It hit the ground hard.

Bang Bang!

The attack dented the ground like a meteorite falling from the sky.

And Bo Leon slowly landed on the ground.

If it were an ordinary person, they would have been shattered into pieces after receiving this blow.

But in the middle of the sunken ground, Bell, who withstood the attack, quickly stood up and returned the attack.

Bearing the impact that would have been shattered into pieces if it were an ordinary enemy, Bell quickly got up to fight back.

call out!

Berleon hit Bell's fingertip upside down, and stabbed directly at Bell's head like that.


Then the fighting started again.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bell's attack only temporarily thwarted Burrion's balance.

bang bang!

But there was deadly force in Burrion's attack.

click, click!

As if it was about to shatter, Bell's exoskeleton began to crack.


Ke Bell still desperately resisted, not giving up the game at all.

Berleon plucked away Bell, who was about to bite off its shoulder, and strangled Bell's neck tightly.


Bell couldn't move, so he had to twist his whole body. At this time, for the final blow, Berleon concentrated his magic power on the other arm again.

The sinister magic power, which was enough to shatter the dragon's head with one blow, immediately distorted the surrounding atmosphere.


Berleon's fist slammed into Bell's face.

Yet it was caught.

Seong Jin-Woo, who didn't want to see Bell's head blown away, held Berleon's fist.

"So far."

Realizing that the person who prevented him from attacking again was Cheng Jin-Woo, Berleon quickly drew his arm.


Berleon panicked and hurriedly knelt down, lowering his head quickly.

'......Thanks for your hard work. '

After applauding Berleon who showed his strength unreservedly with his eyes, Cheng Jin-Woo walked over to Bell who fell on the ground.

"Quack, quack, king, I, quack! Can I..."


Cheng Jin-Woo lowered his head and looked at Bell who was still struggling with regret.

"Bell, why are you so obsessed with the position of commander-in-chief?"

"Ga, I want to be the commander-in-chief, by the side of the monarch, always together..."

Grieving and bruised, Bell couldn't even organize his words.

Seeing Bell being so loyal, Cheng Jin-Woo scratched his head helplessly.

"The commander-in-chief is standing on the right, so it's fine if you stand on the left."


Bell's eyes widened.

Only then did it know that it didn't have to be the commander-in-chief to stand with the monarch.

For a moment, emotions of gratitude surged up, and Bell immediately remembered the words that those ministers said to the Lord on TV with the monarch's mother.

"Holy Grace..."

"do not."

Seong Jin-Woo stood up and let out a tearful Bell. He sighed in a low voice.

At this time, a soldier also came over.

It was Yegrit who silently listened to the conversation between Cheng Jin-Woo and Bell.

"Master, please give me a chance to challenge"

"You just stand behind me."

As if seeing through Yegrit, Cheng Jin-Woo quickly interrupted his cautiousness.


Under the wise eyes of the lord, Jagrit could no longer speak.


"Really... the Shadow King eventually became an enemy, right?"

The dragon emperor in human form calmly listened to the report from the king from the present world.

In the darkness, only the voices of the kings continued quietly.

"Understood, I'll deal with that guy. Don't act rashly, you have to prevent more losses."

After fully understanding the situation, the Dragon Emperor severed contact with the kings.

The sound quickly died away.

Dimensional Gap.

This empty world with nothing in it easily submerged the Dragon Emperor.

Ordered to destroy the existence of all things, the king of destruction created from the darkness.

For it and its army, this space where nothing can be destroyed is no different from hell.

So it does its best to get out of here.

And finally, the day when you can taste the fruits is not far away.

The Dragon Emperor then turned around.

It gave orders to the boundless darkness.

"Soldiers, start preparing for war."

Immediately afterwards, dozens of ancient dragons, hundreds of dragons, and tens of thousands of dragon clans shrouded in darkness shouted in unison.


Chapter 220 IX

late at night.

Cheng Jin-Woo climbed to the high hillside and sat down comfortably.

Under the bright moonlight, the woods are clearly visible.

The shadow soldiers who were allowed free time can be seen doing what they want to do.

Among them, the gigantic fangs and dragons are particularly eye-catching.

The dragons were talking with Fang Fang with a serious expression. I don't know what opinions they exchanged with each other, but the biggest dragon among them came out.

'What are those guys... trying to do?'

In the next second, the shadow soldiers gathered around the four big men ran away in unison.

The atmosphere is rather unusual.

And the questions were quickly answered.

Seeing the giant dragon spraying sparks into the sky, seeing the thickness of the sparks, Fang Fang couldn't help but smile.

Then, Fang took a step forward.

Oh no no no no no no!

A huge pillar of fire spewed from Fangfang's mouth surged upwards, and the pillar of fire illuminated the dark night sky.

All the giant orcs whistled and cheered, and the dragon's shoulders drooped.

The dragon turned around as if admitting defeat.

It seemed as if they were betting on which side had the stronger firepower.


'Is it a foul to bet while holding the Pearl of Greed? '

I don't know if it's because of a guilty conscience, just when Fang Fang secretly stuffed the Pearl of Greed he was holding into his bosom, he happened to meet Cheng Jin-Woo's eyes.

Fang scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly at his master.

Cheng Jin-Woo smiled cheekily at Fang Fang, and then waved his hand indifferently.

Facing the master's tolerance, the fangs opened his mouth and bowed repeatedly in the direction of the master.

A peaceful sight.

But Cheng Jin-Woo's heart is not as peaceful as the expression on his face.

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