Using the undead army as bait, he was looking for the weakness of the boss-level giant.

That's what this fight is about.


The boss-level giant first flattened the shadow soldier with his knees, and then smashed the soldier to the ground with his fist.

Bang bang!

Like an earthquake, the ground kept shaking, and dozens of soldiers disappeared instantly.

It's a nightmarish battle that combines perfect defense with terrifying attack.

But it's not without any gains.

In the desolate city center of D, Seong Jin-Woo's eyes shone brightly due to his astonishing concentration.


As expected, the magic power covered the skin of the giant's whole body like iron armor, so no matter what kind of attack it received, the giant would not be harmed.

That guy should know his defense ability very thoroughly, so he didn't care about defense at all, just kept attacking repeatedly.

But only once.

The giant did not choose to attack but chose to defend.

It was when the fangs sent out the "fire dragon's breath" in his face just now.

The guy shielded his face with his palms.

If it wasn't mere coincidence...


Cheng Jin-Woo summoned the flying dragon.

Kaiser, who rushed out of the shadows, spread her huge wings to both sides.



Cheng Jin-Woo flew onto Kaiser's back.

"Bell, Jagrit!"

Under Cheng Jin-Woo's call, Bell raised his wings, and Yegrit jumped on Cheng Jin-Woo's back.

Carrying Seong Jin-Woo and Yegrit, Kaiser flew into the air, flapping his wings.


"Come on!"

The four "people" in the sky rushed straight towards the head of the boss-level giant.

At this time.


The giant's pupils moved sideways instantly.

Even in the melee with thousands of shadow soldiers, the giant still found Kaiser and Bell approaching at super high speed.

Cheng Jin-Woo nodded secretly.

That's it for sure.

Just like himself with the agility attribute, that guy has the attribute that can shorten the attack time. Thanks to this, his speed is much faster than other giants.

The giant turned around so quickly that its huge shoulders swayed.

"Get out of the way!"

Cheng Jin-Woo and Yegrit kicked Kaiser's back hard.

At the same time, the giant's fist hit Kaiser.


Kaiser who exploded on the spot made Cheng Jin-Woo frown.It is always unpleasant to watch one's own soldiers being destroyed.

Thankfully, though, the enemy is right around the corner.

Jagrit was the first to attack.

Jagrit in the sky drew out the "Long Sword of the Demon King" and swung it down quickly.


The blue lightning produced on the tip of the sword immediately went towards the giant's eyebrows.

The giant threw back his head and narrowly escaped the lightning.

'Come again!'

Jagrit quickly launched the next wave of attacks.

The giant also avoided the oncoming attack this time.


Seong Jin-Woo, who confirmed the giant's weakness, used the "power of ruler" to approach the giant's face.

Bell followed closely behind him.

'The dagger of the Demon King. '

Cheng Jin-Woo held the two daggers that appeared out of nowhere with both hands, and Bell stretched its sharp claws unconsciously.

Taking the high altitude as the battlefield, Cheng Jin-Woo and Bell launched a combined attack.

The perfectly regenerated shadow soldiers on the ground also rushed towards the ankle of the boss giant.



The fireball launched by the magic soldier exploded instantly after hitting the giant's body.

The falling lightning, the advancing flame, and the biting of the giants one after another.

Liu Chenhao had a panoramic view of this battle that was like a lie.


He watched from beginning to end and couldn't say a word.

This is no longer a battle between hunters and Warcraft, but a battle between monsters and monsters.

A boss-level giant as big as a high-rise office building and Cheng Jin-Woo who controls a thousand summoned beasts.

If someone asks which side is more like a monster, probably no one can easily answer it.


It's really a pity that I have only myself as the audience for this battle.

Liu Chenhao tried his best to control his frantically beating heart, staring at Cheng Xiaoyu intently.

At this moment, Seong Jin-Woo's dagger pierced the giant's eye.


The giant shook his head violently, struggling desperately.

But it was firmly pressed to the ground by Cheng Jin-Woo who was pressing on its head.

' Hit. '

Cheng Jin-Woo tightly held the dagger that pierced the giant's eye with one hand, and started to activate his skills with the other hand.

'Random Knife!'

Da da da da da da da!

The giant's eyeballs were shattered, and it began to frantically twist its body to resist.

But Cheng Jin-Woo was not easily thrown off.

He still maintained the state of hanging on the giant's eyes, turned his head and looked back.


"Start the attack!"

Comprehending the monarch's order, Bell approached at an astonishing speed, and without hesitation got into the hole in the giant's eyes.

Cheng Jin-Woo is outside, Bell is inside.

The two cooperating inside and outside began to wreak havoc on the giant's huge head.

The painful giant opened its mouth wide, screaming silently.

Taking advantage of the gap when the giant was unable to move, the ants attacking the ankles also achieved great results.


The giant with a severed tendon on one side fell to the ground helplessly.


The ground, unable to withstand such a huge impact, began to shake violently.

In the chaos, Cheng Jin-Woo and Bell's attack continued.

"Random Knife!"

Da da da da da da da!


Da da da da da da da!


Da da da da da da da!

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