Cheng Jin-Woo's ears are naturally very sensitive, so whenever someone around him starts talking about him, he can hear clearly.

"It's time to leave the hospital."

Chapter 13 Cheng Jin-Woo VS Werewolf

Standing out is not a good thing.

Not to mention that those gazes are very uncomfortable, and he doesn't want others to know what happened to him.

He didn't want to ask for trouble.

Just try to increase the ability value in a low-key way.

'The body has also recovered and should be discharged from the hospital. '

Fortunately, the results of the physical examination showed that his body was all normal.That means he can leave the hospital at any time.Moreover, the association and the hospital should also want to let him out of the hospital.

After all, it is not worth spending so much treatment fee for an E-level hunter.

The state will bear all the medical expenses of S-class hunters, but this has nothing to do with Cheng Jin-Woo.

So it's not bad to leave the hospital at this time.

And he also has something to confirm.

"Where did I put...?"

Cheng Jin-Woo rummaged through his pockets and finally found a golden key.Its design is so simple that it looks like an accessory.

Cheng Jin-Woo stared at the key for a long time, then put it back into his pocket.


When Cheng Jin-Woo was going through the discharge procedures, a young female nurse rushed towards him.

"Ho, ho!! Mr. Cheng Jin-Woo, are you going to be discharged from the hospital today?"

"Huh? Well, yes."

It was Cui Yula, the female nurse who took care of him.

Hearing Seong Jin-Woo's answer, Choi Yu-ra seemed a little sad.

Cheng Jin-Woo stood there blankly, not knowing what happened.He was trying to remember if he had done something wrong, but nothing came to his mind.

Cui Yula hesitated for a while, then took out a note.

"Can you give me your contact information?"

"my contact information?"

"Yes...if it's convenient."

Is it necessary to send him a physical examination report? Cheng Jin-Woo didn't think too much, and took the post-it note in her hand.But Seong Jin-Woo only got a blank post-it note.

Seong Jin-Woo looked up at her, feeling Seong Jin-Woo's realization, Choi Yu-ra blushed.

"What, what's wrong?"

"Uh, that... no pen."

"Huh? Ah! Please wait."

She was in such a hurry that she even forgot to bring her pen.Cui Yula hurriedly wanted to get a pen.

'Ah, wait a minute.pen words...'

He thought for a moment.

A ballpoint pen suddenly appeared in his hand.

He just thought about the ballpoint pen in his backpack and it appeared automatically.

He can take out the items in the backpack with his mind at any time.

Backpacks are so convenient.

Seong Jin-Woo looked at the ballpoint pen in his hand, and stopped Cui Yu-ra.

"I just looked for it, and I happen to have a pen."

"Really? Wow, that's great."

Cui Yula put her hands on her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Cheng Jin-Woo wrote down his phone number and handed it over with a smile.

It's like this every time, the time I took out the raincoat, it rained the next day.The day before the hospital ran out of paper cups, he prescribed a glass.

While things like Band-Aids do show up at times, the other items come in handy nicely.

"for you."

Cui Yura happily accepted the note paper that Cheng Jin-Woo handed over.

Then Stroke Jin-Woo nodded.

"Then from now on, please take care of me."

"Oh, um. Me too."

Yura turned around and left in a hurry.Cheng Jin-Woo looked at her back and felt a little strange.

'By the way...why did she say please take care of me?'

This nurse is not only cute, but also has a cheerful personality.

Cheng Jin-Woo left the hospital in a happy mood.


Cheng Jin-Woo first went to the Headquarters of the Hunter Association in S City.

Because the mobile phones used by hunters are equipped with special components, they need to apply directly to the association.

The staff of the association looked at the computer screen and said to Seong Jin-Woo.

"Sir, it may be two weeks before you get your phone."

"What? How long will it take?"

Cheng Jin-Woo's eyes widened.

His old cell phone was smashed when he was being chased by the idol.

He didn't expect to get a new mobile phone two weeks later.

"If you need it urgently, we can temporarily lend you a mobile phone, but you need to pay a usage fee of [-] yuan."

Three hundred yuan... It's not to buy a mobile phone, but to borrow it, so it's so expensive?

The price was too high for him.

'Anyway... no one will call me. '

If the association fails to reach the hunter by cell phone, they call home.Therefore, there is no need for him to spend money to rent a temporary phone.

Cheng Jin-Woo shook his head.

"I'll just wait."

"Okay. After the mobile phone is repaired, we will send it to your residence immediately."


Cheng Jin-Woo stood up.

He has done everything that needs to be done today.

Not only did he complete the daily tasks early, but he also went to the association to apply for a new mobile phone much faster than he expected.

Cheng Jin-Woo left the association headquarters, and took out the golden key.

'Then this is the next step. '

Suddenly, a string of green text appeared, which was information about this key.

[Item: Dungeon Key]

Difficulty of obtaining: E-level

Type: key

Use this key to enter the simulated dungeon.It can be used at Exit 3 of Hapjeong Station.

This key was found in a random box.

At first, he wondered why a key appeared.But the word difficulty of obtaining seems to tell him that this is not an ordinary item.

This was also the decisive reason why he left the hospital.

'A key to the entrance of a simulated dungeon...'

Although it is a simulated dungeon, a dungeon is still a dungeon.

Speaking of dungeons, Cheng Jin-Woo has countless painful memories.

Just like this time, he participated in an E-level team battle, and almost lost his life, and had to stay in the hospital for more than a week.

And there were a lot of other hunters back then...

However, using this key means that he must enter the dungeon by himself.

He thought for a long time before making up his mind.

'I just took a look, there shouldn't be any problem. '

If it doesn't work, run away.

He now runs ten kilometers every day, and he is still very confident in escaping.


He was still too naive.

Boom, boom!

"Is this... a wall?"

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