After stepping into the moving magic circle, Cheng Jin-Woo turned his head and looked at her.

"Because I like you."

She knows how to surrender according to the situation, and she can make deals. The most important thing is that she provides a lot of information.


Aisher was so startled that her neck was red, and she was wringing her fingers in a daze as she stood still.

"Aren't you going to come up?" Seong Jin-Woo, who felt that time was frozen, asked her.

He glanced at the system information, considering which floor to go to.

"If you don't come up, you have to go to the [-]th floor again?"

"Yes, sorry."

Aisher blushed and stepped into the magic circle.


However, it seems that she won't raise her head again when she reaches the next floor.


H country airport.

Relevant people from the Hunter Association of Country R came to Country H to discuss the ant incident on Qizhou Island.

A meeting has been arranged with the main people in country H in advance.

Chairman Shigeo Matsumoto of Country R's Hunter Association, and Ryuji Goto, the S-class hunter known as the number one in Country R, ​​entered the airport together.

For some reason, the atmosphere at the airport was somewhat chaotic, Matsumoto looked around.

"What happened?"

"...there is a strong man nearby."

"Is it stronger than you?"

Goto smiled.

Seeing Goto showing a confident expression, Matsumoto didn't continue to ask.

It is impossible for such a person to exist in country H. '

The staff of the National Hunter Association who was in charge of picking up the plane quickly ran over.

"I'm very sorry, it's too crowded inside, I'm a little late after a little detour." The staff bowed their heads and apologized.

Matsumoto held back his displeasure and smiled.

"It's all right, but what happened at the airport?"

"'s not a big deal, it's just that a hunter came from Country M."

"What do hunters from country M come to country H for?"

"He has a private matter, you don't have to worry about it."

Thinking that President Matsumoto was worried about the dungeon getting out of control, the staff tried their best to explain and try to reassure President Matsumoto.

But Matsumoto's expression was still gloomy.

The hunters of country M...should have nothing to do with this incident, right?

Goto's eyes have been looking at the direction of the bustling people since just now.

The Hunter of Country M is probably there.

Matsumoto checked the time.

If you want to attend the meeting on time, you will be a little nervous to start now.

"Let's go." Matsumoto said.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chairman Go Gun-ri and Chairman Matsumoto are looking at each other.

Headed by two people, the relevant people of the associations of H and R and the staff of various departments are located in two long rows.

After all, the situation was serious, and the meeting went on very quickly.

"How about building an H-joint strike team of top hunters?"

The extraordinary proposal put forward by Chairman Matsumoto made all relevant people in country H look surprised.

I thought that this meeting must be to discuss how to compensate the loss of the country.

But country R actually came up with a solution to the problem first?

Is this pie in the sky?

After a brief surprise, the faces of the participants from country H suddenly became clear.

But only one person.

Gao Jianli stared at President Matsumoto sharply.

"Do you mean to form a joint attack team to attack the ant base camp?"


"I know that the top hunters in Country R are very good, but it would be too dangerous to directly attack Qizhou Island."

Compared with country H's failed encirclement and suppression campaign two years ago, the number of enemies has doubled several times.

President Matsumoto showed a slightly sinister smile.

"It would be dangerous to rush straight into their base camp without any planning."

"Do you have any good ideas?" The politician of country H, who was deeply attracted by the country's generous expression of willingness to provide help, asked happily.


President Matsumoto's second answer attracted the attention of everyone present, and he continued to speak after a short pause.

"Of course."

He gestured, and soon, the materials prepared according to the number of people were presented to the participants of country H.

"This is what we observed in ants."

While the personnel from country H were looking through the materials, Chairman Matsumoto slowly began to explain.

"Although the strength of ants is comparable to that of high-level hunters, they also have a weakness, and that is longevity."

Ants only live for one year.

"That is to say, as long as we get rid of the queen, the ants on Qizhou Island will disappear naturally in a year."

The personnel from country H who carefully read the documents nodded one after another.

The main thing is to get rid of the queen ants.

Compared with dealing with the thousands of super monsters that appeared at the S-level portal, this plan sounds more likely to be realized.

However, Gao Jianli's eyes were very cold.


Gao Jianli knew very well that the difficulty of getting rid of an ant queen was the same as getting rid of thousands of super monsters.

"Didn't you know that ants would say such things for the sake of their queen?"

Chairman Matsumoto laughed off Chairman Gao Jianli's questioning.

"Yes, if you want to get rid of the queen, you must first break through the defense line of thousands of ants."

'What the hell is he thinking?'

Gao Jianli was very surprised by Chairman Matsumoto's easy-going attitude.

Matsumoto raised the corner of his mouth.

"If there is a way to get all the ants out of the cave?"

The queen ants live in the deepest part of the nest.

It is impossible for the queen and the ants guarding the eggs to leave the nest at the same time, right?

When Gao Jianli and the participants from country H had strong doubts, Matsumoto spoke again.

"Yes, three times."

three times?

even three times?

No, even if there is, how does country R know?

The answer came out quickly.

"The three times when the hunters from Country H landed on Qizhou Island to encircle and suppress ants, all the ants left their nests and flocked to the hunters."


Chairman Goh Gun-li clenched his fists on his knees.

That is to say, when the hunters in country H risked their lives to fight against monsters, country R had been secretly observing.

However, no one at the scene blamed why country R did not lend a helping hand at that time.

But no matter what, you can't take the misfortunes of neighboring countries as your own research materials and proudly disclose them to the parties involved, right?

During the three encirclement and suppression operations, country H not only lost one S-level hunter, but also lost countless hunters.

Chairman Gao Jianli has been watching these hunters lose their lives powerlessly from the nearest place.

His clenched fists trembled.


Seeing that Chairman Gao Jianli's expression was not quite right, Goto Ryuji, the country's strongest hunter, released his magic power.

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