevania.

At that moment.


The mechanical sound made Cheng Xiaoyu take out two short knives like flying, but it was just a message sound.


[Discover new missions. 】

'New mission?'

instead of daily quests?

But it is strange to say that it is a daily task. Before coming here, he had already completed the daily task and got the reward.

That means it's a normal task...

But this is the first time I have encountered it.

'After all, I have only received secret missions or urgent missions so far. '

Except for the daily tasks that are available every day, that's all.

Cheng Jin-Woo tilted his head and confirmed the content of the message.

'confirm. '

Subsequently, more information about the mission flowed out.


【General task: collect the souls of demons! (1)】

Castlevania is full of demons.Catch demons and collect their souls to get special rewards.

Every time you kill a demon, you can get a soul.The upper layer contains demons with multiple souls.

Task launch conditions:

Enter Castlevania

Task completion conditions:

Demon's Soul 10,000

Task rewards are as follows

Reward 1: Choose one of all items

Reward 2: Reward Points +20

Reward 3: Undisclosed Reward

Bonus twenty points!

The first thing that caught Cheng Jin-Woo's attention was the point reward.

'In this way, you can increase your intelligence by twenty points. '

He couldn't help laughing.

He deeply felt the lack of mana.

'Because it takes a lot of mana to regenerate shadow soldiers. '

But which is only a matter of mana?

He confirmed that the higher the intelligence, the number of shadows that can be extracted and the number of soldiers that can be stored will increase.

He desperately needs intelligence points.

'It's not enough to just level up or increase your Dailies...'

If you can get [-] points for this task reward, everything can be solved perfectly.

He swallowed.

Furthermore.Seong Jin-Woo's gaze moved upwards.

Task rewards are as follows

Reward 1: Choose one of all items

Reward 2: Reward Points +20

I am grateful for the reward points alone, and I can choose one of all the items.

'Really anything is okay?'

Seong Jin-Woo thought of all kinds of high-priced equipment that he had seen in store catalogs before.

'It was clear then...'

Among the items with difficulty level S, some are worth billions, or even 100 billion.

Although the 100 billion is not cash, it is a currency that only exists on the system.

But is that enough?

The current knight killer is an item worth 300 million gold coins, and it is very easy to use.

'Three million B-level items are at this level, what about hundreds of millions, billions of S-level items?'

This aroused Seong Jin-Woo's curiosity.

Judging from the two rewards, apart from undisclosed rewards, this is a mission that must not be missed.

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