An Haomin is hesitating.

Not only the metropolitan area has teleportation.

If there is really no way, you can also take the newcomers to other regions for training.

But this approach may upset guilds and public teams in local areas.

Not only that.

It will also be underestimated by the Famous City Guild in the south of the lake and the Knights Guild in Yingnan.

You can't be branded as a stupid guild that 'your own new hunter can't train on your own chassis'.

' can't call it a stigma, can you?'

This is indeed true.

After all, what rookie would want to join a guild that was ridiculed by other guilds?

So the image of the guild is very important.

"it is good."

After a long time of thinking, An Haomin made a proper decision.

"Sell us the license. Three C-level dungeons are just right for us. How much does it all add up to?"

The White Tiger Guild is rich.

But compared with Liu Chen Jianjian's funds, Baihu is not good, especially because he is afraid of breaking up with Xiao Yu, and there is no tough confrontation.

So it's better for us than Jin-Woo handing over the portal himself, isn't it?

But the price is not so friendly.

"One teleportation port is worth a million, and all of them add up to 600 million."


An Haomin and He Qizhe cried out in surprise at the same time.

"That's too..."

Seeing that He Qizhe was about to refute, An Haomin hurriedly stopped him.

Last time too.

As soon as Xiao Yu heard that the price was not ideal, he rejected him straight away.

On the other hand, this is a good opportunity.

It will take a long time to reserve a C-level portal after losing this opportunity. The worst thing is that if this is the case, you will have to take a group of new hunters to other regions for training.

'Negotiate once before making a decision. '

An Haomin didn't want to give up just yet.

But in any case, 2 yuan for a teleportation port is too expensive.

Recently, the average price for Liu Chenhao's licensing rights is around 110 million.

Paying double is also ridiculous.

The other party should also understand this truth.

'He is planning to call a high price first and then compromise. '

At this moment, he suddenly remembered what Bai Luhao said before leaving the office.

"Whether it's 50 or 100, you must make an appointment for me to go to the portal, understand?"

This shows that the boss also allows it.

Everyone in the second management department heard it, and the boss couldn't say anything about what happened.

An Haomin swallowed, and proposed a compromise idea.

"One yuan is also difficult for us, why not just 120 million?"

"it is good."

Jin-Woo stretched out his hand before Ahn Ho-Min finished speaking.

An Haomin also subconsciously held the opponent's hand.

"Is this... that's all right?"

"Yes, 120 million for a C-level portal. Just transfer it to my account."

How do you feel that the matter was resolved so smoothly, but for An Haomin, it was a lucky thing.

An Haomin shook the hand he was holding, and then bowed.

"Thank you."


Jin-Woo followed suit with a smile.

In this way, An Haomin also heaved a sigh of relief.Now the new hunter training problem has been solved, and the relationship with Jin-Woo has also improved a bit.

'Transactions are inherently based on integrity. '


That's how you slowly develop a good relationship.

One day he will be found.

No spitting in the face of someone who is smiling, and no one refusing a gift.

An Haomin clenched his fists in his heart.

Jin Woo and An Haomin got up from his seat.

"Then we will see you next time. By the way, there is this."

Jin-Woo returned the shopping bag containing the water cup to the original owner.

"Thank you, it's quite delicious."

"As long as it suits your taste."

He Qizhe took the shopping bag with a blushing face.

Then Jin-Woo left the coffee shop.

Xiao Yu, who was quite far away from An Haomin and He Qizhe, called Liu Chenhao.

After a pleasant ringtone, it was Liu Chenhao's excited voice.

"Brother, I'm calling. Is it really 360 million?"


Jin-Woo just smiled in relief.

The transaction was a success.

Sell ​​the license rights that were almost wasted in vain at multiple prices.

received huge benefits.

"Brother, how did you do it? Who did you sell the C-level portal to?" Liu Chenhao asked in amazement.

"Trade secrets."


"Take a good rest and see you the day after tomorrow."

Before Liu Chenhao was confused, Xiao Yu had calmly hung up the phone.


That evening.

Office of the Second Management Section.

He Qizhe hurriedly found An Haomin.

"Section Chief! Section Chief!"

"What's wrong?"

An Haomin looked away at He Qizhe.

"Look at this!" He Qizhe hurriedly pointed to the screen of the phone.

"what is this?"

An Haomin, who was staring at the phone screen, narrowed his eyes into a line.

'this is...…?'

The official website of the Hunter Association that only hunters can use.

Tell the hunter the location of the portal where the report was received, and the trading place where the license to raid is sold in real time.

"This is? How many C-level portals are left in our area?"

"Yes. And the prices are all under five hundred."

""Could it be..."

An Haomin sensed something was wrong.

"Liu Chenhao's team has no appointment today."

At this moment, I suddenly remembered what Jin-Woo said yesterday.

"I have time on Thursday."

Tomorrow is Thursday.

Liu Chenhao's team didn't plan to make an appointment for tomorrow's portal from the beginning.

Even that didn't know how to buy the license at an expensive price.

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