And their reactions were exactly the same.

'What about country R at this time?'

'What kind of thoughts do the people of Jung Jin-Woo Hunter offer to help?'

If the urgent needs of country R can be solved, then the reward that the government of country R can give will be immeasurably rich.

All hunters are well aware of this.

But every country is afraid of letting its top hunters fall into this unprecedented disaster.

In the past, in order to get rid of the Warcraft "Kamesh" that appeared from the S-level portal, the number of top hunters in the world has dropped sharply. Such a painful lesson has kept the hunter world in a closed state.

Therefore, all countries are unwilling to let hunters go to rescue country R, ​​and even if they can go to rescue, will anyone really be willing?

"Is he crazy?"

The S-class hunters of M nationality gathered in the top hotel in Maryland also listened to the news of H country.

Most of these people have strengthened their abilities by relying on the power of the "upgrader" Mrs. Sino. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the strongest armed group in the world.

People of this level are of course qualified to laugh at the reckless behavior of a hunter from a small country in Continent Y.

"The boy who has not long awakened for the second time is too intoxicated with his own power."

"That boy, do you think that giants are the same as insects?"

"A hunter who believes too much in his own strength will die [-]%. It's ironic that he didn't expect that catching ants would make him die earlier."

They all looked at Cheng Jinyu's dazzling image of being active on Qizhou Island.

Maybe "Cheng Jin-Woo" is really strong.

But the giants are different.

Seong Jin-Woo's ability to summon a large number of summoned beasts from a huge ants colony is of course very effective.

But no matter how powerful he was, would he really be able to deal with a giant monster with the same individual ability as the top A-level portal boss?

That is a boss-level giant that can catch Yuri Orlov.

Giants move in a strange way like beasts.

They are large in size but have fast and flexible movements.With only one hunter, how could it be possible to catch that kind of monster?

The hunters of Country M began to make bets jokingly.

"I bet he's dead in a day. I'm betting on my yacht."

"I'll bet my house for two days!"

"Then I..."

At this time, a voice suddenly came from not far away.

"Is that really going to happen?"

The man who was eating quietly in the corner put down the cutlery, and he spoke.

It was Thomas Andre.

One of the national title hunters.

It has been a long time since the crusade against "Kamish", and countless emerging strongmen have appeared in the world.

But until now, their status still cannot surpass those hunters who survived the most terrible disaster in human history.

"Hahahahaha one"

Thomas' laughter stopped everyone in the room from talking.

"I bet the mansion of the Scavenger's Guild that the boy will survive."

Thomas stood up as he spoke.

He glanced at the betting hunters through his dark glasses and walked straight out of the restaurant.



After he left, the awkward atmosphere eased somewhat.

A hunter frowned and broke the silence.

"That really an expert at breaking the atmosphere."

"That weirdo didn't do this once or twice, so there's no need to bother him."

"That's right, no matter how strong the hunters of country H are, they can't stop the S-level giant alone."

At this time, the hunter who had been listening silently by the side suddenly spoke.

"Not alone, it seems that there is another person going together?"

That's right, no matter how much you don't think about it, you don't want to go to that kind of hell on earth alone.

The hunters nodded in agreement.

"Which insane S-Class said he wanted to go with him."

"Not S-rank."

These words immediately made the three hunters look at each other in blank dismay.

Going to fight an S-rank giant with a less than S-rank hunter?

"Did you bring an A-level healer?"

"No, it's a D-class meat shield named Liu Chenhao."

The three hunters closed their mouths at the same time.

With their minds blank, they suddenly forgot what they were going to say.

This hunter named Cheng Jin-Woo is really crazy.

Is it possible that madmen have something in common?

'Thomas Andre's support for Cheng Jin-Woo may not be accidental. '

This thought flashed through the minds of the three of them.


Incheon International Airport.

"Ah, sorry, please let me pass!"

Pushing away the people who came rushing like clouds, Liu Chenhao came out majesticly.

He wears sunglasses that can almost cover his whole face and carries two backpacks with equipment.

The tragic feeling on the expression is even comparable to that of movie actors who appear in the climax of film and television dramas.

"Borrow one, everyone!"

Cheng Xiaoyu quietly walked on Liu Chenhao's "creation" road.

Click click click click click click click!

The reporters didn't want to miss any second of Jin-Woo's expression, they frantically pressed the camera button, and the flashes kept flashing.

Unlike the excited Liu Chenhao, Cheng Xiaoyu looked very calm.

After hearing the news of Cheng Jin-Woo's arrival, Country R immediately dispatched a special plane, and the entry procedures were neatly omitted as a matter of course.

Before boarding the plane, Seong Jin-Woo found a familiar face among the people seeing him off.

They are Chairman Gao Jianli and Section Chief Wu Zhenzhe.

After gesturing to each other with their eyes, the three stood together.

Although the airport was very noisy, the three of them were all advanced hunters with well-developed senses, so there was no need to deliberately speak loudly.

"I still really want to stop you now." Gao Jianli looked regretful.

Cheng Jin-Woo can be said to be the strongest fighter among the hunters of country H at present.

Of course, such power does not want to be easily lent to other countries for use.

To put it bluntly, what if something happens to the country while Seong Jin-Woo is away?

However, Cheng Jin-Woo's thoughts were firm.

"Sorry, I want to go."

Level up by killing giants and increase the number of shadow soldiers.He must not miss this opportunity.

And when Cheng Jin-Woo asked the country to hand over the handling rights of all monsters, facing the requirement that all problems could be solved with one move, the country R side of course welcomed it with both hands.

Gao Jianli smiled knowingly.

"Is it because there are monsters there?"

Cheng Jin-Woo also grinned.

"I want to fight monsters."

"Since you think so, I can't help it"

Gao Jianli stretched out his hand towards him, and Cheng Jin-Woo shook it.

Go Gun-ri expressed his sincere blessing as the two hands that were holding each other waved up and down.

"Please come back safe and sound."

Click click click click click click click!

The handshake of the two was captured intact by hundreds of camera lenses.


For the desperate Korean survivors, the news that Cheng Jin-Woo is about to go to the rescue is like a bright light in the dark night.

The few TV stations left were all broadcasting informational videos about Cheng Jin-Woo in a loop.

People looked at Cheng Jin-Woo's active performance, and their hearts were filled with hope.

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