"Nothing happened?"

"Yes, brother. But there is one person who wants to apply to be the founder..."

"OK, give me the list, let me have a look too."

He has been urging him since the morning until now, and it seems that Liu Chenhao is also very anxious to create a guild.

Seong Jin-Woo thought the same way.

The founder also stabbed a man.

Because there must be at least three founders to meet the conditions for the establishment of the guild.

"Although we are only here to gather people, we should be an honest and trustworthy person. After all, we need to cooperate for a long time."

To Liu Chenhao's transparent words, Cheng Xiaoyu slightly nodded.

But for some reason, Liu Chenhao's expression was not very good.

"Is there a problem?"

"That... big brother."


"You also know that it takes a lot of money to establish a guild. The price of advanced portals is different from that of ordinary units, and signing new hunters also requires money, and this time I want to be one of the founders"

Cheng Jin-Woo interrupted him.

"Is this money enough?"


Cheng Jin-Woo put the taxi bean sack he brought back on the ground, and the heavy sack even made a "dong" sound.

It is full of high-grade magic spar.

"Big brother? What are these?"

"I passed a portal on the way here." Cheng Jin-Woo replied indifferently.

I don't know when I went out, and during this period, I saw another teleportation port. After attacking this teleportation port, I got back so many magic crystals?

"Brother, it is indeed you!"

Liu Chenhao didn't think too much anymore.

It is meaningless to use common sense to measure big brother.

Seeing Liu Chenhao who was extremely happy because of getting sufficient funds, Cheng Xiaoyu was also very satisfied.

Then, he approached the direction of the meeting room.

Then he froze for a moment.

He turned around and asked Liu Chenhao.

"How did that person come here?"

"Huh? Ah, it's what I mentioned just now...it's the guy who wants to apply to be the founder, brother."

Cheng Jin-Woo's eyes widened.


"Yes, brother."


"It's the one in the conference room, brother."

"Did I say that myself?"

"Yes, brother."

This is saying something...

Without waiting for Liu Chenhao to finish speaking, Cheng Xiaoyu strode towards the conference room and opened the door.


A woman drinking coffee from a can looked up.Because the necessities for the office were not ready yet, Liu Chenhao rushed to the convenience store to buy this can of coffee.

"How did you come here?"

Cheng Jin-Woo felt a little ridiculous.

Cha Hae-In quietly looked at Cheng Jin-Woo, and answered softly.

"I want...to join the guild."

Chapter 130 Three Thoughts of Cha Hae-In

Am I hearing it wrong?

Cheng Jin-Woo doubted his ears a little.

As the vice president of the country's most former guild, and her own strength is also extraordinary, such Cha Hae-yi said that she wants to join a guild that has not yet been established.

If she hadn't been threatened, she probably wouldn't have said such a thing, right?


'And who can threaten her?'

He immediately thought of a person in country H who could pose a threat to her.

"Could it be President Gao Jianli?"

Cha Hae-In's expression seemed to be wondering why he suddenly mentioned the president of the association.

"The one why...?"

I don't even look at who should be really puzzled, why is she showing such an expression instead.

'No, calm down. '

The fact that she proposed to join the club really shocked people, and even the current situation made people emotionally boil, but Cheng Jin-Woo still calmly pulled out a chair and sat opposite her.

Then Cheng Jin-Woo looked at her silently.

The space was silent for a short time.

Time seemed to slow down, and pieces of information about her began to emerge in my mind.

' She was shaking. '

Heartbeat, breath, eyes.

Even though Cha Hae Yi pretended to be calm, she couldn't hide Jin Woo's extremely high sensory ability.

But why did she force herself to join this so-called 'singleton' guild?

Unable to bear doubts, Cheng Jin-Woo finally opened his mouth.

"Your cooperation with the Hunter Company Guild should not have expired yet, right?"

Contracts between guilds and hunters are generally based on five-year units.

On the other hand, Cha Hae-In was recognized as an S-rank hunter two years ago and joined the Hunter Company Guild.That is to say, based on five years, their cooperation still has three years left.

"I can afford the liquidated damages." Cha Hae-In replied calmly.

Cheng Jin-Woo was puzzled again.

Liquidated damages are about two or three times the deposit.

Thinking of the huge deposit that the hunter company will pay in order to catch the S-level hunter, one can imagine that the liquidated damages will definitely be an astronomical figure.

Before asking realistic questions, Cheng Jin-Woo said in a businesslike tone.

"Our 'single' guild does not have the ability to pay enough deposits to Hunter Cha Hae-In."

"Guy, is the name of the guild a singles guild?"

"Yes, is there any problem with the name that I and our vice president decided on?"


After Cha Hae-In exhaled lightly, she spoke again.

"It's okay, it's okay without a deposit."

She obviously wanted to pay Hunter Division a huge amount of liquidated damages, but she actually said that she could accept it without a deposit?

'What's the plot?'

Cheng Jin-Woo squinted his eyes and looked at Cha Hae-In in front of him.

As soon as the time of staring at each other became longer, Cha Hae-In couldn't bear it any longer, and she looked away.

Heart beat faster.

Cheng Jin-Woo moved his ears, his keen sense of hearing did not let go of her subtle changes.

'Is it hiding something?'

When we got here, Cheng Jin-Woo couldn't help asking again.

"What is the purpose of you joining our guild like this?"


As he expected.

Cha Hae-In, who couldn't answer right away, kept her mouth shut.

Looking at her blushing face, she must be hiding something.

"Wait a moment......"

From this point of view, when seeing her at the farewell ceremony, she was also different from usual.

Although I don't know what she is thinking, but her plan should have started a long time ago.

Cheng Jin-Woo quietly waited for Cha Hae-In's answer.

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