Min Shijun didn't answer, he cut off Cha Hae-yi's ensuing questions.

"There is no time now, I have something to tell you."

Maybe now is the last chance.

If missed, the words will never be conveyed.

"Please tell Hunter Cheng Jin-Woo for me." Min Shijun's tone was quite urgent.

"Sung Jin-Woo......?"

Cha Hae-In was a little surprised when an unexpected name appeared suddenly.

Min Shijun continued: "Be careful of your abilities."

"What does it mean?"

"You should have noticed that I have already died once. At that time, I thought I had fallen into the abyss, but someone pulled me back again, this time pulling me into endless darkness."

"Is that person...?"

"That's right, it's Hunter Seong Jin-Woo."

Cha Hae-In's pupils trembled slightly.

Even if Seong Jin-Woo Hunter is very strong, how could he bring people back to life?

Hunter Min Shijun calmly continued to tell what he had experienced.

"But after rebirth, I am no longer me. Although I have my own consciousness, I have the feeling that I can sacrifice everything for him... It's like becoming a slave who blindly obeys him."

' Who he is speaks for itself.

Cha Hae-In swallowed her saliva.

"This feeling is too happy, and even makes people feel a little scary."

Min Shijun's expression was a bit bitter.

"Please tell Hunter Seong Jin-Woo that."

His expression is very dignified.

"This power is so powerful that it is frightening. He should also know about it."

However, what was even more frightening was that Min Shijun's expression could not stop being terrified when he remembered what happened just now.

The moment he heard Cheng Jin-Woo's order and turned into a shadow soldier, he seemed to see the phantoms of many shadow soldiers standing behind Cheng Jin-Woo.

That number is as many as tens of thousands, no, millions.

Countless soldiers stood quietly behind Cheng Jin-Woo as if they were waiting for an order from the sovereign.

The moment he met Cheng Jin-Woo, who was standing at the head of the army, he lost consciousness.

When she woke up again, what appeared in front of her was the crumbling Cha Huiyi.

Min Shijun clearly knew what he should do.

I also know that there is only one thing I must do.

He had to tell Cheng Jin-Woo about the terrifying power possessed by the hunter.

When he and Cheng Jin-Woo were briefly connected mentally, he clearly perceived the entity of that power, as well as the whole picture of the entire army.

"Remember! Hunter Seong Jin-Woo's real army is..."

at this time.

The light cast from above enveloped Cha Hae-In.

Min Shijun's expression was very anxious.

"His real army is..."

Since Cha Hae-In was surrounded by light, the voice she could hear became smaller and smaller, and finally the voice disappeared in mid-air.



Cha Hae-In's memory only ends here.

It was only recently that she recalled these dreamlike illusory memories bit by bit.

Cheng Jin-Woo's expression was very heavy after listening.

"When she was about to die, she saw Min Sejun who became a shadow soldier after death but still retained his own consciousness?"


"Could it be that you were too shocked at that time, causing you to be confused with other things around you, and your memory was confused?"

Cheng Jin-Woo couldn't help asking.

"I thought so at the time."

How could Cha Hae-In not have thought about this situation?

So she didn't talk about it with Cheng Jin-Woo until now.

After Cheng Jinyu nodded in understanding, he took out his mobile phone.

"I will tell you my contact information, if you think of anything else, please contact me immediately."

"Okay, I'll call you if I remember."

Her expression seemed brighter than before.


Country R immediately asked other countries for help.

Country R has already lost half of its S-rank combat power, so doing this is a last resort.

However, other countries are very indifferent to country R's request for help.

When neighboring country H is facing a crisis, country R turns a blind eye.Now it's my turn, so get anxious?

Other countries have not forgotten this matter.

Led by country M, which would never allow S-level hunters to go abroad for rescue, even country Z, the strongest in continent Y, rejected country R's request.

Country R panicked.

[Country M, withdraw from country R. 】

【Is the Congress of Z watching the destruction of country R?】

[The teleportation port in City D has appeared for two days, the remaining time]

【What is country H's choice?】

The focus of the whole world is on China, and radical news reports follow one after another like snowflakes.

Against all kinds of opposition, only one hunter extended a helping hand to the country shrouded in despair and terror.

Yuri Olov.

He is an S-class hunter from country E. In order to negotiate with the government of country R, ​​he invited some relevant personnel.

Shigeo Matsumoto, the president of Country R's Hunter Association, is sitting on a plane flying to Country E.

Yuri didn't go out to greet them, but waited for their arrival in his palace-like mansion.

"I'm Shigeo Matsumoto."

The middle-aged white man with blond hair in front of him responded arrogantly to Matsumoto.

"I am Yuri Orlov. As you all know, I am the strongest among auxiliary hunters."

After briefly introducing themselves, the two sat down face to face.

In Yuri's hand, he was holding the relevant information about the portal that he had requested from the country before, and he carefully flipped through it.

I don't know how long it took.

He nodded while calculating, and finally spoke.

100 billion a day.If the money is enough, I will always help you block this portal. "

100 billion a day?

This astronomical figure made all the people present furious, but only Matsumoto remained silent at the moment.

He stretched out his hand to stop the aggressive people beside him, and the hunter from Country R who was present forcibly suppressed his emotions, and continued to quietly stand aside.

"It seems that the only person who can talk to you is you."

Yuri grinned, showing his shiny gold teeth.

He smiled and continued: "One year is three trillion and six hundred billion. This money can save the whole country.

Not 36 megabytes either.How about it? The country is much more important than 100 billion a day, so why give up the whole country just because you don’t want to spend the money?”

According to official statistics, the wealth of the richest person in the world is only a little more than [-] trillion yuan.

Three trillion and 6000 billion a year is really not a small number.

'But this money is nothing compared to Country R. '

Matsumoto made up his mind.

"The money will be paid to you."

"Very good, then sign the contract now, and you can pay the deposit after signing."

'But before that...'

Yuri, who was instructing the servant to bring the contract, looked at Matsumoto.


Looking at his straightforward gaze, Matsumoto said seriously: "Can you show us your strength?"

Yuri covered his stomach and laughed after hearing what the translator said.


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