Just as Wu Zhenzhe, who was trying to cast aside his thoughts and clenched his teeth, was about to leave, a staff member hurriedly stopped him.


Wu Zhenzhe turned his gaze back.

It can be seen that the line of sight is not toward the side of the staff, but toward the side of the large screen.

On the screen, the host of the emergency host sent a quick report.

"Now our TV station's camera is connected to the scene!"

As if shooting from somewhere on a high-rise building, the camera captured the appearance of a scene far away.

And that's enough.

The employees all left their posts and ran to the front of the screen.

Driven by some force, the blizzard covering the scene is gradually dissipating.

The excited Wu Zhenzhe had already pushed aside the staff and squeezed into the front.

As soon as the fog cleared, their figures at the scene were clearly visible.


No, four and one.

One of the men standing in front of the ant soldiers had a face that Wu Zhenzhe knew well.

"...Seong Jin-Woo Hunter!"

Looking at the picture, Wu Zhenzhe couldn't help shouting out.

After seeing Cheng Jin-Woo surrounded by shattered snow-white iceman remains, the staff members also cheered.

"Whoa one"

"It's saved! It's saved now!"

Cheng Jin-Woo, who was lying on the ground and thought he was gone, was not only upright now, but also seemed to put the enemy at a disadvantage.

How can this make people hold back their excitement.

Wu Zhenzhe's eyes were filled with tears.

Standing in front of Seong Jin-Woo, the only monster that looked like an enemy, I don't know if it was because of fear, it seemed to be nailed in place and couldn't move.

Although I don't know what happened in the storm just now, but the situation is definitely a 180-degree change from the previous one.

Even if no one told him, Wu Zhenzhe could feel that the eyes of the whole world were focused on the TV screen.

How will Hunter Seong Jin-Woo crush that monster?

Oh Jin-cheol locked onto Cheng Jin-Woo's eyes full of anticipation.

But Cheng Jin-Woo gradually disappeared into the picture.


Cheng Jin-Woo seemed to have confessed something to the monster, and after he finished speaking, he gradually penetrated into the ground.

"what happened......?"

The expressions of the employees who had hugged and cheered together also froze.

After a while, Cheng Jin-Woo's figure completely disappeared from the scene.

Even the cameraman panicked, he moved the camera around looking for Seong Jin-Woo, but he didn't even see a hair of Seong Jin-Woo.


Wu Zhenzhe, who couldn't hide his inner confusion, drooped the corners of his mouth.

A heavy silence once again flowed in the president's room of the association.


Even after returning to the jungle where he was hiding, the Beast King couldn't help his teeth chattering.

The breath of death that tightened its neck.

The Beast King regrets not getting out of there sooner because of his spat with the Cold King for nothing.

When it came time to hunt the Basil, the earth was just a place full of weak prey.

At that time, the kings escaped from the boring interdimensional gap, and every king who found a new hunting ground was immersed in a sense of liberation.

But never expected that the Shadow King came to the earth with bad intentions.

It's not necessarily true if it's a human being acting under the guise of the Shadow King, but if it's the real Shadow King...

Definitely don't want to fight him.

To stop him, he must wait for the King of Destruction who is stronger than him.

"Since it has become like this, until the Dragon King arrives, I can only hide here quietly..."

The King of Beasts lay securely in his couch of leaves and twigs.

Then, the beasts of the world, known as Warcraft, gathered around it one by one, bowing their heads to it.

These beasts of mighty magic are its bodyguards.

Wang Ke stretched out his palm lightly, and the ferocious beasts smiled and moved their faces towards it like pets.

The Beast King lay comfortably and stroked the beasts, but after a few seconds, he noticed something strange.

It stopped moving.


The furs of the ferocious beasts stood up one by one.

Animals have a sixth sense that tells them something is wrong.

The strange sensation along the back of his neck made his skin crawl instantly.

The ferocious beasts in front of them fixed their eyes, and no matter how they looked, they could see that their subordinates were quite nervous.

The eyes of the silent beast king narrowed into a line.

Because... a few steps away from the distant tree trunk, the shadow that shouldn't be shaking is shaking.

this moment.

The Beast King felt the smell of death that began to seep into his place, and couldn't help but let out a sound of despair.

"Could it be...?"

Chapter 220 Three Blood Debts

The Beast King's eyes widened.

From the swaying shadows, something was slowly rising.

'Is it human...?'

No, the Shadow King?

It cannot guess the real identity of the other party.

But relying on the breath of the other party conveyed from the five senses, it thought of that person for no reason.

The breath of the other party was exactly the same as that of the man who pushed himself back to the edge of the cliff a long time ago.

No matter what the other party's true identity is, it can feel that the other party has perfect power.

'Did you chase me here?'

In the fear of death that penetrated into the marrow of the bone, the beast king trembled all over.

Just when Cheng Jin-Woo's figure completely appeared on the ground.

Hulululu one

In order to protect its master, one of the beasts threatened Seong Jin-Woo with grinning teeth and quickly jumped out.

Unlike ordinary cats, it is a magical beast with three red eyes.

In the chaotic world, the degree of danger is also one of the few guys.


The monster opened its big mouth, and dozens of sharp teeth inside shone sharply towards Cheng Jin-Woo.

But Cheng Jin-Woo just looked indifferently at the monster that was about to rush towards him.

The magical power of the monster in front of him is not inferior to that of the boss of the S-level dungeon.

If it was in the past, Cheng Jin-Woo would definitely adjust his posture and get ready to meet him, but...

For him now, it does not constitute any threat.

Just when Cheng Jin-Woo was thinking about how to deal with it, the sound from not far away brought him back to his senses


The monster that lost its head fell limply.

The prisoner is none other than the Beast King.

After jumping up instantly and crushing the monster's head, the beast king pulled out the fist embedded in the ground.

'Why put your own soldiers...?'

Cheng Xiaoyu's eyes were very surprised, and he saw that the beast king lowered his posture and bowed his head secretly.

Then, a trembling sound came from its lips facing the floor.

"Shadow King, those monsters have no intention of fighting the king. Please forgive my brutality and take me as your own army."

The instinct of the beast drives it.

If it is an opponent who cannot win or escape, then kowtow and admit your mistake.

The beast king with animal habits abandons decency and self-respect, and is only true to his own instincts.

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