'What is it for?'

Cheng Jin-Woo was a little puzzled, but the next moment Cheng Jin-Woo's eyes widened.


If it wasn't for the body's instinctive reaction, then there should be a hole in his chest now.

The spider's leg pierced the ground behind him, moved its joints and lifted itself up again.

Debris on the ground fell from its legs.

Cheng Jin-Woo glanced behind him.

A rather large hole had been poked into the ground.

'It should kill you if you get stabbed by it. '

Cheng Jin-Woo's eyes became even colder.

He needs to focus.

'coming! '


He could gradually see the spider legs that were flying like bullets just now.


He quickly lowered his head to avoid the attack of the spider's left leg.


He sideways to avoid the attack of the spider's right leg, and then took a step forward.


He dodged the spider's legs attacking his head again, and took two steps forward.

Left, right, right, left, right, right, right, left, left.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of the spider's legs rubbing against the ground was sharp and piercing, making one's scalp tingle.

Seong Jin-Woo avoided the spider's attack perfectly and gradually shortened the distance with the spider.

Liu Chenhao couldn't believe his eyes.

"He, what the hell does he do?"

Liu Chenhao felt his scalp tingle just watching these attacks from a distance.

But Cheng Jin-Woo was able to shorten the distance while dodging the attack.

Looking at Cheng Jin-Woo's clean and neat movements, Liu Chen-ho got goose bumps all over his body.

"Is he really just an E-rank hunter?"

no, how is it possible

If it was him standing there, he might have been poked into a sieve long ago.He didn't have the confidence to avoid the monster's attack.

But Seong Jin-Woo avoided all the attacks perfectly.

Even a D-rank hunter couldn't do it, but an E-rank hunter did it?

There is only one explanation.


Liu Chenhao's face darkened.

Among those gifted hunters, there is a small group who can control their magic power at will.

They can easily falsify the grade test results and get a low grade evaluation.

Hunters who hide some of their abilities in order to gain a lower level are called "cheaters".

And most cheaters have some kind of nefarious purpose that no one knows about.

"For example, a murderer who enters a low-level dungeon with the purpose of killing..."

Only those present know what happens in the dungeon, so there's no better place to commit crime than a dungeon.

Liu Chenhao swallowed nervously.

He suddenly felt that Cheng Jin-Woo was more terrifying than that spider.

'Why did I come here...?'

Liu Chenhao was about to cry with regret.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The spider kept attacking Cheng Jin-Woo.

Seong Jin-Woo, who avoided all attacks, was very confident in himself.The distance gradually shortened, and the spider's head was already within its attack range before it knew it.

This spider's attack mode is relatively simple, so he can approach it more easily.

'First the eyes. '

Take advantage of its unpreparedness and attack its vital points.

Cheng Jin-Woo was going to attack its eyes first.

'Now just put the dagger in his eye!'

Just when Cheng Jin-Woo was about to attack, he suddenly found that the spider's attack speed had slowed down.

Swish! Swish!

Is it because my eyes have adapted to the speed?

Bang! Bang!

No, not right.

What the eyes see may be false, but the hearing will never mislead him.

The sound of the spider's legs piercing the ground was indeed a beat slower than before.

Cheng Jin-Woo is still very confident in his ears.

Cheng Jin-Woo felt something was wrong.

Take a closer look, the spider's mouth is shaking slightly.

'What is it opening its mouth to do at this time?'

Cheng Jin-Woo originally wanted to give this magical beast three meters above the ground a fatal blow to the head, but there was always an ominous premonition.

So Cheng Jin-Woo hastily changed direction and flew to the side.

at this moment.


The spider spit out a pool of cloudy slime.

Cheng Jin-Woo rolled around on the ground and stood up to see that the place where he was standing just now was now a piece of scorched earth, and smoke was rising from the pitch-black ground.


The stones on the ground also melted.

Cheng Jin-Woo swallowed in fear.

'If I really rushed over just now...'

Then what is being melted now is not stone.

Perhaps sensing Cheng Jin-Woo's shaking, the spider quickly approached.

rustle rustle

Cheng Jin-Woo looked up.

The spider was right in front of his eyes.

Cheng Jin-Woo jumped up on the spot to avoid the spider's blow.


The spider attacked again.


Cheng Jin-Woo had already approached the spider's head several times, but every time he was close to success, the spider would spew out mucus, and he had no choice but to retreat steadily.

When the spider's attack mode is no longer single, the attack becomes more difficult.

If he avoids the attack and shortens the distance, the spider will spit out mucus.

When he backs away, the spider attacks with its legs again.

"Damn it!"

Cheng Jin-Woo was a little depressed, and tried to attack the spider's leg with a dagger.

But no matter how hard Seong Jin-Woo tried, he couldn't do any harm.

Cheng Jin-Woo bit his lower lip.

'This is not going to work. '

Spiders use only their two front legs to attack.

But Seong Jin-Woo had to dodge every attack with all his strength.

Who will be the first to fall out of exhaustion, the result is already obvious.

'Exhaustion. '

【Tiredness: 57】

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