Fang, Yegrit, King Ain and Tank, all of their teams were safe and sound, only the two groups that lacked the leader were attacked.

'Could it be that it is deliberately attacking those who can be beaten?'

That means it is an intelligent monster that can see through the opponent's weaknesses.

Not only powerful, but also wise?

I don't know who it is, but it's really annoying.

There are four groups of remaining soldiers.

If you include yourself, it counts as five groups.

'Since it can see through the actions of soldiers, its next target is also obvious. '

Thinking of this, Cheng Jin-Woo immediately hid his body.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seong Jin-Woo, who was concealed, soon arrived near where the tank was.

Jumping far, you can see the Warcraft army composed of black bears emitting black steam and giant orcs in black armor.

The tank stood in front of the team and walked swaggeringly.

'Its next target can only be here. '

Tank was originally the leader of the Ice Bear. When he was still alive, he suppressed many shadow soldiers by himself.

Even now, few soldiers can compete with it.

But this time the enemy is not something it can deal with.

The captains of the other groups, King Ain, Jagrit, and Fang, are different from it in terms of level.

No matter how high the tank level is, it is only the elite level.

Yegrit and King Ain are at the knight level, and Fang is at the elite knight level.

Tanks are no match for other soldiers.

Since this time the enemy can see through the weak points and observe the movement of the soldiers, the next target will only be here.

'Let's observe first. '

Seong Jin-Woo hid his breath as much as possible, kept a certain distance from the monster soldiers and acted together with them.

Even the monster soldiers didn't find Cheng Jin-Woo.

How long has it been?

Seong Jin-Woo, who had waited for a long time without seeing the enemy, was puzzled.

'Did I guess wrong?'

Could it be that the soldiers were unlucky and happened to be surrounded by a bunch of demons?

Just when this thought came to mind, Cheng Jin-Woo suddenly narrowed his eyes.

'......coming. '

Perhaps the enemy has been hiding his breath, and he didn't notice the enemy's approach until now.

Cheng Jin-Woo closed his eyes and concentrated his perception.

The sensory ability that has grown a lot spreads like a radar, and begins to search for breath carefully.

'There are four nearby, 20 soldiers, and five demons hiding underground. '

After sensing, Cheng Jin-Woo opened his eyes.

Let's keep the five demons pretending to be dead underground for a while and clean them up.

'Stealth. '

Swish swish.

Seong Jin-Woo hid himself and approached the place where the monster soldiers were.

Soon, he saw the appearance of the enemy.

'Riding a horse. '

boom boom boom boom one by one

'Are you still fully armed?'

Both the enemy and the horse it is riding wear armor.

When I got closer, I saw their names.

No wonder it is different from other naked monsters, just from the name.

'A demon noble and three demon knights. '

The large black characters hanging above the head are very distinct.

Strong hostility can be detected from them.

'The soldiers were attacked by those guys, right?'

Strong breath and strong hostility.

Cheng Jin-Woo remained invisible, watching the situation temporarily.

'Let's see what they do first'

Cheng Jin-Woo wanted to see their strength and fighting style with his own eyes.

'A monster capable of suppressing shadow soldiers...'

He couldn't help but start to look forward to it.

Seong Jin-Woo stood between the monster soldier and the new demon, watching them from a distance that would not interfere with the fight.


Tank saw the demons.

The demons got close and got off the horse.

'A horse is just a means of movement. '

Cheng Jin-Woo was quite interested in front of the audience.

After the enemy came on the stage, the unbearable Warcraft soldiers screamed excitedly and attacked the opponent first, so the two sides began a fierce fight.

Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!

The tank rushed out as a striker.

The tank, which ran out desperately with all fours, straightened its tall body in front of the enemy.

If the enemy is an ordinary human, just feeling the coercion it emits will pass out on the spot.

The demons, however, were unmoved.

The demons didn't bat an eyelid until the tank swung its front paws hard.

call out!

The tank's front paws waved in mid-air.

Even with its huge body, the tank's attack is agile enough.


The Demon Aristocrat that the tank was aiming at only slightly moved his body before passing over the front paws of the tank.


Cheng Jin-Woo was shocked by this.

The astonishing scene continues.

The Demon Aristocrat then jumped up and turned his body in mid-air, and then he sent the gun in his hand into the chest of the tank in one fell swoop.


The blow with magic power directly opened a big hole in the tank's chest.

Explosive power can be felt from the body of the demon noble.

And the action is also very clean and neat.

Cheng Jin-Woo watched all this with great interest.

'It's not an ordinary monster. '

In addition to the demon nobles, the three knights around it are also very active.

This is an overwhelming battle.

Warcraft soldiers are not their opponents.

Unlike the high-level demons who are huge and easy to hunt, the demons in human form easily ravage the beast soldiers.

'It turns out that it is because of this that it is difficult for soldiers to respawn. '

Cheng Jin-Woo's expression stiffened a little.



The monster soldiers were hit by the guns and swords of the demons one after another, and the speed of being killed even exceeded the speed of rebirth.

Cheng Jin-Woo frowned.

He knew that before his mana value bottomed out, the beast soldier was equivalent to an undead body.

Even if the mana value decreases, they will turn into shadows and return to themselves.


Even so, watching his soldiers being unilaterally beaten made him uncomfortable.

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