"He's like this again, come and stop him."

"Then come give me a hug!"

As the young hunter spoke, he stretched out his arms and embraced him.

"Wow! I'm getting goosebumps, stay away from me!"

wow ha ha ha ha one by one

After entering the A-level dungeon, the members of the raiding team laughed for the first time.

Cheng Jin-Woo also looked at them with relief.

Although he didn't help the raiding team just to claim credit, he couldn't help smiling at their sincere thanks.


Seong Jin-Woo walked towards the cheerful female therapist.

'She is so small that you can't see her from behind. '

Seong Jin-Woo returned the notebook he got from her, and the female therapist took it with a blushing face.

"Thanks, thank you..."

"Ah, why are you saying such useless words. She blamed herself in her heart while saying thank you.

There is one more thing that will kick the quilt in shame if I think about it before going to bed.

In the eyes of the porter who casually took the dungeon boss uniform, the self who handed him the notebook looks ridiculous, right?

The female therapist slightly raised her head and glanced at Cheng Xiaoyu, but luckily he didn't show a mocking look.

On the contrary, Seong Jin-Woo said to her seriously.

"The healer."


She raised her head quickly like a student about to be criticized.

"Don't put personal belongings in the raiding team's luggage in the future, it's very heavy."

"Huh?" The other party's eyes widened and he forgot what he wanted to say.

Cheng Jin-Woo snorted and laughed.

I've said everything I wanted to say.

The other side looks almost finished.

So Cheng Jin-Woo left the female therapist alone in a daze, turned around and left without hesitation.

"Let's go."

The hunters from the inspection department also walked out with Cheng Jin-Woo.

There was only one person left who hadn't reacted yet.


Cha Hae-In, who failed to talk to Cheng Jin-Woo, put down the hand she just extended.

'I wanted to ask for the contact information...'

Just wanted to ask if I could take a moment.

But the current situation has not been resolved, and saying such things to the parties will easily cause misunderstandings.

at this time.

A huntress approaches Cha Hae-In.

"That... the vice chairman."


Cha Hae-In looked back at her, and the huntress pointed to her hand.

"Why are you holding a pickaxe?"

Cha Hae-In looked at the pickaxe in her hand, her face gradually turned red.

She put down the pickaxe and asked the other party.

"Does he think I'm weird?"

"Who?" the huntress asked, tilting her head.

Cha Hae-In blushed up to her ears.

After coming out of the teleportation port, Oh Jin-cheol looked at his watch and asked Seong Jin-woo.

We plan to go back to the association, if you are still free, how about having a meal with the president?"

"what time is it now?"

"Five fifteen."

Well, although the time is a bit tight, there is still time to meet Liu Chenhao.

Cheng Jin-Woo politely declined Oh Jin-Cheol.

"I still have an appointment, let's forget about today."


Huh, ha.

Liu Chenhao took a deep breath according to the method he learned from the movie, trying to calm himself down.

'The time to decide fate has come. '

The elder brother's choice will determine his own destiny.

It feels more exciting and nervous than when I was negotiating with my father about Liu Chen's guild a few days ago.

'Return to the original heart, return to the original heart. '

It was no accident that I chose the coffee shop where I met my eldest brother for the first time as a meeting place.

'Without the help of my elder brother, I wouldn't be able to get to where I am now. '

When I go to the coffee shop with this idea in mind, I always feel very emotional.

It was also sitting in this position.


As the bell rang, Cheng Jin-Woo opened the door and walked in.


Seeing Cheng Jin-Woo, Yoo Chen-ho stood up happily and bowed to greet him.

Cheng Jin-Woo used his eyes instead of saying hello, and then sat opposite Liu Chen-ho.

After seeing him sit down, Liu Chenhao sat down with confidence.

"Is there a problem?"

Hearing this, Liu Chenhao raised his head, and Ding Qing saw him startled.

"Brother, your clothes..."

"Ah, this?"

I haven't had time to change after fighting the giant orc, and my clothes are dirty.

The top was still stained with some giant orc blood.

"Because I came here in a hurry just after leaving the dungeon, so..." Cheng Jin-Woo said nonchalantly.


Liu Chenhao was startled again.

Compared with his elder brother, the insignificant self almost lived on drinking after obtaining the leader's qualification certificate.

But what about big brother?

Even with such powerful power, you still take time to go to the dungeon to practice, don't you?

"As expected of a big brother..." Liu Chenhao felt ashamed of himself.

He couldn't help but start to respect his elder brother.

He came here before even covering the blood stains on his clothes. Perhaps it was not necessary for him to hide the process of cultivation.

'The traces of the battle are like the medals I got. '

Liu Chenhao's expression was stiff.

If this is the elder brother's decision, no matter what it is, I will follow him.

So tell the truth.

"Brother, actually..."

Liu Chenhao reported everything related to his father that day to Cheng Xiaoyu.

Because of Gao Minghuan's testimony, who was the one who rescued the hunters of the White Tiger Guild in the red teleportation port was made clear.

"That uncle is really talkative..."

But after all, it is for oneself, so it is not easy to get angry.

For some reason, when talking about the red teleportation port, Liu Chenhao's expression was always full of enthusiasm.

In short, now I finally understand what Liu Chenhao meant.

"So if you want to become the leader of the Liu Chen Guild, you must have my help?"

After finishing everything, Yoo Chen-ho calmly waited for Cheng Jin-Woo's answer.

He didn't egg each other on, or express his thoughts, as usual.

He will respect Seong Jin-Woo's wishes.

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