Reward 3: Random Box +1

【Accept all of them?】

'How come there are so many?'

The moment he saw the reward content, he couldn't help being surprised.

But if you think about it carefully, there are some useful rewards, and some rewards with unclear meanings.

He clicked on the first reward and recovered his status.

Because he has reached his limit.

Since the punishment for not completing the task is real, then these rewards should also be real.

It won't be harmful anyway, so why not try it?

After all, this system will not throw him back to the penalty area after giving rewards, right?


Chapter 11 The "Second Awakening" of the Weak

As soon as he finished speaking, a soft blue halo enveloped him.

'Um... how does this feel?'

Cheng Jin-Woo suddenly thought of Xiao Xi.

This feeling is exactly the same as when Xiaoxi treated him.

If you want to express this feeling in words, it should be the feeling that your lungs are purified by fresh air, right?

woo woo woo—

The blue halo gradually disappeared.

He felt a little pity.

Seong Jin-Woo stood up, jumped a few times and stretched his limbs.

"how is this possible?"

The heart that was on the verge of bursting has calmed down, and the breathing has gradually become gentle.

He didn't feel the slightest fatigue.The body that was on the verge of collapse seemed to recover all of a sudden, as if it had just had a good night's sleep.

The effect is really not covered.

'Isn't that amazing?'

Cheng Jin-Woo felt a little puzzled.Although he didn't know if it was magic or something else, it did have a great impact on him.

In this case, what are those ability values?

When Cheng Jinyu looked up, he found a small box placed beside the bed, and his own attribute window also appeared in front of his eyes.

'That thing should be a random box...'

The property window displays his basic information.

【Name: Cheng XiaoWoo】

【Level: 1】

【Occupation: None】

【Title: None】

【HP: 100】


【Tiredness: 0】


Strength: 10

Stamina: 10

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 10

Feeling: 10

(Available points: 3)


Passive Skill: (Unknown) Ly. Max

Perseverance Lv1

Active Skill: Run LV1

These are similar to the initial ability values ​​of those online game characters he played before.

'Is this my current ability value?'

The current grade is level one.

The ability value is also the lowest value.

But considering that he is also the weakest among the E-rank hunters, there is nothing surprising about these.

What caught his attention was the [skill] part.

'Perseverance' is a passive skill, 'running' is an active skill.

These two skills are somewhat familiar.

"Ah, I remembered, yesterday..."

Yesterday, to be precise, it should be yesterday morning, what he heard when he was chased by the centipede in the penalty area.

Just after he had been running non-stop for his life for three hours, he suddenly received several new messages.

Get [Skill: Run]

Get [Skill: Perseverance]

At that time, he was so busy running for his life that he didn't have time to think about their meaning, but now he has plenty of time.

Seong Jin-Woo confirmed the content of the skill.

[Skill: Running Lv1]

Active skills

Mana Required: 5

Consistent running strengthens your legs.While this skill is active, your speed will be increased by 30%.Using this skill will consume 1 mana per minute.

【Skill: Perseverance Lv1】

Passive skill.

Mana Required: 0

You possess unyielding perseverance.When the stamina drops below 30%, this skill will be activated automatically and the damage will be reduced by 50%.

'Is it because I ran so desperately yesterday that I got the two skills 'running' and 'perseverance'? '

it seems to be like this.

So it seems that if he keeps repeating a certain action and then happens to meet certain conditions, he can learn a new skill.

"My God!"

This is quite a benefit!

Because generally speaking, hunters can only acquire new skills in two ways, one is through the initial awakening, and the other is through the rune stones dropped by A-level monsters.

The price of runic stone varies, and the highest can even reach several tens of billions.

I heard that in a recent auction, the price of a rune stone reached 4 million yuan.

That rune stone has a skill, that is, it can restore the injured person to its original state in an instant.It is said that in the end, a foreign S-level healing hunter spent his life savings and anonymously bought that rune stone.

Cheng Jin-Woo's heart was pounding.

A skill that can increase movement speed, and a skill that can reduce damage.

Although it can't compare with that skill worth tens of billions, but for Cheng Jin-Woo, these two skills are enough.

What's more, he still got these two skills for free.

While he's low on mana, he probably won't be able to make the most of those two abilities, but it's better than nothing, isn't it?

'And Perseverance doesn't require mana to use...'

The mana value here may be MP.That way, even if he doesn't have much mana, he will be able to use the skill of perseverance freely.

This alone is already a huge gain.

"But... what is this unknown?"


Passive Skill: (Unknown) Lv. Max

This unknown is listed in the passive skill column.

Since it is a passive skill, it means that it is automatically activated, but there is no relevant information here.

'Ha, I have no idea at all. '

The information he can learn is very limited, even if he thinks about it, he can't get any answer.

So, Cheng Jin-Woo looked elsewhere.

'Ability value...'

The three bonus stats received as rewards are still pending.


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