"Hmm, are you going to resist with him?"

Huang Dongshi thought to himself, if this rich second generation defeated a C-level boss, he would feel invincible, right?

Zhao Xiaohui asked quietly from the side.

"Brother, what do we do now?"

In order not to let Cheng Xiaoyu and Liu Chenhao hear, Huang Dongshi whispered.

"Get rid of Cheng Jin-Woo first. We still have to leave a way out. Our losses today are not small."

"Okay, that's the only way to go."

Zhao Xiaohui's hands emitted a dazzling light.

Cheng Jin-Woo narrowed his eyes.

'We still have to fight. '

This was Seong Jin-Woo's first time fighting a hunter.

But he wasn't kind enough to easily let go of those who coveted his life.

But, at this moment!


The mechanical beep sounded again.

【Emergency mission generated!】

'Urgent task?'

Cheng Jin-Woo raised his head.

Before Cheng Jin-Woo could speak, a task window popped up in front of him.

The first time something like this happened.

【Urgent mission: destroy the enemy!】

There are people around who are hostile to the player.

Please eliminate all these people to ensure your own safety.If this instruction is not followed, the heart will stop beating.

Number of people to be resolved: 8 people

Number of people solved: 0 people

Cheng Jin-Woo's eyes widened.

'Take out Huang Dongshi and they can complete the mission?'

Suddenly, a light flashed in front of him.

The ball of light in Zhao Xiaohui's hand flew towards Cheng Xiaoyu.

bang bang —

Seong Jin-Woo was knocked to the wall by the explosion.


The falling rubble covered Cheng Jin-Woo's body.



Liu Chenhao hurriedly ran towards Cheng Xiaoyu, but Huang Dongshi stopped him by shouting, "Liu Chenhao!"

Liu Chenhao was startled and stopped.

"Forget about the dying man."

Huang Dongshi hooked his fingers.

Liu Chenhao turned to look at Cheng Xiaoyu.

As Hwang Dong-seok said, Seong Jin-Woo under the gravel did not move.

"You...you...you murderers!"

Liu Chenhao's eyes were red with anger.

Hearing Liu Chenhao calling them murderers, Huang Dongshi and his party still laughed happily.

That's right.

So far, many people have died in their own hands.

While they were still laughing at Liu Chenhao, Cheng Xiaoyu fell into the pile of stones and began to doubt his eyes.

In the looming task window, the content is changing.

【Urgent mission: destroy the enemy!】

Surrounding pairs &*@#&*@## exist.

Please eliminate all these people to ensure your own safety.

If the task is not completed, #%^%@S#%#*#S%^S

Number of people to be resolved: 8 people

The number of people who have been solved: 0 people

A few words gradually became blurred.Then new words appeared.

【Urgent mission: destroy the enemy!】

There are people around who threaten your life.

Please eliminate all these people to ensure your own safety.

If the task is not completed, your heart will stop beating.

Number of people to be resolved: 8 people

The number of people who have been solved: 0 people

Outright threat.

If the task is not completed, the heart will stop beating.

'If you don't want to die, take the initiative?'

Although it was a bit scary, Cheng Jin-Woo only panicked for a moment.

Cheng Jin-Woo immediately calmed down.

It's unbelievable, but it's also true.

Every day after these strange things happened, one thing has been bothering him.

What if these strange events suddenly ended?

If all this happened by accident, it might suddenly disappear one day.

This uneasiness has been lingering in my heart.

But this sense of unease dissipated with this urgent mission.

This is no accident, nor is it a gift.

If it is a gift, it will only help oneself to tide over the difficulties, not the punishment of taking one's own life.

A system has a purpose.

It's not about making Seong Jin-Woo stronger, but 'a stronger Seong Jin-Woo'.

"Depending on the actual situation, you can also kill other hunters without hesitation..."

The task of the system contains this layer of meaning.

Cheng Jin-Woo was relieved.

'fortunately. '

Fortunately, none of this is accidental.

Fortunately the system has a purpose of its own.

Every time he goes through a crisis, Cheng Jin-Woo wants to become stronger.He never wanted to live a trembling life like walking on the edge of a cliff.

On that day, an opportunity presented itself to Cheng Jin-Woo.

The purpose of the system and Cheng Jin-Woo's purpose are the same.

'The system uses me, and I will use the system. '

That's enough.

Since there is a purpose, the system will not disappear without complaint.

Seong Jin-Woo stood up from the pile of stones.

【Physical Strength: 1360/2600】

As expected of the magic of a C-rank hunter.

After only one blow, his physical strength was reduced by half.

Can't waste any more time.

A stern look flashed in Cheng Jin-Woo's eyes.

Cheng Jin-Woo raised his foot and walked towards Hwang Dong-seok.


Huang Dongshi and his group who surrounded Liu Chenhao also found Cheng Xiaoyu.

"Aren't you dead yet?"

"Didn't Brother Xiaohui never miss a hand?"

"What's wrong with you, he's just an E-rank?"

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