At this time.

The familiar aura from nearby made Cheng Rihan get up immediately, and he tried to use his still moving right arm to pull up the hood to cover his face.

Then, someone stood in front of Cheng Rihan.

Even if he didn't look at that person's face, Cheng Rihan could know who was standing in front of him.

'my son......'

Cheng Rihan suppressed the thoughts that were about to come out, and with his hood tightly covered, he quickly brushed past Cheng Xiaoyu.

"Do you think that after leaving like this, I don't know who you are?"

For a moment, Cheng Rihan was stunned.

Cheng Jin Woo's words sonorously and powerfully shook Cheng Rihan.

'How can it be.…..?'

Seeing Cheng Rihan turned around slowly, Cheng Xiaoyu lightly threw an object in his direction, and the object fell accurately in front of Cheng Rihan's eyes.


What Cheng Jin-Woo gave him back was a dagger.

His own dagger that fell to the ground due to his left hand that gradually faded away on the battlefield.

Cheng Rihan, who was looking at the dagger, slowly raised his head and met Cheng Jinyu's complaining gaze.

Seong Jin-Woo still has those daggers in his memory.

He has the memory of being scolded by his father when he was found playing with his father's dagger when he was young.

Only then did Cheng Jin-Woo understand.

It is clear that the Shadow King is sweeping the battlefield with a long sword, but why his own weapon is designed to be short-built.

the reason is simple.

It's a memory of my father.

Affected by these memory fragments, the dungeons of the system will always provide Cheng Jin-Woo with daggers and other weapons.

Thinking of this, Cheng Jin-Woo's deep voice continued.

"Are you going to leave without saying a word, Dad?"


Cheng Rihan took off his hood because of the words that drilled into his heart.

To his son who was taken aback by seeing his situation, Cheng Rihan showed a faint smile.

Now even the remaining right hand is slowly turning to ashes.

"I... don't want to show you what I look like now."

Cheng Jin-Woo knew that the body that had exhausted its vitality and turned into ashes could not be recovered no matter what.

Cheng Xiaoyu hurriedly approached, but Cheng Rihan raised his right hand to stop him.

Cheng Rihan's left hand had already been scattered on the dust, and now only his empty shoulder remained.

Cheng Jin-Woo, who was hesitant, could only stop in place.

"What about dad?"


"Dad doesn't want to see me?"

Maybe it's not to the point where I can't even move my right hand.Under Cheng Jin-Woo's words, the arm that wanted to prevent Cheng Jin-Woo from approaching "whoosh" quickly slipped down.

He said that as he got closer.

"I've been... missing you so much..."

Even if you can't see me, just being able to look at you from a distance is enough to make me feel happy.

Cheng Rihan gently stroked his son's face with his remaining hand.

The back of his hand was wet with tears dripping from his son's eyes.

Although my father has never done anything for you, you...

"You've grown up nicely..."

"Is it the Dominator? Did those guys abandon you after taking advantage of Dad?"

There was terrible anger hidden in Seong Jin-Woo's voice.

But Cheng Rihan shook his head.

"They just gave me a choice. I chose to protect you, and there's nothing wrong with that choice."

As soon as the words fell, even the right hand that had just been withdrawn turned into falling ashes.

"I wanted to talk to you more."

I want to stay with you longer.

I'm such a rotten person.

Turned into a rotten man who would erase a father from a child's heart twice.

Cheng Rihan, who had been trying to hold back, also shed tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Sorry... for not being a good father..."

End with that sentence.


He still wanted to embrace his father's shattering body, but all that was left in his hands was the gray powder that remained when the spirit body disappeared.


After contending with the kings, Cheng Rihan, who had exhausted all his strength, was finally reduced to ashes.

In the position where Cheng Rihan was standing, there was nothing left.

Cheng Jin-Woo couldn't restrain his inner emotions any longer and screamed up to the sky.

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah!"

The magic in the atmosphere vibrated for him.

The sky, the air, and the ground began to rustle.

After a while, Cheng Jin-Woo's deep voice like kings came out.

"Listen, kings!"

If it's all because the kings hide out on Earth...

I will make you pay.

I will definitely do that.

The sound formed by the condensed magic power spread throughout the world along with the atmosphere.

"I will make you pay for what happened today!"

The Shadow King's angry roar shook the heavens and the earth.

"Have you heard, kings!"

That day.

A human with infinite power secretly decides where to use his power.

This is the moment when the real prelude to the war was drawn.

Chapter 220 Unity

Should it be luck?

What Cheng Jin-Woo echoed in the air was not a human language, so most people thought it was the sound of thunder from the sky.

Although the world has different opinions about hearing the same voice, this level of confusion is not a big problem.

For Cheng Xiaoyu's victory, the world cheered for him and felt at ease for himself.

The same is true in the field.

A little farther away from the area where the battle took place, the anxious hunters cheered loudly after hearing the news that the monster had been eliminated.

Cui Zhongyin and Bai Luhao, who run the two top guilds in the country, also breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at each other and laughed.

"President Bai, I saw that your complexion was not good just now, is it a little better now?"

"Chairman Cui should wipe the sweat off his forehead before talking."

"I have a heart-protecting pill here, is your heart still beating wildly?"

"Oh, why are you sweating so much? I have a handkerchief, you can use it first."

The usual sensitive psychological warfare between the leaders of the No. 2 and No. [-] guilds in the country. was also because the situation was over that the two of them were able to jokingly go back and forth like this. Until just now, they were still so nervous that they couldn't even swallow their saliva.

That's right.

The opponents are monsters who treat Thomas and Andre, the state-level hunters, as toys.

Not only his own life, if confronted, even the lives of the entire guild members may become dangerous.

Not only the two leaders were present, but even ordinary hunters were summoned urgently, which was enough to see the critical situation.

If Seong Jin-Woo's hunter fails, then he will die too.

The two, freed from the heavy pressure, expressed their joy in a 'psychological warfare' joke.

Bai Luhao's eyes that smiled and talked with Cui Zhongyin fixed in the direction of Cui Zhongyin's shoulder.


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