It's obvious what happens when the association finds a hunter.

Thinking about whether there is a dungeon where he can upgrade himself, Cheng Jin-Woo looked at the chairman with some expectation.

As if he understood what he was thinking, Gao Jianli shook his head with a regretful smile.

"Not what you think."

"Ah good."


Cheng Jin-Woo smacked his lips in regret.

"Although not, is it convenient to take a moment of your time to talk?"

Originally, Cheng Jin-Woo planned to go to the association after mourning.

"I have something to do when I go to the association, let's talk about it in the past." He readily agreed

"What do you want to do at the association?"

"I need a license to create a guild."


Gao Jianli expressed doubts.

"I already have an S-level hunter license, why do I need a license to create a guild?"

"Can S-rank hunters create guilds without permission?"


Gao Jianli continued to add with a smile.

"If you want to create a guild, you just need to call the guild. We will take care of the rest."


Just half a year ago, S-rank was still a level that he didn't even dare to think about, so Cheng Jin-Woo underestimated the benefits that S-rank hunters could get.

Although knowing this for the first time made him a little flustered.

'In short, the result is good, and by the way, take this opportunity to learn about the benefits that S-level hunters can get. '

Besides, since he can directly contact President Gao Jianli, as long as the conditions are met, the guild should be successfully established soon.

So if you want to succeed, you have to stand in line.

For Cheng Jin-Woo, the president, who is difficult for others to meet, has become his reliable backing at some point.

"It's not difficult."

Cheng Jin-Woo nodded.

Then, Chairman Gao Jianli seemed to be waiting, and he spoke again.

"Did you set up an enchantment or something on Qizhou Island?"

"what is that?"

Suddenly this is talking about magic enchantment.

Could it be that after dealing with those ants, what happened to Qizhou Island?

Gao Jianli calmly explained the situation.

"The personnel we sent to clean up the ant corpses and recover the magic spar collectively lost consciousness there. Ah, it's more like falling asleep than a coma."

Falling asleep at the same time in the same place?

Cheng Jin-Woo tilted his head in thought.

'Sounds like some sort of wide-area status magic. '

Just like the shadow soldier who was trapped by the lightning of the demon king Balan at that time.

But the problem is that the hunter who fell asleep is not an ordinary hunter.

"Have the elite members of the Knights Guild gone to Qizhou Island?"

Hearing Cheng Jin-Woo's question, Go Gun-ri nodded.

"All are hunters at the upper level of A-level or B-level hunters close to A-level."

Not just one, dozens of hunters of this level all fell asleep at the same time, even with ordinary S-level magic, it is unimaginable that this level can be achieved.

"That's why I want to ask you, have you forgotten that you have set up an enchantment?"

This also means that Cheng Jin-Woo's evaluation by Gao Jianli and the Hunter's Association is so high.

However, not only is it not within Cheng Jin-Woo's professional scope to set up such a magic barrier in a debuffing state, if he has used that terrible magic, he will not be able to forget it either.

"No, I haven't done it." Cheng Jin-Woo shook his head.

"Sure enough... so."

Chairman Gao Jianli's face was full of sorrow.

My best wishes are wrong.

"What do the hunters who fell asleep say?"

"This is..."

Gao Jianli, with a hard-to-explain face, opened his mouth with difficulty.

"Not only the soldiers, but even the hunters have no memory of what happened before they lost consciousness."

Then he added in a slightly weak voice.

"We couldn't even tell if they were enchanted."


Ordinary soldiers are not sure what to say, but if even A-level hunters with outstanding physical abilities are recruited, it will definitely not be a weapon such as hypnosis gas.

'Do the ants keep any traps?'

Although Cheng Jin-Woo really wanted to call Bell to ask him immediately.


But doing so will turn the place of the farewell ceremony into a bloody scene of siege.

There are more than a dozen high-level hunters that can be seen here in the mourning hall.

Of course, what Seong Jin-Woo was worried about was not Bell, what he was worried about was the hunters who would become Bell's opponents.

At this time, a young man who seemed to be an employee of the association came over and whispered in Chairman Gao Jianli's ear.

"The guest arrived earlier than the scheduled time, so I will not accompany you first. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me." President Gao Jianli said with regret.

"You're welcome."

After a brief greeting, Chairman Gao Jianli left quickly with his staff.

Cheng Jin-Woo, who didn't need to go to the association, was going to the parking lot and drove back.



From just now, there has been a very subtle breath following behind him.

Cheng Jin-Woo was a little puzzled.

'If it's stalking, shouldn't you try hard not to be discovered?'

However, normal people wouldn't want to follow an S-rank hunter, would they?

I didn't hear the shutter sound of the camera, so it shouldn't be a reporter.

But it was obvious that the other party had no intention of trying to hide himself.

Cheng Jin-Woo was very curious about how long this person would follow and what this person would do, so he continued to remain silent and walked straight to the front of the car.

Of course, during this period, this aura has been following him.

'Oh, I can hold back...'

Cheng Jin-Woo was a little speechless to himself.

For the first time, he realized that if the opponent's level was so slack, he would not be able to take it seriously.

But the moment he grabbed the handle to open the car door.

"Are you Hunter Seong Jin-Woo?"

A voice came from behind.

Thinking that this person was finally willing to show his face, Cheng Jin-Woo turned around.

"I am."

Seong Jin-Woo was briefly shaken when he saw the other's face.


Because the pronunciation is very authentic, he never thought he was a foreigner.

The man was wearing a clean and smart formal suit, showing a smile as bright as his blond hair.

"this is my name card."

He took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Cheng Jin-Woo.

It says the name of the agency he belongs to and his name and phone number.

[Adam White, a senior member of the Hunter Administration of M Country. ]

'Hunter Authority?'

What do the most powerful government officials in country M want to do with me?

No, if it's related to the Hunter Administration, that's the only thing, right?

As soon as Cheng Jin-Woo raised his head, the VIP introduced himself with a cheerful voice.

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