While extracting the shadow of Min Se-jun's hunter, he recalled a painful memory from the past.

White Ghost General Baruka.

Tried three times but failed to turn him into a shadow soldier.

When he failed for the first time today, he still felt a little bit in his heart, worried that it might become like that.

'Although the second time was successful...'

As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years.

When he extracted the shadow of the Ant King, there was no guarantee that something like Baruka would not happen.

'This guy's ability value is unmatched by Min Shijun's hunter. '

In order to increase the success rate, he wants to improve his level before extracting the shadow of the ant king.

Even if that's just a one-level gap, it certainly helps.


Seeming to have discovered something, Seong Jin-Woo ordered Kaiser to land.

Kaiser landed with flapping wings, and Seong Jin-Woo who got off from it looked around.

'It should be around here...'

Cheng Jin-Woo rummaged through the grass, and frowned when he found the dead body.

Surrounded by the corpses of country R hunters.

Some of the corpses were cleanly decapitated, while others were so badly damaged that it was difficult to identify them.

Cheng Jin-Woo inspected the corpse.

'Powerful magic...'

They are undoubtedly strong, not like people who will lose their lives in this kind of place.

However, since he suffered such a brutal blow, it meant that even more powerful enemies had come here.

'It should be the ant king. '

Except for the Ant King, he couldn't imagine other powerful monsters.

When he was hit on the head by the ant king for the first time, Cheng Xiaoyu's chin felt numb pain.

But if it is other hunters, they will definitely not be able to withstand this blow.

Seong Jin-Woo, who was observing his surroundings carefully, suddenly stopped his movements.

'This feeling......'

Cheng Jin-Woo leaned down to check the ground.The soil on the ground was soaked in blood and muddy.

The muddy surface left faint traces of magic.

Cheng Jin-Woo has faced this magic power before.

'...Goto Ryuji. '

Cheng Jin-Woo started to look around again.

Although Goto's magic power still remains here, his body is gone.Maybe it was eaten up by the king of ants.

"Tsk tsk."

Regarding the way of death of the country's strongest hunter, Cheng Jin-Woo just clicked his tongue.

He stood up.

Just in time, news came from the shadow soldiers dispatched to various parts of the island that they had already dealt with all the remaining ants properly.

'...is it finally over?'

If you are a citizen of country H, you will definitely cheer for this news.

But Cheng Xiao-Woo was disappointed.

Because he failed to upgrade.

Now that there are no remaining monsters, he can only go back to the ant nest and try to extract the shadows of the ant king and queen.

Just when he was sad in his heart, suddenly, he stopped.

'Wait a minute...are there any left?'

Seong Jin-Woo diffused the sensed breath and caught the monster nearby.

And it is a huge number of monsters!

Cheng Jin-Woo, who was originally full of regret, showed a bright smile.

He hopped easily onto Cather's back.

"Let's go!"


Sure enough it was this.

After entering the spawning ground, Cheng Jin-Woo's face became clear.

From the ground to the wall; from the pillars to the ceiling, there are endless rows of ant eggs neatly arranged.

Judging from the squirming movements under the translucent skin, these are indeed living monsters.

"Although I don't know how many experience points there are."

Even so, if it is this level of quantity, it seems that it can fully make up for the lack of experience points.

Cheng Jin-Woo called out the shadow soldiers who are good at group attacks.


In order of rank, Fang stood side by side with the three magic soldiers.

Seong Jin-Woo handed the 'Greedy Pearl' to Fang Fang, and looked at the four soldiers in turn.

"Should know what to do?"

The magic soldiers nodded in unison.

Cheng Jin-Woo pointed at the egg.

"Do it."

The huge fangs spew out terrible flames, and the magic soldiers throw huge fireballs everywhere.




The helpless ant eggs instantly burned.

Cheng Jin-Woo stopped staring at these ant eggs, but observed the ant pupae in the corner.

Soon, the shell of the silkworm chrysalis melted due to the violent fireworks, and there, he saw the corpse of the ant that was about to become a soldier.

Without exception, they all have wings.

'If these monsters fly together across the sea to land. ...'

Even if the ant queen is successfully eradicated, country H and country R will inevitably suffer huge losses.

Thankfully it was stopped.



Looking at his subordinates who seemed to be sweating profusely, Seong Jin-Woo took out the 'Demon King's long sword' from the warehouse.

'Shall I try this?'

The long sword flashing with blue light crackled and flashed with electricity every time it was swung.

This is something that has been sitting in the warehouse since the Demon King was defeated in Castlevania.

There is only one reason for not taking out the short sword and taking out the long sword.

Because the long sword has a magical effect.

Swish one!

Cheng Jin-Woo swung his long sword vigorously.

Chirp chirp!

A blue storm blew ahead of the flashing lightning.


Cheng Jin-Woo showed a satisfied smile again.

Although it does not have the destructive power and buff effect like the one used by the Demon King, it is enough to burn all the eggs.

'It's a shame it's in storage. '

Because Cheng Jin-Woo used the short sword, the long sword was put on hold, but it was a pity to put it in the warehouse like this.

After not knowing how many eggs were eliminated.

At last there was a happy jingle.

【Level up!】


Cheng Jin-Woo shouted in his heart.

After putting the Demon King's long sword back into the warehouse, Cheng Xiaoyu handed over the follow-up matters in the cave to the shadow soldiers, and walked towards the boss room by himself.

The body of the ant king is still where it was.

Cheng Jin-Woo walked up to the corpse.

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