
It was the guy's spell that blocked all communication.

Now Fang not only became a real shadow soldier, but also got the bonus of "Greedy Orb", and his spells at the general level have already been greatly improved.


After looking at the monarch he once served, Fang blushed embarrassedly, but even so, it still did not stop the spell in its hand.

As if stimulated by the sharp-toothed smile, the King of Warcraft, a powerful king, ignited raging anger.

"How dare you guys!"

No... This is definitely not a strategy that those shadow soldiers can come up with.

This is not the usual style of the Shadow Legion.

This, this is...

'Man's way of fighting. '

The current Shadow Lord, who was once human, is changing the tide of battle.

'This man...doesn't he have the pride of being a king!'

The strong king was very angry.

All the muscles on its body swelled up, and blue veins appeared on the surface of the muscles that seemed to be bursting.

The strong king roared.

"You are not worthy to be a monarch!"

It jumped in front of Fang, but was quickly blocked by Bell.

Bang Dang-!

Bell firmly controlled the strong king's hands, and spoke in the language of monsters.

"Take back... what you just said. The crime of insulting my king is not something you can bear."

However, the strong king roared loudly while struggling hard.

"A mere soldier dares to stand in front of the king!"

Followed by.

Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!

Accompanied by a roar that seemed to penetrate the eardrum, Bell's body quickly doubled in size.


Dragon Emperor saw it with his own eyes.

At the moment he hesitated, countless dead soldiers were turned into shadow soldiers by the Shadow King.

The eyes of the Dragon Emperor who came out of the teleportation port were filled with anger.

In the direction of its gaze, Cheng Jin-Woo was beheading the Hunshi army like a storm.


for sure.

Gotta kill that guy!

The dragon emperor has not yet shown its original shape, it maintains the human form and spits out the breath of destruction from its mouth.



Cheng Jin-Woo, who was ecstatically beheading the soldiers of the mixed world, did not let go of this short moment.

'It's him!'

Cheng Xiaoyu's figure suddenly disappeared before his eyes, and at the same time, those mixed-world soldiers and shadow soldiers who were near Cheng Xiaoyu also disappeared in the Dragon Emperor's breath of destruction.

Wow ah ah ah-!

After Cheng Jin-Woo jumped up, he landed not far away.

The Dragon Emperor who stopped attacking was staring at him.

Ancient dragons and dragon races poured out from the countless portals behind the Dragon Emperor.

The King of Light Dragon One Destroys Kings.

The Legion of Destruction led by the Dragon Emperor.

Just to catch the Shadow King, all members of the legion that could destroy the world in one day were dispatched.

And standing at the forefront of them is none other than the king of the kings who manage the kings, the Dragon Emperor.


Feeling the unfathomable and powerful power of the Dragon Emperor, Cheng Jin-Woo couldn't help swallowing.

At the same time, the shadow soldiers who were engaged in a desperate battle with the soldiers of the mixed world also retreated under the order of Cheng Jin-Woo.

Just like Dragon Emperor's army stood behind Dragon Emperor, the shadow soldiers also stood behind Cheng Jin-Woo.

Dragon Emperor laughed.

"Are those humble soldiers your entire strength?"

Thousands of soldiers were temporarily summoned after killing the enemy.

And standing on the opposite side is the nearly tens of millions of soldiers and hundreds of ancient dragons... and the most threatening Dragon Emperor.

Cheng Jin-Woo is also well aware of the gap between the two parties.

' That's why I chose this method. '


Cheng Jinyu gave an order, and the shadow soldiers gathered in one place attacked again.

Dragon Emperor was a little puzzled.

'You want to fight head-on after seeing my soldiers?'

How crazy!

The shadow soldiers rushed towards the Dragon Emperor and the Legion of Destruction.

In order to fight back, the ancient dragons spit out raging flames towards the shadow soldiers.


Surprisingly, the shadow soldiers surrounded by the flames did not regenerate, but all disappeared.

So, the Dragon Emperor soon understood.

These soldiers are just buying time.

'Where's that guy...?'

Dragon Emperor expanded the range of perception.

The Shadow King is using his shadow to escape elsewhere.

Seeing the clumsy trick of the Shadow King, the Dragon Emperor laughed.

Maybe he just wanted to keep reducing the number of soldiers from the mixed world in this way, but...he ignored a key problem.

That is, I will go after him.

Dragon Emperor created a portal where Seong Jin-Woo disappeared and moved over.

Just when he just walked out of the portal


13 elite shadow soldiers surrounded themselves in the center.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Jin-Woo, who was waiting for Dragon Emperor, spoke softly.

"...…stand up."

At that moment, all the western troops that had been wiped out before Cheng Jin-Woo's transfer turned into shadow soldiers.

The Dragon Emperor looked at the nearly 20 shadow soldiers in front of him and asked.

"Is that what you intend?"

Lead the enemy to the battlefield in your favor.

For the Shadow Legion, which is at a disadvantage in the war, this may be an indispensable means for them to defeat themselves.

The Dragon Emperor's expression was full of sarcasm.

"It's ridiculous."

at last.

Finally know the intention of the Shadow King.

Although he lost the entire Western Legion in the process, but if he can capture the Shadow King at this price...

'It doesn't matter if you lose half your soldiers. '

Fear is a product of ignorance.

And it is obvious that the opponent is now at the end of his rope.

"Shadow King."

Dragon Emperor smiled and looked at Cheng Jin-Woo.

"Maybe you think I'm the only one chasing after you..."

But you are wrong.

Standing behind the Dragon Emperor is the king who is best at magic in the chaotic world.

The King of Illusion has long been prepared.

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