Enemies with super strength and technology will stand in front of human beings at the expense of themselves.


After blocking the weapons of the two kings carrying powerful magic power, the robed man pushed them away at once with strength.

The two kings were abruptly pushed into the distance.

The two kings, who thought it would be difficult to make a decision like this, began to think.

The man in front of him seemed to have no other purpose other than guarding the vessel of the Shadow King. After all, he didn't chase after him, but just guarded at his original position.

"...Who the hell are you guys?"

Although the cold king was surprised, the man remained silent.

At this time, the beast king beside him gradually changed from the werewolf form back to the human form without saying a word.

It retracted the sharp fangs protruding from the mouth, and the long and sharp nails returned to the appearance of ordinary people.

Then it said cautiously.

"I quit."

The Bitter Cold King suddenly became angry, and immediately stopped it, which was about to turn around and leave.

"It has come to this, and you actually want to go back!? Are you out of your mind?"

"Can't you feel it?"

The beast king raised his head.

The level of the beast king's senses is different from that of the ice king.

And with its keen senses, it has already noticed the changing airflow around it, and its body even wants to tremble involuntarily.

"The surrounding magic power is starting to whirr, and the Shadow King is coming soon."

The Beast King looked towards the sky, and after a few seconds, he turned his gaze to the Brutal Cold King again.

"I'm quitting."

"Didn't you make an appointment with me to kill the Shadow King with me!"

Blue veins popped out on the neck of the furious King of Cold.

But the Beast King countered it with aplomb.

"My agreement is only valid when he is in a human state. But the guy who is here now is a real guy, and I have no obligation to abide by this agreement."

"Then, are you, the so-called king of beasts, going to run away with your tail curled up?"

Upon hearing this, the furious beast king immediately grabbed the cold king's neck tightly.

"That's because you haven't been able to compete with the true power of the Shadow King, so you can't understand me, Cold King!"

The Beast King had seen it firsthand.

His own legion, the legion led by King Baiyan, plus the legions of the rulers, etc., met the real power of the shadow king who survived the six legions.

Does self-respect even matter when that monster is coming?

It's okay to be accused of hiding behind the Dragon King.

As long as you can survive, is there anything you can't do?

Wang Baiyan, who abandoned the like-minded demons in the past, escaped from the battlefield is his answer.

It's the same this time.

It didn't exist that it would rather risk confronting the real Shadow Lord head-on than destroy his vessel.

The king of beasts is the king of beasts with a source of power under his vigorous vitality.

The power of death that devours life force is more frightening and trembling to it than anything else.

Now there is no time for it to entangle and argue.

It can feel the fear of death approaching here all the time.

So, the beast king lowered the ice king's neck, and quickly opened its personal portal.

"Good luck."

After the final greeting, it quickly disappeared into the portal.

Glaring angrily at the teleportation port, which gradually shrank in size until it finally disappeared, the King of Brutal Cold clicked his tongue.

"The stupid fellow."

How can a cowardly boy who runs away while looking at the prey he is about to catch be called the most powerful hunter in the world?

The Cold King is still the same as the original idea.

No matter what happens, it must kill the Shadow King.

Now the prey has been forced to the edge of the cliff, even if there is an obstacle there, it will not change anything.

It doesn't even need the hand of a coward.

After reaching the conclusion, the King of Extreme Cold immediately transformed his body into a spirit body.

Because it is not the world to which I belong, maintaining a spiritual body requires a lot of physical energy.

But so what?

Now is the time to fight quickly to see the end before the Shadow King comes to the world.

"Taste the horror of the bitter cold! O tiny human!"

The Frost King became a terrible ice storm that blanketed the region.

The snowstorm has started!

The cold king who had become a living storm looked down at the robed man and let out a thunderous shout.

"This is my true strength!"

The tens of thousands of ice guns formed by the condensation of magic crystals in the atmosphere gradually became like a blizzard.

Each ice spear contains the power enough to kill on the spot, this is the terrible attack launched by the cold king with all his strength.

Cars on the road were swept away like toys, and buildings were blown to pieces by the bitter wind.

But the man in the long robe didn't leave even a single step, and also tried his best to guard Cheng Jin-Woo behind him.

Facing the endless ice gun blizzard, the man began to be scarred.

And the King of Severe Cold did not let go of the reins of attack at all.


Unknowingly, the snow had reached the height of the knees, and ice people made of magic power emerged one after another.

There are thousands of them!


The ice men who had received the king's instructions rushed towards the man in unison.

The man stood up and resisted, cutting down the icemen who rushed from all directions one after another.

But in the blink of an eye.


The man whose shoulder was stabbed by the ice spear shook.


At this time, the icemen were still rushing forward in a dense mass.

The man tried hard to exert strength on his legs, clenching his teeth.

He persevered persistently, and after a while, the King of Severe Cold also joined in the attack.

The Severe Cold King turned into a crystal of cold air, and it emitted white smoke all over its body, and it walked over from the smoke.

"Get out of the way!"

Under its loud sound, the ice people quickly scattered like bugs.

The severe cold king standing in front of the man opened his mouth wide, and the biting cold air spit out from his mouth began to condense.

The air froze for it.

The exposed jaw of the man under the robe also began to gather white frost.

It's dangerous to go on like this.

Men know it too.

However, if he avoided it, it would directly hit Cheng Jin-Woo who is now unconscious.

In the face of the terrifying murderous aura of the Severe Cold King, the man showed no sign of retreating.

The cold king's face became even more distorted.

It's just a mere human being who borrowed the power of a superior being, how dare to make that kind of presumptuous face in front of this overwhelming power!

Immediately, cold air burst out from the mouth of the angry King of Brutal Cold.


Men can only cross their arms in an X shape to resist the cold.

And his arm, which had to face the air-conditioning, was quickly frozen to the point of being unable to move.

For a man who has become irresistible, the successive attacks are really quite cold-blooded.

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Whenever the Severe Cold King whipped over, the man's upper body would shake.

But the man still didn't take a step back.

There was blood dripping from his body under his feet, but he still persisted.

"How dare a mere human!"

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