A tiny sigh.

David Brennan, the director of the Hunter Management Bureau who chose to go to country H due to the president's entanglement, was wiping the cold sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

He looked around at the countless people sitting around him.

'...A lot of people gathered. '

Presidents, officers, guild leaders, and the president of the Hunter Association.

Of all the people gathered in this auditorium, David knew most of their faces.

All of them are well-known figures who can be known just by their names.

Seeing the vague sense of anxiety on their faces, David wiped off the sweat on his chin again.

'No matter who it is, they are in a state of imminent fire. '

Although everyone seemed to be sitting quietly, everyone knew in their hearts that everyone present was stomping their feet in anxiety.

Because this is the case myself.

'This time the portal will also end smoothly-'

It would be great if Hunter Seong Jin-Woo could stand in front of them and tell them this.

If this sentence can be reported to the higher authorities intact, then the president who has been asking himself the bottom line will not pursue it anymore.

This is a good opportunity to save face from a setback.

But...if you hear the completely opposite news...

David felt his heart skip a beat again.

He swallowed his saliva in the tension that could not go away, and checked the time again and again.

The watch on the wrist accurately pointed to 55:[-].

5 minutes until publication time.

Tick, tick.

Listening to today's exceptionally loud second hand sound, David raised his extremely stiff head.


at the same time.

After inspecting the shadow army one by one, Cheng Xiaoyu asked Bo Lian.

"What happens to the legion whose king is gone?"

"The captains of the armies will lead the soldiers instead of the king."

The giant army that had been taken away by the rulers was also led by its commander instead of the king.

Cheng Jin-Woo nodded.

There are eight portals that appear.

If the army commander can command the army, then the army who lost their master can also generate portals, and the eight portals would also make sense.

Then Cheng Jin-Woo suddenly had a question.

"Then, if I die, will the Shadow Legion be entrusted to you, the commander-in-chief?"

Berleon shook his head.

"Our lives are with the king. If the king closes his eyes, then we will return to nothingness."

The lives of soldiers are tied to their masters, and their lives will not end easily.

The loyalty of soldiers who act only for their masters regardless of their own lives is indeed the strong point of the Shadow Legion.

But on the other hand, it also means that if something happens to the master, at that moment, the shadow army will be finished.

Strengths and weaknesses are like the front and back of a coin.

Sometimes strengths can become weaknesses, and weaknesses can become strengths.

Enemies will cling to this and won't let go.

If so, can this also be used?


Cheng Jin-Woo fell into deep thought, his eyes sparkled a little.

Just then, another voice came from the side.

'Lord. '

It's Jagrit.

"In an all-out war, there is no chance of winning."

Deep and powerful bass.

Although he had communicated with Yegrit for a while, Cheng Jin-Woo still didn't get used to his voice.

Such a sound actually came from the light and dexterous armor.

Before the Shadow King revived it, it commanded hundreds of knights and was known as the best knight in the world, so it is not impossible to understand the energy contained in its voice.


'What's going on with this disobedience...'

I don't know if he knew about Cheng Jin-Woo's difficulties, Yegrit confided his worries to him softly.

"You are different from the previous kings who stopped strengthening the army because they were suspicious of the struggle with the ruler in the past, and the rest of the kings are also constantly rectifying and increasing soldiers."

"How big is the difference in troop strength?"

"Although the specific value is not sure, it should be more than a hundred times."

This time it was Bollion who answered.

Only Bell, who knew nothing about the size of the other armies, quietly listened to the conversation between the master and the other two army commanders.

Cheng Jin-Woo's face stiffened.

Doesn't this mean that the enemy has at least 100 million soldiers?

"Hundred times..."

Repeatedly chewing on the depth brought by this number, Cheng Jin-Woo said in a low voice.

"I don't have the idea of ​​fighting an all-out war."

Seong Jin-Woo is the shadow army.

Drive the shadow soldiers and make all soldiers unite as one.

He didn't intend to give up this characteristic of himself, and he didn't intend to fight on his own foolishly.

In Cheng Jin-Woo's mind, it was like drawing a picture to outline the future battle.

After a brief silence.

buzz buzz buzz

The phone in his pocket vibrated.

After taking out his mobile phone, Cheng Jin-Woo quickly connected without looking at it.

Before Cheng Jin-Woo had time to say hello, a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

- "Hunter Cheng Jin-Woo, I'm Oh Jin-cheol."

"President, hello."

"According to what you said, representatives from various countries have already gathered in the auditorium. Where are you, Hunter Cheng?"

Before answering, Seong Jin-Woo looked back quietly.

Extremely serious battle marks.

The extremely tragically cracked, sunken, and flattened vast land covered the entire field of vision, and the trees covered by the sea of ​​trees were evaporated without a trace.

This is a work created by simulated battles of the shadow army divided into three groups.

Under the terrible impact, the magically strengthened land was completely overthrown.

Some time ago, the Country R Hunter Association received an advance notice from Cheng Jin-Woo.

After the notification was completed, they used satellites to observe the changes in the restricted area.

And when they observed the huge collision of magic power, countless employees couldn't hide their astonishment.

What they witnessed was the true power that the Legion of Shadows wields.

Seong Jin-Woo also saw this power.

Through several collisions, he accurately grasped the combat effectiveness of the Shadow Legion.

The result is very satisfactory.

Cheng Jin-Woo turned his eyes, which were looking at the mess behind him, to the front.

The hundreds of thousands of troops waiting for the order from the lord were kneeling in front of Cheng Jin-Woo, standing still and waiting for orders.

Seeing that Cheng Xiaoyu on the other end of the phone didn't respond for a long time, Wu Zhenzhe called him cautiously.

"...Seong Jin-Woo Hunter?"

Then, Cheng Jin-Woo raised the corners of his mouth upwards.

He responded naturally.

"Well, I just arrived."


"You say you've arrived? When..."

Earlier, Wu Zhenzhe had explained to the staff that when Cheng Xiaoyu came to the association, he had to report to himself immediately.

But the staff hasn't come yet.

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