"Because the guild is different from the team organized by individuals, once the mobilization order is issued, the guild needs to abide by it unconditionally."

That's right, when you think about the double dungeon carefully, after the accident, the White Tiger Guild and the staff of the association went to the scene to investigate.

While enjoying special treatment, guilds also have to fulfill certain obligations.

So Seong Jin-Woo had an idea.

If I had known it earlier, I would have joined the guild before disposing of these magic crystals. '

But he quickly dismissed his thoughts.

If you enter the trade union, it means you have to attack A-level or B-level dungeons.Of course, the magic spar that comes out there is incomparable to the C-level magic spar.

But Cheng Jin-Woo was at the time when he needed money urgently.

Even if you can pay less taxes, you can't join a guild casually. '

"I see, I'll sell."

This is how more than 100 million came.

Just like what Xiao Ya said, something good has indeed happened.Fried chicken and beer is all about celebrating.

"I'm starting."

As soon as Cheng Xiaoya reached out to those cans of beer, her forehead was flicked hard.



"You drink this!"

Cheng Jin-Woo handed Xiao Ya a can of Coke.

"Hey... I'm just kidding..."

Regardless of Xiao Ya's flushed forehead, Cheng Jin-Woo opened a can of beer with a snap.

at this time.


Cheng Jin-Woo has been very sensitive to mechanical beeps recently.

'Why is there a system message suddenly?'

[Hazardous substances were found. 】

[Activate Buff: Detoxification for treatment. 】

【3,2,1.... Detoxification completed. 】

'Successfully detoxified harmful ingredients? Are you referring to alcohol?'

Cheng Jin-Woo drank the remaining beer in the can, and opened a new can.


[Hazardous substances were found. 】

[Activate Buff: Detoxification' for treatment. 】

【3,2,1...Detoxification completed. 】

Sure enough, the same message appeared again.

Cheng Jin-Woo drank two cans of beer in the blink of an eye, but he didn't feel drunk at all.

Regardless of whether he is Buf or something else, the effect is obvious.

'what happened?'

Cheng Jin-Woo was very confused.

He has not seen a hunter with buff so far.Because hunters with this special ability usually belong to a large guild.

Cheng Jin-Woo, who belonged to the association, had no chance to meet these hunters.

'Even if a hunter throws me this Buqian without my knowledge, the system will notify me immediately. '

In this case, there are only two possibilities left.

One is that he accepted this BUF when he was unconscious, and the second possibility is that the system has its own BUF.

Cheng Jin-Woo is more inclined towards the latter.

"Brother, what's the matter? Did you eat too fast? Why don't you slow down."

Seeing Cheng Jin-Woo's expression became serious, Xiao Ah asked worriedly.

'I suddenly remembered a more urgent thing, you eat first. '

Cheng Jin-Woo walked into his room.

Then I started to think carefully about whether I missed something important.

'what. '

A certain memory fragment emerged in my mind.

'Every mission has a reward.Even punishment tasks.But only that task has no reward. '

Cheng Jin-Woo hastily opened the mailbox.

At that time, I didn't figure out what the system and rewards were, so I just skipped it.But that task was indeed accomplished at that time.

Cheng Jin-Woo's heartbeat started to speed up.

Cheng Jin-Woo turned to the first message.

【Congratulations on becoming a 'player'】(Confirmed)

Cheng Jin-Woo said with trembling voice,



[This system will support the growth of players. 】

[If you do not complete the instructions of this system, you will be punished. 】

[The initial reward has arrived. 】


Rewards are mentioned.

When I heard that voice for the first time, the system said,

[Hidden Mission: You already have the conditions to complete the mission The Courage of the Weak. ]

Hidden quests are also quests.

But he hasn't confirmed the reward yet.

Because at that time I still felt that these things were deceiving.

[If you do not complete the instructions of this system, you will be punished. 】

[The initial reward has arrived. 】

【Confirm the reward?】




[Hidden Mission: Courage Reward for the Weak. 】

Blessing of Grand Wizard Candiaru.

Impressed by your courage, the great wizard Candiaruin specially prepared a special gift for you.With the blessing of Candiaru, you can live a healthy and uncompromising life.

Short-term effects 'Will to Heal: Damaged body parts will heal.

Long-term effects 'Health and longevity: negotiable against diseases, toxins, and other abnormal conditions, and the ability to regenerate during sleep will increase significantly.

Only then did Cheng Jin-Woo understand the cause and effect.

'That's why the broken leg... '

The broken leg can be restored to its original state because of the rewards of the system.

And now you won't get drunk if you drink.

'Wait a minute, what if I was immune to all poisons?'

Cheng Jin-Woo's eyes widened instantly.

Could that also be...?

Cheng Jin-Woo quickly took out the item from his backpack.

[Item: Kasaka's Venom Gland]

Difficulty of obtaining: A

Type: Secret Medicine

The pocket contains the purified Kasaka's venom.The probability of obtaining this item is extremely low.After drinking the venom, you can get a firm skin, but it will cause permanent damage to the muscles.

Effect "Kasaka's Iron Scale": Reduce physical damage by 20%.

Side Effect "Muscle Damage": Strength -35

'In this case, can I also use the buff to be immune to this poison?'

There is only one way to know the answer.

Cheng Jin-Woo closed his eyes tightly, and drank all the liquid in the bag.


Viscous liquid flowed down the throat.

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