For the first time, he systematically showed his feelings.

But there is no time to be surprised.

The moment the countdown reached 0, portals began to appear everywhere.



Not one or two.

Six of them popped up near Jin-Woo in an instant.Even the number is increasing rapidly.

At the same time, the countdown begins to count down in the opposite direction.

[00: 00: 02]

The timer starts counting again.

Time is the number of upgrade points.

Although I couldn't understand all the content, I roughly understood what the system said.

'As long as you persist, you will become stronger. '

No, to be precise, you can get a relatively powerful job.Don't let this opportunity go to waste.

Both HP and MP are more than enough.

'Try to hold on. '

[00: 00: 03]

Three seconds later, a group of unarmed knights came out from the nearby portal.

Step, step, step, step-

The knights fully armed with armor formed silver waves, and the ground even trembled.

It's normal to be suppressed by such courage, but Xiao-Woo smiled.

'If it's these guys, they can deal with them in their current state. '

I want to thank the other party.

If someone as vicious as Yegrit came out from there, I wouldn't be able to hold on for a second.

'First use invisibility to get out of sight of these guys. '

Jin-Woo used his remaining mana to use invisibility.

woo woo woo

Jin-Woo's form began to blur.

As expected, the knights running towards Jin-Woo stopped.

but at this time a

[The magician uses the skill: Investigating Eye'. 】

A 'jingle bell' sounded.

Jin-Woo turned his head in the direction of the voice.


A magician coming out of the portal is chanting a spell.

Jin-Woo spotted the eye-like mark on the magician.

That eye-catching moment!

Jin-Woo's invisibility was unlocked.


It was calculated wrong at the beginning.



The knights who were standing blankly like telegraph poles turned towards Jin-Woo at the same time.

Like a scene from a horror movie.

Then came the silvery waves.

Jin-Woo widened his eyes and gritted his teeth.


He punched one of the galloping knights on the head.

The knight died instantly.

[The knight has been eliminated. 】

There was a cold light in Jin-Woo's eyes.

'murderous look!'

[Use 'skill: murderous'. 】

['Effect: Horror' has been activated. 】

[All the abilities of the opponent will be -1% within 50 minute. 】

Although many knights have become dull due to the terrifying effect, their mana is only [-]% left.

Murderous skills need to consume one hundred mana.

Can't use it twice.

’ But it took 1 minute like this. '

Within 1 minute of the monster's ability value decreasing, Jin-Woo started to beat up those knights.





Eliminating knights at a frightening speed.

Bang! Bang! Click!

But compared to the knights who were eliminated, there are more knights coming out of the portal.

step, step, step, step

During the desperate fight, Jin-Woo also checked the time.

[00: 03: 19]

Three minutes and 19 seconds.

How much would it be in points?

Can I go out now?

There was no energy left to keep looking at the watch.

At this time, the knights continued to come out of the portal.

Although he defeated countless knights, he really couldn't resist the numbers that kept coming out.

"Ah ah ah one!"

In the end Jin-Woo was buried by the knights.

['Skill: Perseverance' has been activated. 】

The ever-decreasing stamina value began to show its bottom.

【HP: 1,036/10,270】

'How much time has passed...?'

[00: 05: 08]

It's been long enough.

'... get out. '

Surrounded by the knights, Jin-Woo struggled to touch his back pocket.

But one


Crisply, it was the sound of the instant return stone slipping from the hand and falling to the ground.

The round return stone rolled away after being kicked by a knight.


Jin-Woo hastily stretched out his hand, but was stopped by the knights.

Immediately, the knights also began to attack from above.

Out of breath.

I can no longer breathe normally.

['Skill: Perseverance' has been activated. 】

['Skill: Perseverance' has been activated. 】

Consciousness gradually blurred.

Bang! Bang, Bang!

When he was knocked out by the knights, there was a mocking voice coming from somewhere.

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