"I forgot to tell you that there is a welcome party for new students today. You and Yingji probably have no plans for today, right?"

Cheng Jin-Woo looked at Young-ji, and Young-ji nodded.


"See you after school then."

The seniors who finished speaking were about to leave the classroom, but Cheng Jin-Woo stopped them.

"Senior, where are you going to take those guys under your armpits?"

"Haha, are they?"

Cui Taixiong and Zheng Jiuzhi exchanged glances.

"Yeah, what should I do?"

"Should they run around the field?"

"Good one!"

Not long after the seniors went out, the resounding slogan of "dominate the country" resounded through the entire corridor.


Ding dong ding dong, ding dong ding dong.

The get out of class bell rang.

After the bell rang several times, Cheng Jin-Woo walked out of the school gate together with the members of the track and field team.

With the help of Cheng Jin-Woo, Yingji has gradually adapted to the training of the track and field team, and now it seems that he can start to experience the fun of sweating.

In this way, Youngji listened carefully to the various advices from the seniors, while Cheng Jin-Woo took a step behind and listened to their chat.

As usual, very peaceful.

Zheng Jiuzhi, who was walking in front, suddenly turned around.

He asked Seong Jin-Woo.

"By the way, Xiao Yu, what's going on with those guys today? Do you want me to educate them again, senior?"

Cheng Jin-Woo replied indifferently.

"it's okay."

"You think I'm doing it for you? I'm afraid you won't be able to compete because of them. That way we won't be able to dominate the country!"

Cheng Jin-Woo laughed out loud.

"I'm going to avoid that from happening."

At this moment, a person suddenly walked out from the rear school gate, he called Cheng Jin-Woo.

"Hunter Cheng Jin-Woo."

For an instant, time seemed to stand still.

Cheng Jin-Woo stopped in his tracks all of a sudden, and he turned around slowly.


Oh Jin Chul has been waiting for Cheng Jin Woo.

"Why would you...?"

Cheng Jin-Woo's voice trembled a little.

Hearing Cheng Jin-Woo's tone, Wu Zhenzhe, who was convinced, could no longer hold back his red eyes.

"Sure enough... it's you."

Chapter 250 [Special episode 11] What is your daily routine? (6)

"Can you give me a picture of that monster as a souvenir?"

a few hours ago.

In order to commemorate the reunion with Oh Jin-cheol, Cheng Xiao-Woo asked Oh Jin-cheol to keep his portrait of Bell as a souvenir.

'It's also because she looks too much like Bell...that's why I stayed...'

Though someone in the shadows doesn't think so.

'My lord! Please stop polluting your eyes with that crude graffiti!'

Bell kept howling secretly that he was not painted like that portrait.

In front of Cheng Jin-Woo, Oh Jin-cheol looked at the picture he drew again as if he wanted to rearrange his thoughts.


With a "hiss", Wu Zhenzhe tore off the painting cleanly.

Then, he handed the painting to Cheng Jin-Woo.

"for you."

"Thank you."

Cheng Jin-Woo took the painting happily.

When handing the painting to Cheng Jin-Woo, Oh Jin-cheol accidentally touched Cheng Jin-Woo's finger.

It was clearly a movement that was too small to be noticed.

But all kinds of century-ending historical events stem from such insignificant incidents.

After turning around, Wu Zhenzhe quickly walked down the stairs.

'Like a fool. '

At this time, he regretted it very much.

The youngest is also looking forward to what clues he can get, but the current self still can't say anything.

Getting such a result made Wu Zhenzhe feel ashamed, and the emotion of regret rushed to him like a tide.

Whenever I feel like this, the stairs feel very long.

Suddenly, Wu Zhenzhe, who was complaining while going downstairs, stopped in place.


Suddenly a person's voice rang in the ear.

"President, do you trust me?"


Wu Zhenzhe was startled, and hurriedly looked around.

But whether it's above or below, there's no one around... there is no one.

The stairwell during class time was extremely quiet.

Wu Zhenzhe felt a little puzzled.

He walked down a few more steps, and the sound echoed in his ears again.

"Yes, I believe."

This time it was my own voice.

'What, what?'

If you are a timid person, you will definitely be intimidated to the ground by now and shout for help.

But Wu Zhenzhe looked around calmly, and then took out the manual and ballpoint pen from his arms very seriously.

'Suddenly the auditory hallucinations began.Maybe the emptiness I feel in my heart and the monsters I see are symptoms of something wrong with my brain?"

After a brief recording, Wu Zhenzhe drew a question mark with a ballpoint pen.

Wu Zhenzhe, who began to feel strange, put the manual in his pocket, and then accelerated the speed of going down the stairs.

He walked out of the teaching building quickly.

But at this moment, auditory hallucinations sounded again in Wu Zhenzhe's mind.

"In that case, I hope you can believe what I'm going to show you now."


Wu Zhenzhe clenched his teeth and covered his ears.

Voices and words that had never been heard ran rampant in his mind, and extreme chaos rushed towards Wu Zhenzhe like a tsunami.

"What, what!"

Among those voices, one voice line was particularly obvious.

"Hunter Cheng Jin-Woo."


- "So we... no, how can I help you?"


"Seong Jin-Woo Hunter!"

Names flooding my mind...Seong Jin-Woo Hunter...

'Cheng Jin-Woo's words...isn't that the student from just now?'

It has also been previously reported that people with mental illness often experience hallucinations of hearing those around them speaking to them.

In other words... is something like that happening to me right now?

Wu Zhenzhe swayed his body and stepped forward, but he had a headache and frowned.

But... no matter how complicated the things in his mind are, whenever he thinks of the five words "Sung Jin-Woo Hunter", the hole in his heart seems to be filled little by little.

Wu Zhenzhe sat slumped on a bench in the park, murmuring the name that kept popping up in his mind over and over again.

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