There is even a feeling of discouragement.

'Those guys that pop up in my head...will they be the dominators?'

If those guys invaded the human world, his current strength is far from enough to deal with it.

Cheng Jin-Woo's hand holding the magic spar was getting stronger.

'Need to get stronger. '

In this sense, it can be said that I am quite lucky to be able to obtain the power of the Shadow King.

Not only did he get unimaginable power, but he also gained the possibility of continuing to improve in the future.

If in the past, when the job change test was not recognized by the system due to insufficient scores, what will happen now?

He stared at the status bar that hadn't been closed, and couldn't help but think so.

After a while, Cheng Jin-Woo couldn't help muttering to the screen.

"Hey... can you tell me something?"

He actually complained a little about the system that seemed to have no human touch at all.

And the system didn't respond either.


If he can write his own wish list, he must add "talk to the system" to it.

After secretly deciding in his heart, Cheng Jin-Woo didn't think too much, he stood up.

And just when Cheng Jin-Woo was about to turn around and leave, his toes suddenly bumped into something.



Looking down, it turned out to be the black chain that bound the giant king before.

Cheng Jin-Woo's eyes suddenly filled with curiosity.

And this curiosity immediately turned into thinking.

' this still useful?'

Cheng Jin-Woo reached out and grabbed the chain connecting the wall.

as predicted.

He felt his inner strength draining away fast.

'uh-huh. '

The chains are absorbing magic.

It's not bad if it's just one chain, but if it's bound by layers of chains like this, no matter how powerful it is, it won't be able to break free easily.

Seong Jin-Woo watched the mana power decrease bit by bit, and smiled lightly.

'What a windfall. '

With joy, he cut off the chains one by one with the "dagger of the devil king".

However, no magical effect can be felt in the severed chain.


This is not the case with only one chain, but with all of them.

'how did it happen?'

Cheng Jin-Woo turned his head to look at the wall.

He grabbed the chains attached to the wall again.

The moment he touched the chain, the chain had the same absorption effect as before.

But there was no effect on the chains that he cut off.

In a trance, he seemed to understand the reason.

'… that so?'

The chains are just an illusion, everything is the power of the dungeon.

That is to say, chains become trash as long as they are taken out.

'This thing is useless. '

Seong Jin-Woo dropped the ordinary chains everywhere.

Although it cannot be said that there are no regrets, on the whole, the harvest is still much more than expected.

Through this expedition, he incorporated the giant's shadow into the Shadow Legion, successfully eliminated the giants and their king, and even raised the level to level 120.

This is already far beyond the expected result before the expedition.

After resolutely giving up the chain, Seong Jin-Woo turned around with a smile on his face and saw Bell who lowered his head.

After seeing the lord finished, Bell immediately raised his head.

It stretched out its fingers to point to the entrance, and following its instructions, the soldiers standing in front of Cheng Jin-Woo all avoided, leaving a wide road for the Lord.

Cheng Jin-Woo patted Bell's shoulder that had been cleaned up before he knew it, and walked towards the entrance.

Bell, who was touched by the master's actions, followed closely behind Cheng Jin-Woo.

And behind them, there are a thousand shadow soldiers who have made great contributions in the battle against the giants.

The shadow army started marching neatly.

欻, 欻, 欻, 欻.

The heavy footsteps of shadow soldiers echoed back and forth in the dungeon.

Soon after, the entrance of the dungeon came into view.

Seeing the sunlight coming in from the entrance, Seong Jin-Woo smiled.

This is the moment when the long hunt for giants came to an end.


R Country Hunter Association War Center.

There was no sound in the combat information center, it was very quiet.It would not be an exaggeration to say that the staff have forgotten how to breathe.

All of their attention is focused on the big screen in front of them.



Only the sound of swallowing saliva nervously sounded from time to time.

An image is displayed on the screen.

The entire Kamisuku City can be overlooked through the magic detector equipped on the satellite over there.

The magic detector can display the magic power with light points.

Powerful magic is a huge point of light.

Tiny mojos are tiny dots of light.

And what that huge light group shining in the center of D means, no one in this combat situation center doesn't know.

There are thousands of tiny light spots gathered around the light cluster.

The staff of the R Country Association were all stunned by this astonishing number.

"Then, those are the summoned beasts of Hunter Seong Jin-Woo?"


"At first glance... there should be more than five hundred, right?"

Shigeo Matsumoto on the side lowered his head.

"What is the number of his summoned beasts?" He asked the staff of the analysis team sitting next to him.

"There's a lot of overlap, it's impossible to pinpoint the exact number, but ... there's at least eight hundred or more."

eight hundred.

The staff of the analysis team used the word "above", implying that this value should be the minimum value.

But even the lowest value is more than twice the number of summoned beasts seen on Qizhou Island.

Matsumoto Shigeo was astonished by this.

'How long has it been since the number of summoned beasts has tripled?'

Besides, the fact that the number of summoned beasts can increase is very abnormal in itself.

He half covered his face with trembling hands.

Thinking that if Cheng Jin-Woo is the enemy, the road ahead is really dark.

And even if it is a friendly army, he can't just rest assured.

It's really a blessing that Hunter Cheng Jin-Woo has goodwill towards Country R.

Chairman Matsumoto, who barely recovered from the shock, turned his gaze to the screen again.

Tiny light spots are rushing towards the light cluster.

That's when the battle between Seong Jin-Woo's hunter's summoned beast and the giant guarding the portal is about to begin.

The staff present were sweating in the palms of their hands, watching the countless light spots intertwined intently.

and finally a

The light group began to flicker, then spread, and finally disappeared in front of everyone.

"Wow ah ah ah ah!"

It seemed that they had finally waited for this moment, and deafening cheers broke out in the combat situation center.

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