Seong Jin-Woo was thinking about this while passing by the sweaty recovery team.

In fact, the strength of the shadow soldiers is much stronger than the recovery team composed of hunters below C level. If the soldiers are divided into three groups, one group hunts, one group recovers, and one group collects... .

'Maybe I can conquer high-level dungeons by myself. '

Cheng Jin-Woo showed a satisfied smile.

The purpose of this trip is mainly to investigate, and this trip really came at the right time.

"Xiao Cheng, what are you laughing at?"

Perhaps curious about the reason why an E-rank hunter who should have no advanced dungeon experience was laughing alone, the mining team leader spoke to Cheng Jin-Woo.

"This group of monsters is much bigger than imagined."

Maybe Cheng Jin-Woo's casual answer made him very satisfied, the captain responded to his words while recalling.

"Really? That's right. When I first came here, I couldn't even close my mouth in surprise."

As soon as these words came out, Cheng Jin-Woo asked him a few more questions.

"Although the normal monsters have been eliminated, the ultimate boss is still alive, right?"

"Yes, the portal will only be closed if the ultimate boss is killed."

Until the recycling and mining work is over, the boss cannot be killed at will.

"What if the ultimate boss escapes from the boss room?"

"Although this is unlikely, if this happens, everyone who stays inside will die."

This is a matter of course,

The attacking team entering the dungeon will rest until the boss room needs to be closed and the portal is closed, while the hunters of the mining team and recovery team cannot deal with the boss of the A-level dungeon.

But in general, until the dungeon is out of control, the boss usually only stays in the boss room, maybe this is why the team leader has no fear.

"Even if there is such a scary guy behind you, aren't you afraid?"

""Of course not. "

Captain Pei said decisively.

"In the three years I have worked in the Hunter Division, this kind of thing has never happened, so you don't have to worry too much, Xiao Cheng."

Seong Jin-Woo looked at Captain Bae who patted his shoulder and smiled at him, feeling a little envious.

'Sometimes it's a good thing not to know. '

Even if it does nothing, the fluctuation of this magic power makes people tremble.

It seems that he is the only one in this group who can sense the breath of BOSS.

"Oh, it looks like we're going to start here!"

Captain Pei said excitedly after discovering the cluster of mana stones on the wall of the cave.

The experienced collection team members took the initiative to find nearby locations for collection without following instructions.

Click, click.

Cheng Jin-Woo put down his luggage, picked up the pickaxe, walked to a corner of the stone clump and stood still.

'Just drop it off?'

If you swing the pickaxe hard by yourself, both the mana stone and the pickaxe will be broken.

Cheng Jin-Woo thought uneasily.

'what to do?'

When Cheng Jin-Woo hesitated to start the construction, Mo Zhenxiu, who was called a senior member of the mining team by many people, came into his eyes.

Whoop! Click! Whoop! Click!

Mo Zhenxiu rhythmically swung the pickaxe to collect mana stones. Whenever he chiseled towards the wall, there would be a sound of mana stones falling on the ground.


He really deserves to be called a senior member, his speed is at least twice as fast as others.

Cheng Jin-Woo's eyes were shining brightly.

In the slow passage of time, Cheng Jinxiu learned Mo Jinxiu's posture, breathing and muscle movements, and Mo Jinxiu's efficient actions were repeatedly reproduced in his mind.

'Understood. '

Understand how and feel to capture.

Cheng Jin-Woo picked up the pickaxe, and the posture he made seemed to have completely reproduced Mo Jin-Soo's movements.

Whoop! Click! Whoop! Click!

Even with the same movement, Cheng Jin-Woo's strength far surpassed that of Mo Zhenxiu. Whenever he chiseled the wall, piles of mana stones kept rolling down.

Whoop! Click! Whoop! Click!

A comforting sound came from the end of the cave.

The hunters of the mining team gradually began to realize something.

"Uh... hello."


"Look over there."


"What's the matter with that guy?"

The hunters of the mining team stopped their work one by one and stared blankly at Cheng Jin-Woo, even Mo Jin-soo, who was working non-stop, also stopped working.


Everyone was speechless.

The E-class hunter who claims to be mining for the first time is smashing the mana stone with skillful movements!

"Hey, you people! Why are you all in a daze here when you are clearly called to work?"

Captain Pei, who had been busy recording the size of the mana stone cluster in the ledger, noticed the situation of the collection team and ran over quickly.

"Captain, look over there."

"Look at what?"

Captain Pei looked in the direction he pointed, and then his eyes widened in shock at the sight in front of him.

"Oh my God!"

Watching Cheng Jin-Woo working three times faster than others, even Captain Bae couldn't easily look away.

"Captain, didn't he say that today is the first time to go to work?"


Lee Moon Seung, who was curious about Seong Jin Woo's identity, suddenly interrupted the conversation.

"Is that person really E-rank?"

"Of course, I have already checked his qualification certificate. Besides, the first time I met a hunter, how could I let him in without even looking at his ID card?"

"Then what's going on here?"


Captain Bae, who silently watched Cheng Jin-Woo, swallowed his saliva with a breathless expression.

"Xiao Cheng...he must be a natural miner."

No wonder I noticed his muscular chest muscles from the first glance of the interview.

Sure enough, I was right.

A smile appeared on Captain Pei's face.


Beep, beep, beep.

Captain Pei's watch rang, and he raised his wrist to confirm the time.

'Oops, the time is up so soon...'

It's lunch break now

"Everyone go eat."


Everyone put down their equipment and shook the dust off their hands.

Even though the team members left in groups, Cheng Jin-Woo didn't show any intention of moving, Captain Bae noticed the situation and walked over to greet him.

"Xiao Cheng isn't going to eat?"

"I don't have an appetite yet."

"How can you work hard if you don't eat?"

"It's okay, I ate breakfast late."

"Really? That's not forcing you."

I wanted to have dinner together and talk about the future of the two of them, but since the other party has no intention, we can't force the other party away.

Captain Pei turned and walked towards the teleportation port while regretting.

At this moment, the corners of Cheng Jin-Woo's mouth curled up, and he smiled as he watched the other players leave.

'Such a good opportunity can't be missed. '

Finally, I was the only one left, and both the mining team and the recycling team left the dungeon.

There is still one hour of free time from now, which is a perfect opportunity to find the ultimate boss hidden deep in the dungeon.

Cheng Jin-Woo put down the pickaxe, turned his gaze to the direction of the boss room, he could feel the strong aura of monsters.

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