I opened my eyes angrily, and the sharp eyes seemed to tear the other party into pieces.


The leader of the Yegrid army met my eyes.

"I love you, Legion Commander."

"I've always been grateful for your loyalty, too."

"Uh...but...what do you want me for?"

I sat up, and the commander of Yegrit pointed to the sky and said.

"It will start soon. Shouldn't the soldiers above the general rank who serve beside the lord should cheer for the lord?"

"Oh My God!"

I suddenly realized that I threw away the quilt and hurriedly looked towards the sky.

The entire sky seems to be like a huge movie screen, above which is the Lord's vision at this moment.

"My lord! Are you finally going to see Miss Huiyi!"

"That's right!"


I, who was able to witness this historic moment, cheered loudly, and the shadow soldiers who supported the Lord also stretched out their arms in the air.

Everyone cheered.


When the Lord's heart beats, our hearts beat with it.

I also raised my hands vigorously and cheered with the soldiers.

"Wow ah ah!"

My heart is beating too.

Chapter 250 Seven [Fanwai 14] I reached full level alone

My name is Antares.

He is the "first king" born in darkness, and also the strongest king.

I rule over the dragon family, symbolizing terror and destruction.

That's right.

People who know me will call me "Dragon Emperor" with full respect.

Every day, I prepare for the invasion of the earth with the soldiers in the dimensional gap.

However, one day suddenly.

When I opened my eyes, I actually entered a human body.


And for some reason, I still have all the memories of this human being.

I came to look in front of the mirror placed in the room and sighed deeply.

'What? Does this look weak as hell?'

Ha, what a shame.

His name is Cheng Jin-Woo.

He is an E-level hunter from country H.

Because the ability is too weak, this human being often falls into the crisis of facing death, but he still has not given up the job of hunter.

'The reason...is the mother's illness?'

This disease can be cured in one stroke with my magic...

Thoughts were suddenly interrupted.


It's the phone ringing.

There is a small electronic device on the table that is constantly shaking. Although it has not been used, I reckon it has been successfully connected.

Immediately afterwards, a very anxious voice came from the other end.

"Cheng Hunter, what's wrong with you? The time has come, but you haven't come..."

After searching in the memory of this human being, I found out that the other party is an employee of the Hunter Association.

'snort. '

Just as I was about to follow my instinct to hang up the phone, I was very concerned by the woman's voice afterwards.

"Are you going to be late again?"


be late.

It means that there is no way to arrive on time and violate the agreed time.

In other words, this woman is asking me if the all-knowing and all-powerful "Dragon Emperor" is going to do such an incompetent act.

I am very angry because this is absolutely impossible.

"Where are you?"

"Where else can it be? Everyone is waiting in front of the portal now. But why did Hunter Cheng start talking casually?"

To concentrate.

In order to find out where this wanton woman is now.

I expanded the range of perception to the entire city, and quickly found her position.

"found it."

"What? What did you find..."


Calculated in human distance units, it is roughly eleven kilometers, which is not very far away.

If you run with all your strength, you should reach where they are in a few seconds.

As soon as the phone was hung up, I came to the staff of the association who had just taken the phone from his ear.

"Am I late?"

"Cheng, Cheng Hunter?"

The employee seemed to have finally seen my boundless power, and took a few steps back in fear.

In order not to let her continue to retreat, I grabbed her shoulders.

As if to correct her, I asked again.

"Am I late?"

"No, no."

"very good."

After letting her go with satisfaction, I turned my gaze to the surroundings, only to find that there are many hunters around.

Compared with their inconspicuous faces, the fragrance emanating from the paper cups in their hands attracted me.

"Coffee... I want coffee too."

As soon as I finished speaking, I looked at the female staff member, and then she looked pale and lowered her head deeply towards me.

"No, I'm very sorry, Hunter Cheng...the coffee is out..."



Before she even looked up, I had grabbed the coffee from the guy who was standing closest to me.

Gulp, gulp.

After drinking the sweet liquid in one gulp, I couldn't help frowning.

"What, what are you doing?"

Maybe it's because my face is smelly? I was taken aback by the guy who snatched the coffee cup, and ran away in a hurry.

"Ha ha!"

The weak eat the strong.

For our king, this is common sense in common sense.

And this common sense seems to apply to humans as well, so I am very happy.

"Is Xiao Cheng a little strange?"

"Today's eyes are a little..."

"No, I've always felt that he was a bit spooky from the beginning."

The hunters whispered behind my back, but these inferior human thoughts were not worthy of my attention, so I ignored them all.

"Okay, since everyone is here, let's start."

Just as other hunters were warming up for the team battle, I stared at the portal in front of me.


that place.

Very strange.

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