A burly hunter ran towards him quickly, and the soldier swallowed nervously.The sense of oppression that hunters bring to ordinary people is not ordinary.

Li Hanzhu raised the broken sword and asked.

"Did you throw this?"

"Ah, that is."

The soldier looked behind him, but his eyes widened in surprise.

"Well, huh? He was standing behind me just now?"

Now, there is no one behind me.The soldier looked around in a hurry, Li Hanzhu scratched his neck, and looked at the broken sword again.

'This power, this destructive power...could it be a high-level hunter?'

Lee Han-soo can't know because the person involved has disappeared.


At the same time, Seong Jin-Woo was on his way home.

When the giant was about to fall, he turned and left.

He knew that the giant was brought down by himself.

Any drop from a monster's death will belong to the hunter who killed it.If he wanted, he could have gotten the Giant's drop.

' But the problem is that I can't prove that I brought down the giant. '

Who would believe that an E-rank hunter could knock down that monster with a single blow?

Not even a decent piece of evidence.

Neither the broken sword nor the soldier will help much.

In this way, he still had to explain why he suddenly became so powerful.

No matter how you look at it, it is not worth the candle.

The only 'upgrade' ability in the world.

He couldn't casually talk about this unique ability just because he defeated a boulder monster.

'Although it is a pity, it can only be like this. '

However, he is not without gains.

No, it should be said that there was a great harvest.

The moment the stone giant fell, he received new news.

【Level up!】

After solving this boulder monster, his level has risen by one level.

'That is to say, the level of defeating monsters will also increase. '

He got a very valuable information.

that's enough


Cheng Jin-Woo's home is on the ninth floor of a dilapidated apartment building on the outskirts of the city.

He took out the key and opened the door and entered the house.

It was dark inside.

'Xiao Ya really worked hard. '

His sister should still be studying in the library.

On the dining table, there is a bowl of rice and several soup dishes.My mother has been in the hospital for several years, so these meals are made by my sister.

There is a piece of note paper left by Cheng Xiaoya, with a few words written on it, the font is very cute.

Don't starve yourself.I'll check on you when I get back.

Tell her that she is going to be discharged from the hospital today, and even though she is busy going around, she still prepares meals for herself.

Cheng Jin-Woo smiled and sat down.

However, before eating, he still has something to confirm.

"Status window."

【Name: Cheng XiaoWoo】

【Level: 18】

【Occupation: None】

【Title: Wolf Slayer】

【HP: 2,220】


【Fatigue: 2】


Strength: 48

Stamina: 27

Agility: 27

Intelligence: 27

Feeling: 27

(Available points: 0)


Passive Skill: (Unknown) Lv. Max

Perseverance Lv1

Active Skill: Run Lv.1

What a long day.

Unknowingly, he also rose to the eighteenth level.

The strength value is approaching fifty, and other ability values ​​have also been significantly improved.He also figured out the role of agility and perception.

'And I also got a nice dagger and some gold coins of no use...'

Ignoring that subtle elixir, dungeon sims are pretty successful today.


People who go out early in the morning will always walk lightly.

Otherwise, you may wake up your sleeping family members.

So in order not to wake up her brother, Cheng Xiaoya would always close the door gently when she got up early and went to school.

"Are you going to school?"


The sudden sound next to her startled her, and she looked up.

Seong Jin-Woo was slowly running towards her.

In his tracksuit and sneakers, with his hood pulled high, he looked as if he had just finished a morning run.

Cheng Xiaoya's eyes widened in surprise.

"What? Bro, are you up already?"

"I've been up for a while. Be careful on the road."

Cheng Xiaoya looked at her brother's back and felt a little puzzled.

'The sun came out from the west.My brother woke up earlier than me. '

It's not that Cheng Xiaoya is lazy, but Cheng Xiaoya is too diligent compared to her peers.So Cheng Xiaoya is usually the one who wakes up first.

'In this way...'

She felt that her brother's shoulders seemed to be wider than before.

Well, how is it possible.

The human body is not rubber, so how could it suddenly become wider in just a few days?

'It should be my illusion. '

Chapter No.17 The Distress of Poverty

Cheng Xiaoya shook his head, and Cheng Xiaoyu suddenly handed her an umbrella.


Cheng Xiaoya looked up after taking the umbrella.

It was just dawn, but there was no sign of rain.

"It won't rain, will it?"

"Let's take it."

"It's heavy."

"Then take it with you. Besides, it's just a foldable umbrella, how heavy can it be? What a hypocrisy."


Cheng Jin-Woo closed the door after finishing speaking.

"Hey, I'll talk to myself."

Cheng Xiaoya kicked the door a few times to express her dissatisfaction at this moment, but she still put the umbrella in her bag.

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