The faces of the hunters cast despair.

The broken stone statues began to move.

The stone statues whose necks were cut off, whose chests were pierced, and whose limbs were broken stood up unexpectedly.

And the scariest thing among them is the statue whose size cannot be described in words.

"…...Oh My God."

As if they hadn't been broken at all, the idols and stone statues stood up straight and looked at the hunters.

The expressionless face made the atmosphere even more eerie.

The hunters all retreated unconsciously out of fear.

Suddenly, they stopped as if they had hit something.


is the door.

I don't know when, the door of the cave has been closed.

Perhaps the stone statues were never intended to keep the hunters alive.

The stone statue of the angel said.

"Before all my puppets fall, those who stay can witness the birth of the king."

"I've been talking about the king since just now, what the hell is the king talking about?"

Wu Zhenzhe frowned.

Can't understand what this guy is saying at all.

But one thing is clear.

This guy wants to kill everyone here.

Wu Zhenzhe clenched his teeth.

He also experienced countless crises during his four years in the association, but he struggled to survive.Today is also the same as usual.He didn't intend to simply die.

'If I can get out alive...'

Even if only Cheng Hunter is alone.

When he looked at Cheng Jin-Woo with this feeling, the angel statue also pointed to Cheng Jin-Woo.

"It only took 5 minutes for this guy to destroy all the puppets."

The angel stone statue pointed to the hunters again.

"How long will it take you?"

As soon as the angel stone statue finished speaking, Wu Zhenzhe roared loudly.

"Everyone get down!"

The hunters quickly lowered their bodies.

Because of the sound of "getting down", they narrowly escaped the red light above their heads.

Like a miracle, there were no victims.

The red light emitted from the idol's eyes gradually went out.

'uh-huh. '

The stone angel took a step back, watching the hunters with interest.

It seems that this should be a good add-on show before Wang wakes up.

"Ho, ho, ho."

Wu Zhenzhe was panting heavily, sweating profusely, he was suddenly afraid.

Would the survivors have really been able to escape this attack without hearing about the traits of the idol from the survivors?

Safely escaped the first attack.

But this is not the end.

'No, but start. '

Wu Zhenzhe raised his head.

The stone statues are rushing over here.Without the responsiveness of a high-level combat-type hunter, it is impossible to keep up with their movements.

And Wu Zhenzhe also belonged to the highest level of hunters among A-level hunters.

Jumping up quickly, he swung his fist vigorously, and the special gloves precisely hit the stone statue's face.



Wu Zhenzhe opened his eyes wide.

I thought that one blow would be enough, but the stone statue was intact.

Because one shoulder of the stone statue was completely destroyed, Wu Zhenzhe underestimated its durability.

But if he had thought of who destroyed the stone statue like this, he would not have made such a mistake.

The head of the stone statue holding the sword was slightly tilted back, but it quickly recovered and stabbed out the sword in its hand.

'tsk. '

Wu Zhenzhe clicked his tongue silently.

Just now, without thinking about the opponent's counterattack, he swung his fist with all his strength, which made it impossible to avoid the sword stabbed by the stone statue.

Even the speed of the sword is too fast to dodge.

But right now.

Bang bang!

Because of the powerful explosion, the stone statue flew forward.

Wu Zhenzhe felt a ringing in his ears, he shook his head.

As the detonation ended, he heard a voice from beside him.

"Are you all right?"

It is the strongest weapon, Cui Zhongyin.

Wu Zhenzhe nodded gratefully.

It's a pity that there is no time to chat.


The idol moved.

chug chug chug!

Other stone statues with weapons have also come to the front.

"Representative Choi! Provocative skills won't work on these guys!"

The meat shield hunters shouted loudly.


Cui Zhongyin's expression became stiff from time to time.

If provocative skills don't work, these guys will instinctively start with some weaker hunters.

If the healing hunter falls, the defensive formation will soon collapse, and without the defensive formation, it is needless to say to deal with powerful enemies.

To make matters worse, the idol standing behind many stone statues was swinging its huge fist.

'Can you get out of here alive?'

All hopeless situation.

But there is still a possibility.

That was to wake up Seong Jin-Woo who was unconscious.

That gargoyle guy said it.

'Hunter Seong Jin-Woo once dealt with them all, and it was within 5 minutes. '

If Hunter Cheng Jin-Woo became exhausted from solving these stone statues, and unfortunately lost to the angel stone statue, then the current situation has turned for the better.

In order to help Seong Jin-Woo, dozens of hunters came here.

and so.

Be sure to wake up Cheng Jin-Woo.

A raging flame ignited in Cui Zhongyin's hands.

The title of the strongest weapon is not groundless.

Needless to say the firepower, its accuracy is not inferior to any high-end weapons.

Cui Zhongyin desperately threw the magic generated in his hand towards Cheng Jin-Woo.

Maybe there will be some shock, but this level of magic will not cause harm to Seong Jin-Woo Hunter.

If he can wake up because of the explosion, the chances of winning here will be greatly increased.

'So be sure...!'

The flame flew in a long line in the air.



The moment the sparks appeared, the belly of the angel stone statue exploded.


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