Just when Cheng Jin-Woo was lost in thought, a car stopped behind him.

The windows were rolled down.

"Excuse me, are you Hunter Seong Jin-Woo?"

It was the voice of a strange man.

Cheng Jin-Woo turned around.

No matter how immersed he is in his thoughts, he still has to confirm who will talk to him at this juncture.


However, when he saw the owner of the voice, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Chapter 160 VII Liu Minghan's Request

"It seems to be me."

After confirming that it was indeed Cheng Jin-Woo, the man got out of the car immediately.

The man in front of Cheng Jin-Woo has a familiar face.

No effort at all to think of the man's name.

Because he is not only a frequent visitor to major news in country H, but also in various senses, he is also someone Cheng Jin-Woo is relatively familiar with.

"Hunter Cheng Jin-Woo, nice to meet you. I'm Yoo Myung-han from Yoo Chen Construction."

Yoo Minghan nodded his forehead slightly to Cheng Jinwoo.

Neither rude nor humble.

As if that's the real way to greet'.Cheng Jin-Woo was very surprised by Liu Minghan's attitude.

Cheng Xiaoyu never thought that the chairman of a company as big as Liu Chenjian would greet himself so solemnly when he met him for the first time.

Cheng Jin-Woo returned the courtesy with the same solemnity.

"Hi, I'm Seong Jin-Woo."

After a brief introduction, Liu Minghan did not procrastinate, and directly entered the topic.

"I'm really sorry that I came here without saying hello to you in advance. If it's convenient, can I borrow some of your time?"

Cheng Jin-Woo felt a little puzzled.

'If he wants to see me...'

He can contact himself through his son, there is no need to come here in person.Why did Liu Minghan come to look for him in person?

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Cheng Jin-Woo asked.

"What's the matter?"

Liu Minghan looked a little embarrassed.

"It's a bit inconvenient here."

Look at it this way.

Cheng Jin-Woo was wearing a tracksuit so it wasn't obtrusive, but the eyes of the people around him gradually focused on Liu Minghan.

There are also many pedestrians on the road, and this is not a good place to talk.

Cheng Jin-Woo understood his embarrassment.

But the problem is.

'President Liu Minghan and I probably have nothing to discuss. '

Cheng Jin-Woo didn't have any clue.

If I have to talk about it, it should be about his second son, Liu Chenhao, the vice president of the Xiaoya Association, right?

While Cheng Jin-Woo was thinking, more and more eyes focused on Liu Minghan.

Some even took out their phones to take pictures.

Sensing that more and more people are paying attention to him, Chairman Liu Minghan began to feel a little anxious.

'If we miss this opportunity, it will be very difficult to talk to Seong Jin-Woo again. '

There is a reason why Liu Minghan wanted to meet Cheng Jin-Woo so earnestly.

So he made up his mind.

"Cheng Hunter, although I'm a little rude, can you please go to a place with me? I will never make unreasonable requests."

His tone of request was full of sincerity.

Cheng Jin-Woo looked not far away.

Liu Chenhao looked very happy under the support of the reporters, no, no, very embarrassed.

Cheng Jin-Woo secretly laughed in his heart.

'It seems that Chen Hao should be very busy today. '

Because of the understanding of other large guilds, he has almost monopolized all the nearby high-level portals recently.

Now is also the time to take a break.

So Cheng Jin-Woo nodded in agreement.

"I see."

"thank you very much."

President Liu Minghan nodded slightly, and he opened the car door as if receiving a valuable guest.

"Then let's take the car first."

After Cheng Jin-Woo got in the car, Chairman Liu Minghan who went around to the other side also got in.The space inside the car is very spacious, even if two strong adult men sit in, it will not be crowded at all.

Before leaving, Seong Jin-Woo asked him.

"Where are you going?"

"Actually, there is no specific place, if Hunter Seong Jin-Woo wants to go somewhere..."

Seeing Cheng Xiaoyu shook his head, Liu Minghan asked the driver to set off first.

"I know a quiet place where we can be undisturbed. Let's go there."

Cheng Jin-Woo didn't reply either, he leaned on the backrest in one fell swoop.

As expected of an expensive car, the cushions are beyond words to describe.

The car didn't make any noise, as if it was gliding on the road, and arrived at the destination without knowing it.

"This is it, Hunter Cheng."

The driver immediately got out of the car to open the door for Liu Minghan, but Liu Minghan shook his head at him.

After understanding what the chairman meant, the driver came to Cheng Jin-Woo's side.

The driver opened the car door for Cheng Jin-Woo.

After getting off the car, Cheng Jin-Woo looked at the towering building.

'Is this the place to talk quietly...?'

Cheng Xiaoyu stood in the same place in a daze, and suddenly forgot what he wanted to say, while the entourage who came around him bowed ninety degrees in his direction.

"President, you are here!"

"President, you are here!"

Seeing the six people speaking in unison, Cheng Jin-Woo sighed in his heart.

'How many times have you practiced to be so neat?'

"Let's go in, Hunter Cheng."

Chairman Liu Minghan walked into the building without stopping.

On the glass window at the top of the building, the words Liu Chenjian are very eye-catching.


Although doubtful, Cheng Jin-Woo followed Liu Minghan and walked in.

After Cheng Jin-Woo came in, Liu Minghan kept the same pace as Cheng Jin-Woo.

"This way."

The staff who saw the president all saluted Liu Minghan.

Liu Minghan still didn't show any expression, but responded to the staff with a slight nod.

He is an amazing person.

The feeling I felt from Chairman Gao Jianli before can also be felt in Liu Minghan.

From the eyes of those employees who sincerely followed Yoo Minghan, Cheng Xiaoyu also probably understood Yoo Minghan's personality.

Cheng Jin-Woo silently followed him.

The staff who saluted Chairman Yoo Myung-han were also full of curiosity about Cheng Jin-Woo who followed behind the chairman.

'Who is he?'

Eh? That person, is it?

'Could it be...?'

Looking at the S-rank hunter who took off his hood after entering the building, the staff were all surprised from ear to ear.

The strongest hunter in the country and the top entrepreneur in the country.

These two people walked into Liu Chen Construction together, who would not be surprised?


The staff all stared wide-eyed.

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