The commander nodded ably in understanding.

"I understand, we will be responsible for that man from now on."

"Ah? Aren't you here to collect the body of Min Shijun's hunter?"

"We want to recover the remains of Min Shijun's hunter, but we have also received an order to control the situation on Qizhou Island."

After listening to the commander's words, as if he understood, Zhao Zhengshu took a step back.

If the opponent is not a hunter or a monster, the Knights have no reason to make a move.

In this way, one step back will not be involved in unnecessary things.

"You have entered a forbidden area. If you don't follow our instructions, we will shoot and drive you away." The commander yelled at the man not far ahead.


There was no nervous expression on the man's face, he just kept smiling like Mimi.


'Are you really going to shoot?'

The soldiers swallowed nervously.

Soldiers have never pulled the trigger on humans other than Warcraft, and this reaction is taken for granted.

The hunters became tense.

That strange man can still laugh in this situation, he must be planning something.

The man's unmoved attitude made the military commander a little sullen.

At this time, the man put his hands in his pockets.

'Is that... really a human?'

How can a person stand so calmly in front of a gun?

Zhao Zhengshu's face froze.

Because the hands of the man cannot be seen, the tense feeling reaches the peak compared to the stiff soldiers.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Not yet!"

The commander glanced at the soldier impatiently.

"Vice president!"

Suddenly there was a hurried shout from among the hunters, the commander looked at the man instantly, and the steady man spoke slowly.


Men speak a language they don't understand at all.

It's not that I don't know, but this language doesn't seem to have the pronunciation and intonation of any existing language in this world.


"What is he saying?"

For the first time in their lives, the soldiers were at a loss.

"Demonic beast language?" Zhao Zhengshu unconsciously said.

An intelligent monster that can occasionally be encountered in advanced portals.

Much like the language they use.

"Then he is..."

Warcraft? Before the commander finished speaking, the man was about to pull out his hands from his pockets.


In an instant, a deafening sound ran through the area.

After seeing the man's deliberate actions, the well-trained members of the special forces pulled the trigger reflexively.

'Depend on!'

The commander's panicked eyes fell on the man.

The bullet that missed the man's forehead fell to the ground.

Suddenly, there was no smile on the man's face.

"Yes, it's a monster!"

"He's not human!"

All the people present panicked.

The man's eyes gradually turned red, and at the same time, the hunters and soldiers felt the tight pressure in their hearts.

"Ah, ah-!"



With a snap of the fingers, all human beings fell powerlessly like puppets with disconnected strings.

Not my own ability.

The man looks back.

"what are you doing?"

At some point, a short middle-aged man stood behind him.

"You don't need to make such a big noise, just let them sleep for a while."

The language used by the middle-aged men also does not appear to be human.

"…..All right."

The man accepted the situation with a regretful voice.

The middle-aged man looked back at the ant nest, and asked, "Have you confirmed it?"

The man nodded.

"His power is real."

"really weird."

The middle-aged man turned his attention to a group of hunters who fainted and fell to the ground.

"I really don't know why he wants to help humans."

"Who knows what he is thinking, if you are curious, how about asking directly?"


The middle-aged man shook his head and spoke again.

"The hunt will start as scheduled and nothing has changed."


The middle-aged man waved his hand lightly, and then a black portal that could accommodate a person appeared in the air.


Hearing the man's voice, the middle-aged man who approached the portal stopped.

He turned slightly to look at the man.

"There seems to be one here," the man continued.

"In Country H?"

"Since everyone is here, how about dealing with this guy first?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man squinted his eyes.

What the man said about 'this guy's intelligence immediately rushed into the middle-aged man's mind, but he was not swayed by it.

"Is it near here? Leave it to him."

"Don't want to get involved?"

"You can say that, as you like."

The middle-aged man without changing his face entered the black portal indifferently.

At the same time as his voice disappeared, the teleportation port was also closed.

After confirming that the portal was completely closed, the man muttered to himself.


He looked at the group of fainted people.Human beings are just asleep and will wake up soon.


The man snorts and reaches for the human.


Quietly stop.

"Forget it, there's no need to make any noise."

The man's voice floated in the void.

He also disappeared into the teleportation port with a sound.


late at night.

Seong Jin-Woo who was sitting in his room was observing the two daggers in his hand.

He scrutinized between the short sword and the 'demon king's short sword.

In the battle with Bell, who has become a shadow soldier, the 'Demon King's short sword performed very well.

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