It is a very absurd dream of becoming a dragon emperor.

No, did the Dragon Emperor become himself?

'Wait a moment......'

Cheng Jin-Woo hurriedly took out his mobile phone to confirm the time, after confirming, he let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there is still some time before the exam begins.

'Thinking about it this way...the war with the Dragon Emperor has already passed for four years. '

Time goes by and today is the exam day.

Being able to dream such absurd dreams shows that I am still a little nervous.


Cheng Jin-Woo couldn't help laughing, and then stood up.

Today is the day to prove the hard work of that time and reap the fruits.

I have already decided on the university I want to go to.

And that person.

The one who must meet will also get into that university.

'Chen Hao, fortunately you are not so good at studying. '

Liu Chenhao.

Cheng Jin-Woo repeated the name in his heart, and then came to the window.

He opened the curtains, only to see that the morning mist outside the window was slowly dissipating.

'Just go and wait. '

He feels the sunshine coming in through the window, and looks forward to the reunion with his old friends.

When he was lost in thought, the sound of footsteps outside the door woke him up.

The door was opened not long after.

"Son, do you know that today is the exam day?"

"Son, do you want Dad to take you there?"

Looking at the parents who didn't sleep well all night for fear that their son would oversleep and miss the exam, Cheng Jin-Woo nodded with a smile.

"Let's go now."

'Master, let's go. '

For some reason, Yegrit also seemed a little nervous.

With Yegrit and its encouragement, Cheng Jin-Woo went to the examination room in a good mood.

Ah, what a happy morning.

Chapter 250 Eight [Fanwai 15] I will see you now (1)

Country M, the official residence of the White House.

Many important people have gathered in the white building where the president of country M works and lives.


These bigwigs sitting on the chairs in the conference room seemed to be very nervous.

Among them, there is a person with a particularly serious expression.

The president of country M has a sombre face, constantly thinking about whether his judgment is right or wrong.

'A crack suddenly appeared in the endless sky, and some unknown things ran out of the crack. '

Unprecedented state of affairs.

Can you really explain this matter to the citizens in a few words?

No, the more important thing before that you really deal with the "I don't know what it is" properly?

The next second, Chester Herison, who was in charge of the command at the scene, opened the door and walked in. The president, who was anxiously waiting for the person in charge, stood up and greeted him.

"Herrison, what's the matter?"

The last report from the scene.

The event is over.Report again.The event is over.

In that report there was no sequence of events, that is to say, he did not describe the cause and effect.

Because of this, everyone in the conference room, including the president, is waiting here anxiously like now.

After greeting the president briefly, Chester walked to the front of the conference room.

"I think that rather than listening to me, everyone might as well take a look at the video installed here, it should be faster."

In his hand is a small USB.

The president was very curious about what was inside, so he nodded quickly.

Not only the president, but everyone in the conference room focused their attention on the general who seemed to have a very tragic expression.

After the general set up the USB, the video immediately appeared on the huge curtain hanging on the wall of the conference room.

"This is what drones and robots are seeing now."

After the brief explanation, Chester Harrison who was standing in front of the curtain swallowed nervously.

'Do these people here... really believe the things in the video?'

He really couldn't come up with an answer.

Because even I, who had watched it several times, didn't know how to accept this fact.

But the important thing is that this thing really happened.

And this is the evidence.

Therefore, as the person in charge of this incident, Chester is obliged to disclose this video.

Things started when cracks started to form in the sky.

"Cough cough..."


The space seemed to be shattered, and when the giants came out of the gap, there were bursts of exclamations in the conference room.

If these monster life forms hadn't been reported in advance, those current meeting rooms should be a Shura field.

But even more frightening things are yet to come.

There was actually a person standing alone in front of those rock giants who just looking at them was enough to make people suffocate.

'In terms of size...a young man?'

'Is it Oriental?'

The excited Minister of Defense asked while pointing at the video.

"Herrison! That man! Who is that man? Where have all the soldiers gone, and why is an ordinary man standing there?"

That's right.

This image is not what everyone expected.

It is not the record of the elite army of country M defeating those monsters, but the image of a man whose name is not even clear.

When tens of thousands of black soldiers suddenly appeared behind the young man in the picture, General Chester Herrison said tremblingly.

"...I would also like to know why."


"Think I'm alone?"

As soon as the words fell, thousands of shadow soldiers appeared behind Cheng Jin-Woo.

There were no more than a few hundred rock giants emerging from the rift.

Tens of millions against hundreds.

Under normal circumstances, it is certain that the side with tens of millions of troops will win an overwhelming victory.

But the problem now is... Each of these hundreds of rock giants has the power of a superior being.

Bang bang bang bang.

Facing this long-lost battle, Cheng Jin-Woo's heart beat violently.

Seong Jin-Woo sent a signal to Fang, who was commanding the magic soldiers.

'Are you ready?'

'All is well, my lord. '

The magic soldiers, headed by Fang, are concentrating their strength one by one, struggling to maintain the spell that can minimize the damage caused by this battle.

The world without any magic power is too fragile now, so he can only resort to this expedient measure.

However, those uninvited guests also came here to eat the rocks here, so they should not use powerful magic.

This battle will inevitably turn into a hand-to-hand combat between the enemy and our army.

A duel of strength and power.

'very good. '

Fortunately, I don't hate this kind of battle.

Cheng Jin-Woo hooked the corner of his mouth.

A rock giant who obviously misunderstood Seong Jin-Woo's smile angrily shook his fist at him.


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