The highway is full of refugees from country R.

In order to survive, they left their homes and are moving east and west.

But the road always has an end.Their days of being cornered are coming to an end.

Looking at the experience of the country, there are many voices from various countries in the world.

"What is Country H doing?"

"Why doesn't country H help country R?"

"Don't they know how to be grateful?"

Countless people from all over the world quickly turned their attention to the team battle on Qizhou Island that happened a few weeks ago.

Country R lost nearly half of its S-level hunters for Country H. Why is Country H indifferent to what happened to Country R?

Country R's damage and death data are still being updated in real time.

People are both angry and sad.

The more they sympathize with country R, ​​the more they criticize country H.

"Hurry up, Country H!"

- "Aren't you grateful?"

"Has Country H forgotten what happened on Qizhou Island!"

Public opinion in various countries is still fermenting.

And people are wondering at the same time, why country R did not request assistance from country H?

In this way, to the fourth day.

Chairman Gao Jianli, who felt that the time had come, finally appeared in front of the reporters.

The venue where the press conference was held was full of hustle and bustle.

Gao Jianli looked at the cameras surrounding him in front of him, and said slowly.

"We feel very heartbroken about what happened in country R. So here, we will express the position of the Hunter Association."

Then move the time forward a little bit, and the Hunter Administration of Country M also issued a statement.

Chapter 160 IX What I Want To Do

At the press meeting held by the Hunter Administration of Country M, Country M made a statement for the first time.

"We're bringing hunters together in one place."

Will Congress M help Country R?

After hearing that country M had expressed its position, the reporters who flocked here cheered.

No one wants tens of thousands of people to lose their lives.

That's why the reporters are so excited.

Just as the atmosphere of the press conference continued to rise, the spokesperson in front shook his head.

"But it's not for country R."


The reporters looked at each other in blank dismay, and everyone was puzzled by the spokesperson's words.

As if no one had heard the news of this matter in advance, they looked at each other with winks.

And the pictures that appeared on the big screen made the reporters quiet down even more.

The turmoil just now has been replaced by silence, and in the heavy silence, there are occasional low-pitched whispers.



The images prepared in advance by the Hunter Administration are very shocking.

"This is the portal found in the eastern M state today."

The size of the portal is unusual.

Although it is smaller than the transmission port in China, it is also very rare.

Although the size of the portal is not directly related to the level, the huge portal is never connected to the low-level dungeon.

The spokesperson went on to explain.

"Our investigation team has confirmed that the portal is the same as the S-level portal in China. And the high-level hunters in our country will do their best."

Some reporters couldn't bear to cover their faces, some shook their heads weakly, and the sighs one after another contained endless despair.

There has never been a record of two S-class portals appearing at the same time in history.

Of course, country M is not worried.

Because S-level hunters from all over the world will deal with this portal.

The problem is country R.

'Country M has no spare energy to help country R. '

When the news reached country R, ​​the citizens of country R cried and mourned.

Country R is over.

The giant monsters went south while destroying, and the humans who fled to the north also came to a dead end.

Under such circumstances, country H, which has remained silent, also expressed their position.

Gao Jianli, standing in front of the reporter, said so.

"We will not participate in the affairs of country R."


one day ago.

The day was as usual, only Cheng Xiaoyu and Liu Chenhao were in the spacious Xiaoya guild office.

Looking at the computer screen, Liu Chenhao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Brother, there is a B-level portal, do you want to make an appointment?"

"Is it the jurisdiction of the Hunter Division?"

"Huh? Ah, yes. Brother."

"let it go."

"Ah... ok. Brother."

The Hunter Company has lost more than half of its combat power, so it should be very busy now.

Taking advantage of this time to grab their portal... It's against morality no matter how you think about it.

Liu Chenhao scratched his head and looked at Cheng Xiaoyu.

"Brother, what have you been looking at so seriously since just now?"

Seong Jin-Woo looked away from the screen, and leaned back in his chair lazily.

"Chen Hao."

"Yes, brother."

"Should I go to country R?"


Liu Chenhao was stunned.

It's not that he doesn't know who is saying this.

He knew Cheng Jin-Woo's activity better than anyone else.

But in the S-level portal, common sense is completely inapplicable!

S-class is considered unpredictable.In other words, the S-class portal is beyond the range of human cognition.

Just like there is a gap between hunters of the same S rank, we have no way of knowing what kind of monsters will come out of this unpredictable portal.

So after hearing Cheng Jin-Woo's words, Liu Chen-ho couldn't laugh at all.

Liu Chenhao also looked at the screen.


The computer screen is full of news about country R.

It seems that the eldest brother really cares.

Unlike himself, Big Brother is very powerful.So there will be corresponding troubles.

"Brother, wait a minute."


It's just that what Cheng Xiaoyu said unintentionally made Liu Chenhao take it very seriously.

Liu Chenhao stood up, and took out something similar to a photo album from the cabinet.

He opened the photo album, which was full of news clipped from newspapers.

'This is......?'

All news related to Cheng Jin-Woo.

The undisclosed incident of the red teleportation port, the group battle on Qizhou Island, the teleportation port in the middle of the road, and the recent event that the Hunter Company fought an unidentified stone statue.

Looking at the treasure that Liu Chenhao took out, Cheng Xiaoyu felt a little speechless.

"Are you still saving these things?"

"Yes, brother."

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