I roared and rushed towards the enemies running towards me.


"The moment when I fought under the command of the lord is my most glorious moment.


The war is over, and we returned to the world where the Lord lived.


I shared the same vision with the master who was studying late at night, and then I said to the master.

"My lord, the answer to the fourteenth question is not the first but the second."

"Ah, is it? Thanks."

The Lord, who was expelled from middle school because of a long absence from school, is throwing himself into a war called the University Entrance Examination.

Although each mock exam is close to full marks, there will also be questions that are not missed.

Who should assist the Lord at this time?

The well-developed legion commander Berleon?

Or the head of the legion, Bell, who is smart but just an insect?

Sure enough.

It is best for me, who graduated from the knight school with excellent grades in the human age, to assist the Lord.

"But the answer to question fourteen...was the first? You bet it's the second, Jagrit?"

Facing the Lord's question, as a knight, I bravely admitted my mistake.

"My practice is not enough. I will continue to work hard for the Lord."


I am the Lord's knight.

It is the sword of the lord.

The Lord's battlefield is my battlefield.

Now that the lord has committed himself to a new battle, my hour of glory will continue.

Chapter 240 Nine [Fanwai 6] What is your daily life? (1)

Wu Zhenzhe would feel a sense of loss from time to time.

He always felt as if he had forgotten something important.

But no matter how I think about it, I can't think of what I have forgotten.

It's just that the more you think about it, the stronger the emptiness in your heart will become.

"Senior, what are you thinking about, so serious?"

The youngest handed him a cup of hot coffee that he had just bought from a vending machine.

As if answering him "it's nothing", Wu Zhenzhe shrugged and took the coffee.


The aroma of coffee entered the nostrils, and the feeling of emptiness seemed to calm down a little.

Wu Zhenzhe, a criminal police officer of the Serious Case Team of the Criminal Division of the Search Department, has four years of work experience.

My mind is not that fragile, but suddenly this feeling of emptiness has been bothering me since three years ago.

When talking about this feeling with others, they all say that it is because they have not yet married when they are old.

Wu Zhenzhe smiled bitterly, and soon, a cup of coffee quickly drained.

'...That's right. '

Doesn't it mean that you won't feel sad when you are busy?

Since ancient times, the only thing that can relieve boredom is work.

As soon as he walked into the office of the serious crime team, the backs of the teenagers sitting in a row came into Wu Zhenzhe's eyes.

Wu Zhenzhe squeezed the paper cup flat with one hand, pointed at the group of teenagers with his chin and asked.

"What happened to them?"

"Ah...they? That..."

The young criminal policeman seemed a little hard to speak, Wu Zhenzhe quickly walked in front of the group of teenagers.

as predicted.

The three teenagers had pale faces as if they saw something they shouldn't see, and the three couldn't stop trembling.

Looking at their faces, Wu Zhenzhe couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Is it a shadow monster again..."


There are not a few people who surrender to the police station because of guilt or fear of being caught.


It must be unique that someone who turns himself in is scared into begging the police to put him in jail.

And this has happened repeatedly in recent months.

"Shadow, shadow... Shadow talked to me after he got out of the ground. Said that if I don't turn myself in within 24 hours, I will regret coming to this world. Police, uncle police, I did wrong! Please put I'm going to jail!"

They all said the same thing.

Because this kind of thing happened too frequently, the superior instructed that the truth must be found out.

Wu Zhenzhe said loudly.

"So you all saw the shadow monster?"

"Yes, it is!"

Looking at the column of "narrative of surrender", Wu Zhenzhe, who was filling out the investigation report based on their surrender, sighed.

'How should this be reported?'

The thought of reporting unbelievable things like shadow monsters and 24-hour curses gives me a headache.

at this time.

Wu Zhenzhe felt that someone was patting him on the shoulder, and turned his head to see that it was his senior.

"Zhenzhe, let the old man write the investigation report, you come with me to the meeting room first."

'meeting room?'

Recently, due to the shadow monster incident, there have been fewer crimes.

But this time a meeting was held suddenly?

'What's the matter...'

The senior ignored Wu Zhenzhe's surprised eyes, turned around and walked into the conference room.

Wu Zhenzhe also stood up from his chair in doubt.

"Leave it to me here, senior."

"Thanks for your hard work."

After encouraging the youngest who took care of all chores, Wu Zhenzhe followed the detectives into the conference room.

"What? Are you going to put the surrendered person back?"

"Hey, keep your voice down. You'll hear it from outside."

Wu Zhenzhe asked again in disbelief.

"You want to put back all the people who surrendered themselves. What does this mean?"

"Not to put them back, but to let them go and let them see what happens in 24 hours."

After hearing the opinions of the senior criminal police, the criminal police at the same level said with a bitter face.

"Senior, those guys are definitely talking nonsense after taking too much medicine. Maybe the monster or something is a new side effect this time."

"But the results of the drug test are all normal? I even made a trip to the Scientific Research Institute to confirm the results."

"That is......"

"Even if it's the side effects of the medicine, can the medicine really make three people who have no connection with each other say they saw the same monster and decide to surrender?"


The detective at the same level closed his mouth.

The meeting of the detectives is still going on.

"The superior's instructions have been issued for a long time, but we still don't have any clues. Otherwise, is there another way? Even if we use this method, we still need to get some clues."

Immediately afterwards, the detectives who initially expressed their disapproval also nodded.

If all were seeing the same vision, the clue might be in their "nonsense".

"So it is necessary to create conditions for the realization of their nonsense."

Wu Zhenzhe, who remained silent, asked a question.

"What if something happens to them?"



The detectives who were discussing things kept looking at Wu Zhenzhe.


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