The cave extends endlessly.

But they walked for so long, but they didn't see a single monster.

There is only one road in the dungeon, and there is no reason why you can't encounter Warcraft.

"Would the ones at the entrance be all there is to it?"

"how is this possible."

"It can be anything."

"But there should be a BosS, right?"

"If there is no BOSS, how can there be a teleportation port?"

Looking at the wide but empty dungeon, the hunters chattered about.


Huang Dongshi stopped suddenly.

Because he stopped so suddenly, the people behind bumped into each other.

One of the hunters who hit his nose asked with a sad face.

"Oh, what are you doing, brother, what's the matter?"

"Xiaohui, take a picture here."

Zhao Xiaohui moved the ball of light floating in front of the team to the position Huang Dongshi was pointing at.

"Oh my God……"

"All of these?"

The hunters all let out a low voice.

The worm's missing wings, legs, torso, and even a head.

As far as the eye can see, the remains of bugs pile up into mountains.

A room appeared at the end of this road.

"That should be the room of the ultimate boss."

The individual whispered.

Huang Dongshi nodded.

"Everyone, take out your equipment."

The hunters quickly armed themselves.

Everyone seemed very nervous.

Headed by Huang Dongshi, the hunters carefully entered the room of the ultimate boss.

But after a while, the silence was broken.

"F, get rich!!"

The hunter who hit his nose yelled.

Originally, it was forbidden to shout loudly in the dungeon, because it might attract monsters.

But this is, but no one came out to accuse him.


"How much are these worth?"

"What a fortune!"

All are immersed in joy.

Zhao Xiaohui moved the ball of light a little higher, and the whole room appeared in front of everyone.

The walls are also full of stones that look like gems.

"It's a mana stone!"

"The whole rock wall is mana stones!"

The mana stone shone in the light of the sphere, and the eyes of the hunters shone.

Mana Stone!

One of the treasures that can be found in dungeons.

Although the magic power contained in mana stones is not as much as that of magic crystals, but mana stones usually appear in piles, so they can also be sold at a very good price.

Moreover, the number of mana stones this time is even more surprising.The entire wall of the cave is covered with mana stones.

"Probably figure it out."

A hunter counted quickly with his fingers.

If all these are sold, there will be more than 580 million yuan.Even if divided equally, each of us can get nearly 65.

wow one

The hunters were all overjoyed.

After hearing what they said, Yoo Chen Ho who was standing at the end of the line poked Cheng Jin Woo who was beside him with his elbow.

"Brother, let me see your agreement."

"What's wrong?"

"Trust me, I know the law pretty well."

Cheng Jin-Woo shrugged and handed over the agreement.Liu Chenhao walked towards Huang Dongshi with Cheng Xiaoyu's contract.

"Seniors, excuse me, I want to ask something."

The cheering hunters all looked at Liu Chenhao.

Liu Chenhao held up Cheng Jin-Woo's agreement.

"Captain, this is Jin-Woo's agreement. As you can see, apart from the magic spar, there is no mention of the distribution of other items."

Everyone understood what Liu Chenhao meant.

It is an unwritten practice for hunters to equally divide the treasure or rare items obtained in the dungeon.This is different from the distribution method of magic crystals obtained after hunting monsters.

In other words, these mana stones should be divided into ten parts, not nine parts.

Hearing this, the eyes of other hunters flashed a stern look, but Huang Dongshi walked over with a smile.

"Of course we'll split evenly. We know the rules too. But we have a few things to sort out before that."

Huang Dongshi pointed to the front.

Liu Chenhao was taken aback.I thought Huang Dongshi was referring to himself.

He shuddered, then turned, and the next thing he saw was a spider the size of a house lying in the far corner.


Liu Chenhao covered his mouth in fright when he saw the big spider and backed away.

The big spider seemed to be asleep, motionless.

Empty worm shells piled up around the giant spider.

Others were bitten to pieces and mixed with slime, reminiscent of a slop bucket.

"That's the ultimate boss."

"Is it the one that bit those bugs?"

"Have you eaten a lot?"

The hunters glanced at the spider, and a trick came to their minds.

Huang Dongshi called the others over.Cheng Jin-Woo and Liu Chen-Ho also stood up.

Everyone should also know that the portal will be closed after hunting the BoSS.So before we kill this spider, we should get those mana stones out first.

Everyone nods in agreement.

"Da Chen, have you brought the equipment to dig mana stones?"

Da Chen shook his head.

"No. Who would have thought that there would be mana stones in a C-level dungeon? All the mining equipment is on the vehicle."

"Big Chen...Didn't Brother Huang always tell you to carry it with you just in case?"

"Sorry, sorry, really sorry."

Dae Chen smiled and apologized to Hwang Dong Seok and other teammates, and even to Seong Jin Woo.

Huang Dongshi scratched the back of his head.

"Tsk, it's troublesome. How about this, you two stay here and wait, we go out and bring in the equipment."

Chapter 20 Lizards

Seeing other hunters preparing to leave, Liu Chenhao asked hastily.

"Is it just me and Jin-Woo hyung in the boss room?"

A gleam flashed in Huang Dongshi's eyes.

"We were so loud just now, it didn't wake up. It will be fine. And I have something to discuss with the team members. I will be back soon after smoking a cigarette."

Cheng Xiaoyu laughed secretly after hearing Huang Dongshik's high-sounding explanation.

'Finally the fox's tail was revealed.But to go out together, it seems that we were treated as fools. '

Maybe it's because they look down on them because of their low level.

Huang Dongshi finally started to act according to his own ideas.

Although a little bit different than expected.

Seong Jin-Woo has been a hunter for four years.During this time he saw many hunters.

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