Amidst the exclamation of the reporter, the ants began to eat the giant's body with their sharp teeth.

no no!


Of course, under Bell's control, they didn't forget to leave enough corpses to make shadow soldiers.

Those greedy ants were kicked away by Bell.

The reporter shouted in an excited voice.

"The giants are being eaten! Those giants were eaten by worms!"

A giant that once preyed on humans and brought great shock and fear to humans.

The scene of them being eaten by ants brought a wonderful sense of pleasure to the Chinese people.

Perhaps because of this, apart from Seong Jin-Woo who refused to be filmed, the one that attracted the most attention was the "Ant Army".

The only problem is.


Bell flew to the side of the helicopter at some point.

The reporters and photographers who were taken aback by the elusive Bell gasped and shrank back.

Bell waved at them without hesitation, smashing the camera facing him.



In front of the powerful force, the reporter and the photographer could only hug each other and tremble.


Bell looked at the two of them silently, and then flew back below without saying a word.


"Ha, ha, ha."

The two let out a long sigh of relief.

This is not the first time the camera has been smashed.

There is a reason for seeing a camera worth more than [-] million destroyed but still following the alien ants.

Because there are many viewers who are very fanatical about ants.

The photographer calmed down quickly.

He immediately took out the backup camera that he had prepared in advance, and the reporter who seemed to have gotten used to it skillfully spoke the epilogue to the camera.

"Here is a report for you by reporter Kimura of... News."


"Ah ah ah!"

Has this child graduated from primary school?

This is a childish girl, with tears all over her face, she screamed in fear while running.

"Ah, ah ah ah!"

Chasing her behind her was a giant with a wretched smile.

How far can such a short leg run?

The distance between them was quickly shortened.

The giant seemed very satisfied with this game of hide-and-seek, which was a sure win, and smiled very happily.

It extended a hand about one and a half times longer than the other giants.

Just when the rude long arm was about to grab the young girl's immature body, a flash of light quickly flashed across the giant's wrist.

The blue lightning that exploded immediately burned the falling wrist.


"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Holding back the wound, the standing giant grabbed the broken wrist and began to scream.

The owner of the blue lightsaber is "Knight Commander Yegrit".

Jagrit turned around quickly, and picked up the pale girl who was paralyzed on the ground and trembling.

Jagrit quickly backed away with the girl.

The giant glared down.

The guy who cleanly cut his own wrist was running away with his own food.

The furious giant's eyes began to turn red.


Just looking at this scene is enough to make people tremble with fear.

However, someone dared to stand in front of the monster.

It is the "King Ain" whose armor has become stronger after being promoted to an elite knight.

Iron planted his shield on the ground, opened his chest and took a deep breath.

Then a terrible cry erupted from its helmet.


[King Ain uses 'provocative roar'. 】

[The enemy is in a provocative state]

The giant who was glaring at Jagrit instantly turned his gaze to Ain.

It was as if he had been watching from the very beginning.

Iron thumped his chest and raised a shield as bulky as his own.

"Uh huh!"

The angry giant punched Ain mercilessly.

Bang bang!

But Ain, who was hit, didn't move at all.The effect of the promotion lifted Ain to a completely different level.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Ain, who persisted in dozens of attacks, roared.

"Oh oh oh one!"

So the shadow soldiers and the Polar Bear Legion, who had been ambushing on both sides for a long time, began to attack.

The shadow soldiers have been fighting as Seong Jin-Woo's assist all along.

And so is the "tank" that leads the Polar Bear Legion.

Both soldiers were excited about the long-lost battle.

The tank shook its head from side to side and let out a growl of joy.


It was a long roar that could be felt even in the distance.

Journalists watching them hold their breath and start shouting at the camera.

"Did the audience see it now? Summoned beasts! The summoned beasts of Hunter Seong Jin-Woo are attacking the giant."

Is this really realistic?

The reporter who didn't even believe Yuri Olov certainly didn't have any special expectations for Cheng Jin-Woo.

But judging from the results, not only Cheng Jin-Woo himself, but even the summoned beast he sent to attack captured the giant.


Maybe he really can save the country on his own.

With the emergence of this idea, something seemed to come out from the bottom of my heart.

at this time.

"That, there!"

The cameraman hurriedly pointed down and shouted.

The reporter hastily turned his moist eyes to the giant.

"how come......!"

The scene in front of the reporter couldn't help being amazed.

The giant collapsed on the ground, and on the giant's head was Yegrith, who had easily conquered it.

Yegrit was holding the sword, and countless lightning bolts shot out from the sword tip, and the lightning struck the ground one after another.

It was an incomparably beautiful picture that left the onlookers speechless.

Chapter 170 Two Deepened Expectations

The headquarters of the Hunter Association of Country R was once located in City D, known as the heart of Country R.

That day, before the giants poured out of the portal.

When the S-level portal in Kamisu was in chaos due to the out-of-control dungeon, thanks to the many hunters and soldiers who died on the front line, Shigeo Matsumoto, the chairman of the National Hunter Association, was able to move the headquarters of the Hunter Association to Saka City.

Giving up other cities in the northwest, there is only one reason to choose Saka City.

If even the city of Sakae with a population of 2606 million cannot be kept, Country R will really have no hope.

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