Even if there is no problem with the person, it cannot be said with certainty that the thing is genuine.

The chief appraiser convinced himself as if to appease him.

Even if the world's most outstanding equipment maker uses top-grade materials and tries his best, the increase is only a little over 50%.

However, it is not easy to get the materials together, and the production requires a lot of manpower and time, and there is only one piece in the world almost every few years.

There is a long queue of magic hunters all over the world who just want to buy this kind of props, but there is still a price but no market.

Well, even without mentioning the world.

In country H alone, Cui Zhongyin, the magic hunter who is known as the ultimate weapon, also asked around, wanting to buy magic items with an increase of more than 50%.

And now, this hunter who is only at S rank but has not been widely known yet says that he is holding a prop that can increase by 100%?

'Totally impossible......'

If the opponent wasn't a top hunter, I would have kicked this ridiculous guy out a long time ago.

But it's not okay to let S-rank hunters be rejected.

Even if the props don't have the effect he said, he will still be an important business partner of the auction house for a long time to come.

'Trust is the capital. '

The chief appraiser asked Cheng Jin-Woo with a little sense of anticipation and more research.

"Can you... let me see that prop?"

Kim Jong-ki and the leader of the identification team also stared at Cheng Jin-Woo with nervous expressions.

"of course can."

Seong Jin-Woo pretended to take it out of his pocket while taking out the "Greedy Pearl" from the warehouse.

"This is......"

The chief appraiser adjusted his glasses.

Beads that exude beautiful brilliance.

The power attached to it makes those who admire it involuntarily sigh.

The two members of the appraisal team also sighed.

"Hmm one by one." The chief appraiser turned his head while fiddling with his glasses.

"Isn't this a magic item made with the power of magic spar or magic power?"


The chief appraiser nodded.

'really. '

I have been an appraiser for seven years.

Although there are quite a few props that have been appraised over the years, this is the first time I have seen a red crystal ball.

Ordinary crystal balls will reflect blue light, and as the quality improves, it will get closer and closer to black.

But what about the red crystal ball?

The chief appraiser had doubts about this, and then he took the crystal ball.


'What, what's going on?'

The back of the neck suddenly felt cold.

It was because I felt the unknown power in the crystal ball.


He looked down at the magic item in surprise.

The chief appraiser himself is also a B-level magic awakener.

He immediately felt what kind of prop he was holding in his hand.

He was sweating all over his body.


The power emanating from the magic tool made his skin crawl all over, he quickly raised his head, while Cheng Jin-Woo just watched quietly from the side.

"If the one who took out this item today is a low-level hunter..."

It was the first time I had this feeling.

So far, I have also taken over a lot of expensive magic props, but this is the only time I have the idea of ​​knocking the seller unconscious and snatching the props.

But the opponent is S rank.


Seong Jin-Woo was staring at him.

Seeing this, the appraiser quickly broke away from his desire.

'Snatching something from an S-rank hunter?'

The gap between the other party and oneself is beyond imagination.

Just like the appraiser made after looking at the magic item, Cheng Jin-Woo looked at the appraiser and tilted his head.

'What's up with him?'

Where is it uncomfortable?

The appraiser finally wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead, turned around and said to the team leader.

"Team leader, please turn on the camera."

"Ah! Good, good."

The appraiser asked to turn on the camera, which means that the props in the hands of the appraiser are not fakes.

The team leader's heartbeat quickened.

The expression of Kim Jong Ki who received Cheng Jin Woo's call for the first time was no different from him.

"We're going to start filming."

The team leader pointed the lens of the camera at the appraiser.

The appraiser stood in front of the disc-shaped magic tester.

When the props are placed on the analyzer.


The value is quickly displayed.

Then he held the prop in his hand and measured it again.

The magic power measurement value flowing from the appraiser doubled instantly.


Kim Jong-ki turned pale after confirming the measurement results.

"how come......"

The team leader hurried over to confirm the result.

'100%? Is it really a prop that can increase by 100%?'

The heart beat violently.

The average commission for item trades in the Hunter's Auction House is 5%.

Even if the price is 500 million, you can earn 25 from it.

However, even with his career guarantee, it is impossible to predict the final selling price of this red crystal ball.

'Great! Great!'

If it weren't for the people around watching, I would raise my arms and cheer, and hug the subordinates next to me.

If this transaction can be successful, how much commission can I get?

Even breathing became difficult due to the excitement.

Kim Jong-ki's reaction was not much different from his superior's, he clenched his hands and his face flushed with excitement.


If this matter is resolved smoothly, the promotion will be guaranteed.

"Now... now we are going to record the demo video."

While the appraiser barely spoke in a trembling voice, the other two members of the appraisal team distanced themselves from him.

Cheng Jin-Woo also backed away.

The camera still works fine.

In order to attract sellers, videos are much more effective than monotonous numbers.

The appraiser's gaze turns to the camera.

"Then I'll start."

The appraiser's right hand conjured a blizzard the size of a truck.

The appraiser continued.

"I will touch the props while maintaining the magic."

The moment his left hand touched the "Pearl of Greed".

Hoo hoo hoo hoo!

The blizzard flying in his hand shook the whole room.


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